Michael Green: How we can make the world a better place by 2030
Michael Green: Kako možemo učiniti svijet boljim mjestom do 2030
Michael Green is part of the team that has created the Social Progress Index, a standard to rank societies based on how they meet the needs of citizens. Full bio
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to be a better place next year?
sljedeće godine?
of the world, yes we can.
da, možemo.
the leaders of the world,
svjetski lideri su
of a massive consultation exercise.
vrlo podrobnog savjetovanja.
humanity, want to be.
čovječanstvo, želimo postati.
ali možemo li ga ostvariti?
really be achieved?
uistinu biti ostvarena?
we've run the numbers,
izvršili izračune,
is going to get a better place
postati bolje mjesto
seems to be going backwards, not forwards.
kao da nazaduje, umjesto da napreduje.
about grand announcements
grandioznim najavama
your disbelief for just a moment.
svoje nepovjerenje makar na trenutak.
the Millennium Development Goals.
Milenijskih ciljeva razvoja.
was to halve the proportion of people
da se broj ljudi koji
from a baseline of 1990,
vrijednost iz 1990.,
population lived in poverty,
živjelo u siromaštvu,
is going to fall to 12 percent.
će pasti na 12 posto.
plenty of problems.
who say that the world can't get better
da svijet ne može postati bolji
of economic growth.
ekonomski rast.
were in countries such as China and India,
postigle su zemlje poput Kine i Indije,
economic growth in recent years.
doživjele nagli ekonomski rast.
get us to the Global Goals?
postići Globalne ciljeve?
is today against the Global Goals
danas nalazi u odnosu na Globalne ciljeve
aren't just ambitious,
nisu samo ambiciozni,
are pretty specific --
prilično konkretni --
tu referentnu točku,
called the Social Progress Index.
Indeks društvenog napretka.
the Global Goals are trying to achieve,
Globalni ciljevi nastoje postići,
that we can use as our benchmark
koji možemo koristiti kao mjerilo
three fundamental questions
postavlja tri temeljna pitanja
the basic needs of survival:
osnovnim potrebama za preživljavanje:
the building blocks of a better life:
za izgradnju boljeg života:
and a sustainable environment?
održiv okoliš?
the opportunity to improve their lives,
poboljšati svoje živote,
freedom from discrimination,
slobodu od diskriminacije,
most advanced knowledge?
svjetskom znanju?
together using 52 indicators
sabire koristeći 52 pokazatelja
on a scale of 0 to 100.
na skali od 0 do 100.
a wide diversity of performance
velike razlike u uspješnosti
Norway, scores 88.
ima 88 bodova.
Central African Republic, scores 31.
Centralna Afrička Republika, ima 31 bod.
all the countries together,
population sizes,
veličine populacija,
is living on a level of social progress
živi na razini društvenog napretka
or Kazakhstan today.
Kubi ili Kazakstanu.
to achieve the Global Goals?
ne bismo li postigli Globalne ciljeve?
are certainly ambitious,
svakako ambiciozni,
into Norway in just 15 years.
Norvešku u samo 15 godina.
my estimate is that a score of 75
moja procjena je da rezultat od 75 bodova
in human well-being,
ljudskom blagostanju,
the Global Goals target.
postizanje mete Globalnih ciljeva.
can help us calculate this,
može pomoći da to izračunamo,
in the Social Progress Index model.
u modelu Indeksa društvenog napretka.
is understand the relationship
razumijemo odnos
and social progress.
i društvenog napretka.
I've put social progress,
označio sam društveni napredak,
are trying to achieve.
nastoje postići.
is GDP per capita.
označen je BDP po glavi stanovnika.
all the countries of the world,
sve zemlje svijeta,
the regression line
liniju regresije
is that as we get richer,
kako postajemo bogatiji,
each extra dollar of GDP
svaki dodatan dolar BDP-a
social progress.
društvenog napretka.
to start building our forecast.
početi graditi svoju prognozu.
remember, is 75, that Global Goals target.
rezultat 75, tj. metu Globalnih ciljeva.
$14,000 per capita GDP.
BDP od 14000 dolara po glavi stanovnika.
from the US Department of Agriculture,
dolazi iz Odjela za poljoprivredu SAD-a,
average global economic growth
ekonomski rast od 3,1 posto
if they're right,
ako su u pravu, 2030.
if we get that much richer,
ako postanemo toliko bogatiji,
are we going to get?
napredak postići?
of economists at Deloitte
ekonomista u Deloittu
if the world's average wealth goes
ako se prosječno svjetsko bogatstvo
to have really helped
doista pomogao
to be having much impact
velik utjecaj
we're the victims of our own success.
