Jill Heinerth: The mysterious world of underwater caves
Jill Heinert: Tajemný svět podvodních jeskyní
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
when I was a little kid,
když jsem byla malá,
that wasn't really available to me.
to nepřipadalo moc v úvahu.
we know a lot more about space
víme mnohem víc o vesmíru,
coursing through our planet,
nitrem naší planety,
co bylo ještě nevšednější.
that was even more remarkable.
vesmír okolo Země,
the wonders of inner space.
vesmíru uvnitř Země.
one of the most dangerous endeavors.
nejnebezpečnějších poslání.
here in this room,
plunged into blackness,
najít východ.
through these large spaces,
crawling beneath the seats,
to provide your very next breath.
umožní se znova nadechnout.
is not one big solid rock.
in our earth's sponge,
dokážu proplavat,
can make that journey without me.
mohou vydat beze mě.
that's going to teach you
žádnou příručku,
to cave dive inside Antarctic icebergs.
ponořit do antarktických ledovců.
moving object on the planet.
objekt na planetě.
to explore ice edge ecology
that is used for space walks.
které používají astronauti.
even 10 years ago.
dokázali představit.
even up to 20 hours long underwater.
i 20 hodin pod vodou.
are repositories of amazing life-forms,
úžasných forem života,
že existují.
live in unusual ways.
žije zcela neobvykle.
and no eyes in many cases,
ani oči,
are also extremely long-lived.
extrémně dlouhověcí.
in these caves today
v těchto jeskyních plavou,
of the dinosaurs.
před vyhynutím dinosaurů.
like little swimming dinosaurs.
plovoucí dinosauři.
about evolution and survival?
a o přežití?
like this remipede swimming in the jar,
zvaný remipedia.
40 times his size and kill it.
i na čtyřicetkrát většího živočicha.
thing on our planet.
zvíře na planetě.
in remarkably beautiful places,
krásných místech.
caves like this, that are very young,
jsou velmi mladé, ale skrývají
in global climate change.
klimatické změny.
nasbírat kameny,
and look at the layers within with rocks,
a zkoumat jednotlivé vrstvy.
at very different times.
panovalo v různých obdobích.
blown across the Atlantic Ocean.
přes Atlantský oceán.
on the island of Abaco in the Bahamas.
který leží v souostroví Baham.
in the rocks within these caves.
of these rocks, we can find times
do minulosti, najdeme období,
was very, very dry on earth,
many hundreds of thousands of years.
a tisíci lety.
at other times on earth.
etapách hitorie naší země.
si s mým týmem
ever conducted in the region,
byly uskutečněny v tomto regionu,
used to lap up against the shoreline,
below current levels.
and archaeologists.
a archeology.
in the Bahamas, and even in Cuba,
nebo i Kuba,
and also human remains in caves,
ale i lidské ostatky,
inhabitants of these regions.
těchto oblastí.
was over 15 years ago,
se uskutečnil před více než 15 lety,
that made the very first
který vytvořil první
of a subterranean surface.
driving through the cave
a three-dimensional model as we drove it.
trojrozměrný model.
our exact position within the cave.
naši přesnou polohu.
and bowling alleys and golf courses,
bowlingovýmy arénami a golfovými hřišti,
on the surface of our earth
povrchu naší planety,
rivers, lakes and oceans,
jen řeky, jezera a oceány,
that knits us all together.
kterou sdílíme my všichni.
from which we all drink.
všichni pijeme.
our human connections with our groundwater
jak jsou lidé spojeni se spodní vodou
on this planet,
issue of this century.
that I always wanted to be,
tak jak jsem si přála,
designed by Dr. Bill Stone, will be.
od dr. Billa Stonea se to podaří.
autonomní robot
is to go to Jupiter's moon Europa
na Jupiterovův měsíc - Europu -
the frozen surface of that body.
pod zmrzlým povrchem tohoto objektu.
Jill Heinerth - Cave diverJill Heinerth explores underwater caves deep inside the earth.
Why you should listen
More people have walked on the moon than have been to some of the places that Jill's exploration has taken her right here on the earth. From the most dangerous technical dives deep inside underwater caves, to searching for never-before-seen ecosystems inside giant Antarctic icebergs, to the lawless desert border area between Egypt and Libya while a civil war raged around her, Jill's curiosity and passion about our watery planet is the driving force in her life.
Jill’s accolades include induction into the Explorer's Club and the inaugural class of the Women Diver's Hall of Fame. She received the Wyland ICON Award, an honor she shares with several of her underwater heroes including Jacques Cousteau, Robert Ballard and Dr. Sylvia Earle. She was named a "Living Legend" by Sport Diver Magazine and selected as Scuba Diving Magazine's "Sea Hero of the Year 2012."
In recognition of her lifetime achievement, Jill was awarded the inaugural Sir Christopher Ondaatje Medal for Exploration. Established by the Royal Canadian Geographical Society in 2013, the medal recognizes singular achievements and the pursuit of excellence by an outstanding Canadian explorer.
Jill Heinerth | Speaker | TED.com