Shubhendu Sharma: How to grow a forest in your backyard
Шубэндү Шарма: Хашаандаа хэрхэн ой мод ургуулах вэ?
Shubhendu Sharma creates afforestation methods that make it easy to plant maintenance-free, wild and biodiverse forests. Full bio
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and acres of area,
газрыг эзлэх ч юм уу
is just two years old.
of my own house.
ар талбайд ойтой болсон.
of these forests professionally.
хийдэг энтрепренёр хүн.
where animals live together.
хэсэг газар биш.
of our urban existence.
салшгүй нэгэн хэсэг байж болно.
that you just can't walk into it.
шигүү газар юм.
how big or small they are.
we live in today was forest.
урьд өмнө нь ой байсан.
on those forests,
амьтай зүйлсийг мартан
to nature as well,
other species on the planet.
our natural habitat.
төрөлхийн байхаа больсон.
these forests professionally --
ийм төрлийн ойг мэргэжлийн хэмжээнд
инженер мэргэжилтэй.
natural resources into products.
болгохыг сурсан юм.
out of a rubber tree,
гаргаж авдаг шүүсээ
become a natural resource again.
байгалийн баялаг болох боломжгүй.
into an irreversible state.
байдалд оруулж байна.
works in a totally opposite way.
огт эсрэгээр ажилладаг.
by bringing elements together,
нийлүүлэн бүрдүүлж
become a natural resource again.
байгалийн баялаг болж хувирдаг.
in the backyard of my own house.
I worked with nature,
in 25 cities across the world.
75 ой бүтээн байгуулсан.
needed to make a forest
эд эсүүд үргэлж
байдгийг олж мэдсэн.
these elements together
бүх эд эсийг цуглуулан
хөрснөөсөө эхэлдэг.
it becomes compact --
маш нягт болдог.
available around,
биомасстай хөрсөө хольдог.
the capacity to hold water,
хадгалж чадахгүй байвал,
like peat or bigas,
холих шаардлагатай.
and it stays moist.
байж чаддаг.
sunlight and nutrition.
ус, нарны туяа бас тэжээл хэрэгтэй.
any nutrition in it?
тэжээлгүй бол яах вэ?
directly to the soil.
хэрхэвч шууд өгдөггүй.
хөрсөнд суулгадаг.
in the soil naturally.
хөрсөнд тэжээл үүсдэг.
we have mixed in the soil,
биомассаар тэжээллэн
is eat and multiply.
tree species of the place.
хайж судалдаг.
before human intervention is native.
бүх эд уугуул юм.
сүүлийн үлдэгдэгдлүүдийг олохын тулд
of a natural forest.
existing there a long time ago.
гэж олон музейд очдог.
poems and literature from the place,
тухайн газар нутгийн
belonging there.
бид бүхэн судалдаг.
tree layer and canopy layer.
нас бие гүйцсэн гэж ангилдаг.
of each tree species in the mix.
суурилуулахаа шийддэг.
of fruit-bearing trees.
a lot of birds or bees,
wild evergreen forest.
ногоон ой байж болдог.
and germinate saplings out of them.
зулзаган мод суулгадаг.
belonging to the same layer
нэг ангилалд ордог моднуудыг
vertical space when they grow tall.
зайг булаалцаж эхэлдэг.
ойрхон суулгадаг.
a thick layer of mulch,
чийглэг байлгахын тулд
the soil stays moist.
while it's freezing outside.
амьсгалсаар л байдаг.
ямар ч модны үндэс
can penetrate into it easily,
seem like it's growing,
мэт санагддаг ч,
throughout this network of roots.
дамжин амьдардаг.
in the vicinity of a tree,
эдгээр микроб, мөөгөнцрүүд нь
the nutrition to the tree.
хүлээлгэн өгдөг.
has a healthy fungal network.
сүлжээтэй байгааг харуулна.
we water the forest.
сүрлэг ойгоо услаад эхэлдэг.
and soil nutrition only for our trees,
зөвхөн моднууддаа зориулахын тулд
growing on the ground.
it blocks the sunlight.
ой мод нь ихээр томорсны улмаас,
the ground anymore.
хөрсөндөө хүрч чаддаггүй.
because they need sunlight as well.
боломжгүй болдог.
that falls into the forest
into the atmosphere.
stop watering the forest.
сүүлдээ бүр услах ч шаардлагагүй болдог.
and sometimes even dark.
хадгалсаар л байдаг.
falls on this forest floor,
can grow still bigger.
growing exponentially.
эрс өсөн нэмэгдэж байдаг.
themselves again and again --
хамгийн том ач тус нь
байх явдал юм.
үдэшлэг гэх юм уу даа.
a 100-year-old forest
зуун настай ойг иймэрхүү
Shubhendu Sharma - Eco-entrepreneurShubhendu Sharma creates afforestation methods that make it easy to plant maintenance-free, wild and biodiverse forests.
Why you should listen
Industrial engineer Shubhendu Sharma was working at Toyota in India when he met Japanese forest expert Akira Miyawaki, who'd arrived to plant a forest at the factory, using a methodology he'd developed to make a forest grow ten times faster that normal. Fascinated, Sharma interned with Miyawaki, and grew his first successful forest on a small plot behind a house.
Today, his company Afforestt promotes a standardized method for seeding dense, fast-growing, native forests in barren lands, using his car-manufacturing acumen to create a system allowing a multilayer forest of 300 trees to grow on an area as small as the parking spaces of six cars -- for less than the price of an iPhone. Afforestt has helped grow forests at homes, schools and factories. Sharma seen improvement in air quality, an increase in biodiversity -- and the forests even generate fresh fruit. Afforestt is at work on a platform that will offer hardware probes to analyze soil quality, allowing the company to offer step-by-step instructions for anyone who wants to grow a native forest anywhere in the world.
Shubhendu Sharma | Speaker |