žrtve vlastitog uspjeha.
from economic growth,
koje nam pruža ekonomski rast,
to harder problems.
s težim problemima.
comes with costs as well as benefits.
i troškove, a ne samo koristi.
from new health problems like obesity.
zdravstvene probleme poput pretilosti.
just by getting richer.
pukim bogaćenjem.
also has some very good news.
donosi i neke vrlo dobre vijesti.
to that regression line.
between GDP and social progress,
BDP-a i društvenog napretka,
last forecast was based on.
posljednja prognoza.
around this trend line.
linije trenda.
relative to their wealth.
s obzirom na svoje bogatstvo.
of natural resource wealth,
prirodnih resursa,
on human rights or environmental issues.
pitanjima ljudskih prava ili okoliša.
and millions of people without toilets.
ali milijune ljudi bez zahoda.
that are overperforming
postižu velik uspjeh
s obzirom na svoj BDP.
health and environmental sustainability,
obrazovanje, zdravstvo, održivost okoliša,
a very high level of social progress,
razinu društvenog napretka,
to richer countries like New Zealand,
do bogatijih zemalja poput Novog Zelanda
lots of social progress,
znatan društveni napredak,
because it tells us two things.
jer nam ukazuje na dvije stvari.
in the world have the solutions
već postoje rješenja
that the Global Goals are trying to solve.
nastoje riješiti.
that we're not slaves to GDP.
ne robujemo BDP-u.
the well-being of people,
prioriteta stavimo dobrobit ljudi,
than our GDP might expect.
nego što bi naš BDP dao naslutiti.
to the Global Goals?
Globalne ciljeve?
is scoring 61 on social progress,
61 na ljestvici društvenog napretka,
the countries that are currently
zemlje koje trenutno postižu
the Russia, China, Indias --
Rusija, Kina, Indija --
to osigurava?
quite a long way to go.
još uvijek čeka dalek put.
optimistic and say,
i zapitajmo se
gets a little bit better
chose to be like Costa Rica
odabrala da bude poput Kostarike
of its citizens?
dobrobit svojih građana?
very close to the Global Goals.
vrlo blizu Globalnim ciljevima.
is not going to get us there,
nam neće pomoći u tome,
and the super-wealthy
i super bogataša,
we have to do things differently.
moramo drugačije postupati.
and really scale solutions
i doista proširiti rješenja
are a historic opportunity,
povijesna prilika,
have promised to deliver them.
obećali da će ih ostvariti.
or slide into pessimism;
niti zapasti u pesimizam;
by holding them accountable,
što ćemo ih držati odgovornima,
through the next 15 years.
tijekom sljedećih 15 godina.
the People's Report Card.
Narodna izvještajna karta.
all this data into a simple framework
podatke u jednostavan okvir
with from our school days,
od školskih dana, a služi
on the Global Goals
postizanju ovih ciljeva
and A is humanity at its best.
u najlošijem, a A u najboljem izdanju,
getting to an A,
postizanje A,
the People's Report Card annually,
karte na godišnjoj bazi,
the countries of the world,
i za pojedinačne zemlje,
and fulfill this promise.
i ispune ovo obećanje.
only happen if we do things differently,
samo ako budemo postupali drugačije,
that needs us to demand it.
moramo to i zahtijevati.
the Millennium Development Goals
Milenijski ciljevi razvoja
to every country
na sve zemlje
a scorecard for emerging countries.
ocjena za zemlje u razvoju.
are explicitly universal.
izričito univerzalni.
and to show progress.
mjere i pokaže napredak.
use the report card
koristiti izvještajnu kartu
point; it's a big shift in priorities --
radi se o velikom pomaku u prioritetima,
countries and just poverty.
i siromaštvu.
challenges in getting to the Global Goals.
u postizanju Globalnih ciljeva.
Switzerland has got to work to do.
Švicarska ima posla pred sobom.
these report cards in 2016
izvještajne karte u 2016.
scoring straight A's.
dobivaju čiste petice.
is to provide a point of focus
and start demanding progress.
akciju i napredak.
Michael Green - Social progress expertMichael Green is part of the team that has created the Social Progress Index, a standard to rank societies based on how they meet the needs of citizens.
Why you should listen
In his book Philanthrocapitalism (co-authored with Economist business editor Matthew Bishop), Michael Green defined a new model for social change built on partnerships between wealthy businesses, governments and community organizations. Shortly thereafter, Bishop floated the idea of a “Social Competiveness Index,” the idea that one day countries would compete with one another to be the most socially advanced, in the same way as they now compete to be economic top dog. Green loved it and decided to turn it into reality.
Teaming up with Avina's president Brizio Biondi-Morra, Sally Osberg of the Skoll Foundation and many other thought leaders from businesses and foundations, he began work on what would become the Social Progress Imperative, of which he's now CEO. Later they were joined by Harvard management guru Michael E. Porter, who became chairman of the SPI's advisory board. The first Social Progress Index was published in 2014.
Michael Green | Speaker | TED.com