Jill Heinerth: The mysterious world of underwater caves
Jill Heinerth: O misterioso mundo das covas submarinas
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
unha mergulladora de cavernas.
cando era unha nena
when I was a little kid,
non era posible.
that wasn't really available to me.
moito máis sobre o espazo
we know a lot more about space
que percorren o noso planeta,
coursing through our planet,
aínda máis importante.
that was even more remarkable.
do espazo interior.
the wonders of inner space.
one of the most dangerous endeavors.
unha das tarefas máis perigosas.
here in this room,
plunged into blackness,
sumidos na escuridade,
through these large spaces,
crawling beneath the seats,
baixo os asentos,
to provide your very next breath.
para a seguinte respiración.
is not one big solid rock.
non é unha gran rocha sólida.
dos poros da nosa esponxa terrestre,
in our earth's sponge,
can make that journey without me.
poden facer esa viaxe sen min.
that's going to teach you
en bucear dentro dos icebergs antárticos.
to cave dive inside Antarctic icebergs.
moving object on the planet.
en movemento no planeta.
to explore ice edge ecology
a ecoloxía do xeo
chamada rebreathers.
usada nas camiñadas espaciais.
that is used for space walks.
ir máis ao fondo
even 10 years ago.
de máis de 20 horas.
even up to 20 hours long underwater.
de incribles formas de vida,
are repositories of amazing life-forms,
viven de xeitos estraños.
live in unusual ways.
and no eyes in many cases,
are also extremely long-lived.
que hoxe nadan nesas covas
in these caves today
of the dinosaurs.
como pequenos dinosauros que nadan.
like little swimming dinosaurs.
sobre evolución e supervivencia?
about evolution and survival?
como este que nada no frasco,
like this remipede swimming in the jar,
cabeiros xigantes con veleno.
40 times his size and kill it.
máis grande ca el e matalo.
thing on our planet.
en lugares moi fermosos
in remarkably beautiful places,
coma esta, que son moi novas
caves like this, that are very young,
polo cambio climático global.
in global climate change.
and look at the layers within with rocks,
e mirar as capas interiores,
en tempos moi afastados.
at very different times.
e empurrouno a través do Atlántico.
blown across the Atlantic Ocean.
na illa de Abaco nas Bahamas.
on the island of Abaco in the Bahamas.
in the rocks within these caves.
dentro destas covas.
podemos atopar os tempos
of these rocks, we can find times
was very, very dry on earth,
many hundreds of thousands of years.
at other times on earth.
noutros tempos da Terra.
o meu equipo e eu embarcamos
ever conducted in the region,
máis profundas na historia da rexión
acostumaba tocar a costa,
used to lap up against the shoreline,
por baixo dos niveis actuais.
below current levels.
e arqueólogos.
and archaeologists.
nas Bahamas e mesmo en Cuba,
in the Bahamas, and even in Cuba,
e tamén restos humanos nas covas,
and also human remains in caves,
inhabitants of these regions.
habitantes destas rexións.
foi hai máis de 15 anos,
was over 15 years ago,
que fixo o primeiro
that made the very first
dunha superficie subterránea.
of a subterranean surface.
a través da cova
driving through the cave
a three-dimensional model as we drove it.
tridimensional mentres conduciamos.
de frecuencia ultrabaixa
a nosa posición exacta na cova.
our exact position within the cave.
casas de birlos e campos de golf
and bowling alleys and golf courses,
e o que isto me ensinou
on the surface of our earth
na superficie da Terra
non son só ríos, lagos e océanos
rivers, lakes and oceans,
que nos conecta a todos.
that knits us all together.
from which we all drink.
do que todos bebemos.
coas augas subterráneas
our human connections with our groundwater
on this planet,
máis importante deste século.
issue of this century.
que sempre quixen ser,
that I always wanted to be,
designed by Dr. Bill Stone, will be.
deseñado polo Dr. Bill Stone serao.
a lúa de Xúpiter
is to go to Jupiter's moon Europa
baixo a súa superficie conxelada.
the frozen surface of that body.
Jill Heinerth - Cave diverJill Heinerth explores underwater caves deep inside the earth.
Why you should listen
More people have walked on the moon than have been to some of the places that Jill's exploration has taken her right here on the earth. From the most dangerous technical dives deep inside underwater caves, to searching for never-before-seen ecosystems inside giant Antarctic icebergs, to the lawless desert border area between Egypt and Libya while a civil war raged around her, Jill's curiosity and passion about our watery planet is the driving force in her life.
Jill’s accolades include induction into the Explorer's Club and the inaugural class of the Women Diver's Hall of Fame. She received the Wyland ICON Award, an honor she shares with several of her underwater heroes including Jacques Cousteau, Robert Ballard and Dr. Sylvia Earle. She was named a "Living Legend" by Sport Diver Magazine and selected as Scuba Diving Magazine's "Sea Hero of the Year 2012."
In recognition of her lifetime achievement, Jill was awarded the inaugural Sir Christopher Ondaatje Medal for Exploration. Established by the Royal Canadian Geographical Society in 2013, the medal recognizes singular achievements and the pursuit of excellence by an outstanding Canadian explorer.
Jill Heinerth | Speaker | TED.com