Peter Doolittle: How your "working memory" makes sense of the world
Peter Doolittle: Çfarë kuptimi ka për botën " kujtesa e punës"
Peter Doolittle is striving to understand the processes of human learning. Full bio
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into our long-term memory
Unë e dua këtë biskotë,
on standardized tests,
mirë ne testime të standartizuara,
is play a little bit with some of that.
një lojë e vogël me kujtesën e punës.
working memory out for a ride.
I'm going to ask you to answer three questions.
unë do ju kërkoj t'i përgjigjeni tre pyetjeve.
just in case you were wondering.
ky është një testim neurologjik.
to the way we function, right?
to so many different ideas.
dhe të larmishme.
në një farë mënyre
working memory is awesome.
kujtesa e punës është e mrekullueshme.
rreth botës që na rrethon.
for allowing us to communicate.
sepse na lejon të komunikojmë.
të mendojmë në mënyrë kritike.
Rezonancës Magnetike të Imazhit, duket se janë katër,
unless we apply it to something,
derisa e aplikojmë atë diku,
nga një dhomë në tjetrën
to this one over here,
is how we negotiate that.
about a couple of strategies here,
të flasim pak këtu për strategjitë,
information target-rich environment
të pasur me informacion
do I agree with him?
nëse jemi dakord me atë?
Kemi nevojë ta praktikojmë.
and when you get home,
dhe kur të shkoni në shtëpi,
became a very negative thing.
në mënyrë të detajuar
new knowledge to prior knowledge.
informacionin e ri me atë të mëparshmin.
and it becomes more meaningful.
kështu që ai bëhet më kuptimplotë.
We are built for images.
Ne jemi të ndërtuar për imazhet.
Kjo është ajo që bëjmë.
everything that happens to us.
approximation of sophistication.
We have to support that.
me kalimin e kohës. Ne duhet ta mbështesim atë.
an organizational chart on it
Peter Doolittle - Educational psychology professorPeter Doolittle is striving to understand the processes of human learning.
Why you should listen
Peter Doolittle is a professor of educational psychology in the School of Education at Virginia Tech, where he is also the executive director of the Center for Instructional Development and Educational Research. He teaches classes such as Cognition and Instruction, Constructivism and Education, Multimedia Cognition and College Teaching, but his research mainly focuses on learning in multimedia environments and the role of "working memory."
Doolittle has taught educational psychology around the world. He is the executive editor of the International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education and the co-executive editor of the International Journal of ePortfolio.
Peter Doolittle | Speaker |