Ameera Harouda: Why I put myself in danger to tell the stories of Gaza
Ameera Harouda: Per què em poso en perill per explicar less històries de Gaza?
Ameera Harouda leads journalists to the harrowing (and often hidden) stories of the Gaza Strip that they couldn’t find on their own. Full bio
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of the walls of Gaza.
que estic fora dels murs de Gaza.
ser pilot, portar un avió,
to be a pilot, to fly a plane,
tocar el cel.
to touch the sky.
i no tenim aeroport.
there is no airport.
prisons in the world.
presons del món
is just to look up to the sky.
és mirar cap al cel.
if we have electricity
perquè tenim electricitat
on the front or on the roof of our homes.
devant les cases o als terrats.
for journalists who come to my homeland
per als periodistes que hi venen
about what's going on in Gaza.
del que passa a Gaza.
I had to go to the border area
he d'anar a la frontera
to the journalist,
cobrir una història
to cover a story
helping journalists,
tot ajudant els periodistes,
és la meva feina.
is my working life.
from building a relationship
a que construeixo una relació
i els equips de notícies,
and the news crews,
de la Franja de Gaza.
in the Gaza Strip.
their stories to be told,
que s'expliquin les seves històries.
as stories or numbers.
com a històries o nombres.
many relationships over 10 years.
moltes relaciones.
to get access to people,
de accedir a les persones,
I feel, as a woman, I have more power.
com a dona, tinc més poder.
de la meva societat,
sobre la drogadicció al meu país.
about drug addiction in my country.
when the Gaza tunnel was being built.
es construïa el túnel de Gaza.
els articles bàsics,
i altres coses que ens calien.
other stuff we needed.
flooded them up with water
perquè els egipcis els ha inundat
of the Palestinian society,
to enter the household.
entrin a les cases alienes.
aconsegueix l'història.
que rep de la societat.
he gets from the society.
els meus dos fills,
that's growing in here.
I call him every two hours,
el truco cada dues hores,
del periodista britànic Alan Johnston,
of the British journalist Alan Johnston,
em va demanar
amb els segrestadors, i ho vaig fer.
with the kidnappers in Gaza, and I did.
que cobria la història i a mi
de trobar-nos davant del seu hotel.
in a black van with black windows,
a un furgó amb finestres negres,
far away in the middle of a field.
al mig d'un camp.
segrestador en aquell camp.
with the kidnapper outside in that field.
de la història sobre Gaza es perdria.
about Gaza will be missing.
I could tell you about my country.
que us podria explicar del meu país.
the terrible situation we live in --
tot i la terrible situació en què vivim.
and amazing people full of energy.
i gent increïble plena d'energia.
and a great music school.
i una gran escola de música.
en els enderrocs de les seves cases.
who dance in the rubble of their homes.
in the Arab world
al món àrab
live in strong brotherhood.
viuen en una forta germanor.
és sortir de casa de bon matí,
is leaving the house early in the morning,
if I will make it back to them.
si hi tornaré.
is difficult and dangerous in Gaza.
és difícil i perillós.
or the sound of the bombing,
o les explosions de les bombes,
cal explicar-les.
and we heard the sound of the war,
i escoltàvem el so de la guerra,
that they were fireworks.
durant el temps de la guerra,
during war times,
dels nens petits.
of young children.
her name is Hala.
que es diu Hala.
and be here today with you.
i d'estar amb vosaltres avui.
stories, sad and happy,
històries, tristes i felices,
del món: Gaza.
of the world, Gaza.
dona negociadora que treballa a Gaza.
the first female fixer working in Gaza.
és que a Gaza em diuen Mr. Rambo.
they call me Mr. Rambo in Gaza.
les històries de les altres dones,
to tell the stories of all other women,
I know in my country.
que conec al meu país.
ajudar altres dones al meu país
I can help other women in my country
sento que ja no puc fer aquest treball,
I feel I can't do this work anymore,
repta el teu límit.
but challenge your limit.
et separin dels teus somnis".
in front of your dreams."
Ameera Harouda - FixerAmeera Harouda leads journalists to the harrowing (and often hidden) stories of the Gaza Strip that they couldn’t find on their own.
Why you should listen
In the Gaza Strip, foreign correspondents rely on state-approved "fixers" to direct and guide them on the ground. Although Hamas requires journalists to use fixers as local "sponsors," the fixers also provide ease of movement, translation and an eye for where the real stories are -- making them an invaluable asset in frequently chaotic scenarios.
Ameera Harouda has been a fixer for over a decade. Although many fixers are male, journalists increasingly seek women like Harouda for their access to areas where men are forbidden, and for a new lens on stories of human suffering often overlooked in the headlines.
Ameera Harouda | Speaker |