Michael Shermer: Why people believe weird things
Maikls Šērmers: Kāpēc cilvēki tic dīvainām lietām
Michael Shermer debunks myths, superstitions and urban legends -- and explains why we believe them. Along with publishing Skeptic Magazine, he's author of Why People Believe Weird Things and The Mind of the Market. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
director of the Skeptics Society,
Skeptics Society vadītājs,
and claims of all kinds between,
kā arī visādus citādus apgalvojumus,
and non-science and junk science,
pseidozinātnes, štruntīgas zinātnes,
bad science, non-science,
sliktas zinātnes, nezinātnes vārdā,
neesat pavadījuši uz Marsa,
which is kind of a negative term.
kam ir visai negatīva pieskaņa.
of the police departments out there --
apgāzēju komanda, kas to likvidē.
the Ralph Naders of bad ideas,
with good ideas.
by NBC Dateline to test.
Corporation of West Virginia.
Quadro Corporation.
administrators for $900 apiece.
pārdeva par 900 ASV dolāriem gabalā.
Shack antenna attached to it.
kam piestiprināta Radio Shack antena.
to dowse for marijuana
lai meklētu marihuānu
is you go down the hallway,
toward a particular locker,
so we'll do a controlled experiment.
tāpēc veiksim kontrolētu eksperimentu.
your pockets, please, sir?
neiztukšotu savas kabatas?
find marijuana in students' lockers?
skapīšos var atrast marihuānu?
if you open enough of them, yes.
pietiekami daudz skapīšu, jā.
of the misses, not just the hits.
ne tikai tad, kad izdodas.
to my short talk here:
īsās runas galvenā mācība.
tarot card readers and so on.
taro kāršu lasītāji un tā tālāk.
and forget the misses.
bet aizmirst kļūmes.
of hits somehow stands out
you'd expect by chance.
marijuana, and one with nothing.
THC marihuāna, un otrā nebija nekā.
with a coin-flip model.
no monētas mešanas modeļa.
here of the sorts of things we do.
ar ko mēs nodarbojamies.
Each one has a particular theme.
Katram numuram ir sava tēma.
because of the business I'm in,
man par to ir savs viedoklis.
are getting smarter.
as a thing, or science as a thing.
vai pat zinātni kā par lietu.
and plumbing compatible?
par zinātni un santehniku?
explanations for all phenomena.
visām parādībām.
or multi-dimensional beings
vai daudzdimensiju būtņu
of interstellar space
field in Puckerbrush, Kansas
labības laukā, Pakerbrašā, Kanzasā,
of "Skeptic" did this with Photoshop?
kāds no Skeptic lasītājiem?
is out of this world,
ka kaut kas nav no šīs pasaules,
that it's not in this world.
ka tā nav šajā pasaulē.
in his run for the governorship,
kandidējot uz senatora amatu?
makes stuff up?
savas ziņas vienkārši izdomā?
here in this Sidney Harris cartoon.
šajā Sidneja Herisa karikatūrā.
it says here: "Then a miracle occurs.
tur rakstīts: „Tad notiek brīnums.
explicit here in step two."
the intelligent design arguments.
visus apzinātās radīšanas argumentus.
anything or offer anything.
for intelligent design creationists.
ar apzinātās radīšanas kreacionistiem.
terms out as linguistic place fillers --
ar jēdzieniem kā aizpildītājvārdiem
something like that --
tumšā matērija, kas tamlīdzīgs —
we'll call it this.
kas tas ir, sauksim to šādi.
chain for science.
it's the end of the chain.
tās ir ķēdes beigas.
what's more likely?
cognitive mistakes, or even fakes?
uztveres kļūdas vai pat viltojumi?
in Altadena, California,
manās mājās Altadenā, Kalifornijā,
hubcap, it's because it is.
tas ir tāpēc, ka tas arī ir Buick disks.
or high-tech equipment,
nevajag modernu aprīkojumu,
Kodak Instamatic camera.
Kodak Instamatic fotoaparātu.
with a hubcap ready to go.
kurš gatavs pamest disku.
that most of these things are fake
ka vairums no tām ir viltojumi,
and that some of them are real,
bet dažas no tām ir īstas,
are fake, like the crop circles.
gluži kā riņķi labības laukā.
we're looking for a balance
mēs zinātnē meklējam līdzsvaru
he had two problems
viņam bija divas problēmas,
theory of planetary rings.
was grainy and fuzzy,
bija miglaini un neskaidri,
what he was looking at.
uz ko tieši skatās.
planet has three bodies."
ka vistālākajai planētai ir trīs ķermeņi.”
concluding that he saw.
rings and with only grainy data,
un tikai ar neskaidriem datiem
that catalogs all the mistakes
kurā uzskaitītas visas kļūdas,
what was going on with Saturn.
kas darās ar Saturnu.
and how the solar system operated,
un to, kā darbojas saules sistēma.
more fine-grain data
un precīzāki teleskopiskie dati,
as the Earth is going around faster --
ka Zeme, saskaņā ar Keplera likumiem,
than Saturn, then we catch up with it.
ka mēs to apdzenam.
at different angles, there.
it may be loaded with cognitive biases.
ka tā var būt pilna ar uztveres kļūdām.
why people believe weird things
kāpēc cilvēki tic dīvainām lietām, ir...
to get NASA to photograph that area
lai NASA nofotografētu šo apgabalu,
architecture made by Martians.
marsiešu arhitektūras piemineklis.
joprojām varat redzēt seju.
to coarse-grain,
atkal padarāt neskaidru,
the quality of your data.
you'd still see the face,
jūs joprojām saskatītu seju,
by evolution to see faces.
saskatīt sejas.
faces of all kinds are easy to see.
Viegli saskatīt visvisādas sejas.
perhaps they'd see Kermit the Frog.
varbūt viņi redzētu Vardi Kermitu.
kāds Tenisijas maiznieks.
to come see the nun bun
kurš gribēja redzēt mūķeņmaizīti,
from Mother Teresa's lawyer.
viņu iesūdzēja par prettiesisku rīcību.
Lady of Watsonville, just down the street,
un Vastonvilas lēdijas, tepat aiz stūra,
because it's nice and grainy, branchy,
jo tā ir jauki graudaina, žuburaina,
get the pattern-seeking --
un varat meklēt rakstus
of a glass window in Sao Paulo.
uz stikla loga Sanpaulu.
her appearance on a cheese sandwich --
parādījusies uz siermaizes,
pat dabūju paturēt rokā ,
hold in a Las Vegas casino --
on eBay for the cheese sandwich.
samaksāja 28 500 dolāru.
The Virgin Mary?
Jaunavas Marijas?
puckered lips, 1940s-era look.
1940. gadu stilā.
and crutches, and so on.
ar kruķiem, un tamlīdzīgi.
me and The Amazing Randi,
Dokinss, es un Apbrīnojamais Rendijs,
two and a half story-sized image.
stāvu lielajam attēlam.
people had lit in tribute to this.
ko cilvēki bija iedeguši to godinot.
to see what was going on.
lai redzētu, kas tur notiek.
a sprinkler head and a palm tree,
kur ir smidzinātājs un palma,
which they started to wipe off.
ko viņi sāka slaucīt nost.
one miracle per building.
var būt tikai viens brīnums.
or is it a miracle of Marge?
vai varbūt Mārdžas brīnums?
with another example of this,
with Michael Keaton,
ar Maiklu Kītonu
to the dead is not that big a deal.
ar mirušajiem nav nekas īpašs.
back that's the really hard part.
ka mirušie mums atbild.
are hidden in electronic phenomena.
ir apslēpti ziņojumi.
where I downloaded this stuff.
kur lejuplādēju šo te ierakstu.
of all of these.
of the very famous song.
pareizajā virzienā,
don't be alarmed now.
don't be alarmed now.
for the May Queen.
for the May Queen.
can go by, but in the long run,
can go by, but in the long run,
the road you're on
the road you're on
messages that are supposedly in there.
kam tur it kā būtu jābūt. (Mūzika)
Audience: Satan!
Publika: Sātans!
part of your brain
klausīšanās daļu,
to hear, and then hear it again.
un pēc tam noklausīsimies vēlreiz.
when I tell you what's there.
ja pasaku, kam tur jābūt.
with a positive, nice little story.
educational organization.
izglītības organizācija.
good things that people do.
labas lietas, ko dara cilvēki.
in England today, Katie Melua.
dziedātājām Anglijā ir Keitija Melua.
"Nine Million Bicycles in Beijing."
dziesmu sauc Nine Million Bicycles in Beijing.
viņa ir kā Apvienotās Karalistes Nora Džonsa —
of the Norah Jones of the UK --
bicycles, and so forth.
light-years from the edge
gaismas gadu no pasaules malas.
At least she got it close.
Vismaz viņa bija tuvu.
"We're 6,000 light years from the edge."
gaismas gadu no pasaules malas”.
physicist now turned science educator,
fiziķis, kas nu kļuvis par zinātnes izglītotāju,
"The Big Bang," and so on,
„Lielais sprādziens”, un tamlīdzīgi,
to promote good science.
veicināt labu zinātnes izpratni.
in "The Guardian" about Katie's song,
publicēja viedokli par Keitijas dziesmu,
how far from the edge.
cik tālu esam no pasaules malas.”
and it's not a guess.
un tas nav minējums.
error bars how close it is.
mēs zinām, cik tālu tā ir.
tā ir visai tuvu patiesībai.
true, it's pretty close to being true.
Keitija viņam piezvanīja
after this op-ed piece came out, and said,
I was in the astronomy club.
Es biju astronomijas kluba biedre
with well-defined error bars.
ar precīzi noteiktām kļūdas robežām.
Michael Shermer - SkepticMichael Shermer debunks myths, superstitions and urban legends -- and explains why we believe them. Along with publishing Skeptic Magazine, he's author of Why People Believe Weird Things and The Mind of the Market.
Why you should listen
As founder and publisher of Skeptic Magazine, Michael Shermer has exposed fallacies behind intelligent design, 9/11 conspiracies, the low-carb craze, alien sightings and other popular beliefs and paranoias. But it's not about debunking for debunking's sake. Shermer defends the notion that we can understand our world better only by matching good theory with good science.
Shermer's work offers cognitive context for our often misguided beliefs: In the absence of sound science, incomplete information can powerfully combine with the power of suggestion (helping us hear Satanic lyrics when "Stairway to Heaven" plays backwards, for example). In fact, a common thread that runs through beliefs of all sorts, he says, is our tendency to convince ourselves: We overvalue the shreds of evidence that support our preferred outcome, and ignore the facts we aren't looking for.
He writes a monthly column for Scientific American, and is an adjunct at Claremont Graduate University and Chapman University. His latest book is The Believing Brain: From Ghosts and Gods to Politics and Conspiracies—How We Construct Beliefs and Reinforce Them as Truths. He is also the author of The Mind of the Market, on evolutionary economics, Why Darwin Matters: Evolution and the Case Against Intelligent Design, and The Science of Good and Evil. And his next book is titled The Moral Arc of Science.
Michael Shermer | Speaker | TED.com