Suki Kim: This is what it's like to go undercover in North Korea
Suki Kim: Tako je, če greš pod krinko v Severni Koreji
Suki Kim's investigation, "Without You, There Is No Us: My Time with the Sons of North Korea's Elite," chronicles her six months undercover in Pyongyang during Kim Jong-Il's final six months. She worked as a teacher and a missionary in a university for future leaders -- all while writing her book. Full bio
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of Kim Jong-Il's life,
Kim Jong Ila,
in South Korea, their enemy.
v Južni Koreji, pri sovražniku.
njihov drugi sovražnik.
North Korea a few times.
obiskala Severno Korejo.
that to write about it with any meaning,
beyond the regime's propaganda,
preko režimske propagande,
in misijonarko
of Science and Technology
za znanost in tehnologijo
who cooperate with the regime
ki sodelujejo z režimom,
of the North Korean elite,
severnokorejske elite,
which is a capital crime there.
kar se tam kaznuje s smrtjo.
expected to be the future leaders
postali naj bili bodoči vodje
dictatorship in existence.
diktature na svetu.
so postali moji študentje.
of North Korea's original Great Leader,
prvega velikega vodje Severne Koreje,
shut down all universities,
na veliko napovedovali,
and prosperous nation.
najuspešnejšega naroda na svetu.
spared from that fate.
je bilo to prihranjeno.
ki se pretvarja, da je narod.
is about the Great Leader.
every song, every TV program --
pesem, vsak TV program -
of the Great Leader at all times.
njegovo značko.
with the birth of Kim Il-Sung.
prison, posing as a campus.
ki je izgledal kot kampus.
accompanied by an official minder.
lahko hodili le v uradnem spremstvu.
to sanctioned national monuments
obiske državnih spomenikov
to leave the campus,
and any free time they had
načrtovani in ves prosti čas
their Great Leader.
of North Korean staff,
severnokorejsko osebje,
every room was bugged,
portraits of Kim Il-Sung and Kim Jong-Il,
portreti Kim Il Sunga ali Kim Jong Ila,
to discuss the outside world.
o zunanjem svetu.
many of them were computer majors
imeli računalništvo,
the existence of the Internet.
of Mark Zuckerberg or Steve Jobs.
ali Steve Jobs.
would have meant a thing.
zanje ni imelo pomena.
da bi poiskala resnico.
when an entire nation's ideology,
ko je ideologija celotnega naroda,
at the universities,
on the chalkboard,
China last year on vacation,"
med počitnicami obiskal Kitajsko."
da to ni bilo mogoče.
to leave the country.
dovoljeno zapustiti države.
requires a travel pass.
zahteva prepustnico.
some truth about my students,
kakšno resnico o mojih študentih,
accomplishments of their Great Leader,
njihovega velikega vodje
a rabbit as fifth graders.
da so v 5. razredu klonirali zajca.
seemed at times hazy to them.
jim ni bila vedno jasna.
the different types of lies;
da sem razumela različne tipe laži;
from the world,
svoj sistem pred svetom,
and were just regurgitating them.
in so jih oni samo ponavljali.
preprosto iz navade.
da bodo drugačni?
pisanja esejev.
nearly impossible.
praktično nemogoče.
one's own thesis,
da si izmisliš svojo tezo
argument to prove it.
tudi argumentiraš.
simply told what to think,
kaj morajo misliti,
was not allowed.
ni bilo dovoljeno.
of writing a personal letter,
zadolžitev, da so napisali pismo,
some of them began to write
preden jih je nekaj začelo pisati
their girlfriends.
their intended recipients,
končnega prejemnika,
their true feelings in them.
razkrivati svoja prava čustva.
up with the sameness of everything.
da je vse vedno enako.
mentioned their Great Leader.
with these young men.
s temi mladimi fanti.
played basketball together.
which made them giggle.
kar jih je nasmejalo.
even in the tiniest of ways,
of living in their world,
in fact, improve their lives.
resnica izboljšala njihova življenja.
želela povedati resnico
their rotten regime inside out,
connected through the world wide web,
povezani preko spleta,
I was putting them at risk --
da jo odkrijejo, bi jih izpostavila -
anything in the open,
da bi karkoli javno izpostavil,
what is unspoken.
v prebiranju neizgovorjenega.
a student wrote that he understood
je študent napisal, da razume,
to be gentle in life, he said.
da bi bili nežni v življenju.
smrt Kim Jonga Ila,
how sad I was for them.
kako žalostna sem bila zanje.
a student said to me,
mojega bivanja tam, rekel:
as being different from us.
da ste drugačni od nas.
but you're the same as us.
a ste isti kot mi.
think of you as being the same."
resnično za nam enako."
to my students with a letter of my own,
v svojem pismu,
since I last saw you.
kar sem vas nazadnje videla.
maybe even as old as 23.
if there was anything you wanted.
sem vas vprašala, če si česa želite.
the only thing you ever asked of me
vse, kar ste me prosili
preživeli skupaj, je,
to share that bond of our mother tongue.
našega maternega jezika.
in Kim Jong-Un's merciless North Korea
neusmiljeni Severni Koreji dobra stvar.
encourage or even expect
spodbudil ali celo pričakoval
someone is always watching.
vedno nekdo opazuje.
what might happen to you.
kaj bi se vam lahko zgodilo.
inspired something new in you,
navdihnili nekaj novega v vas,
and live long, safe lives.
in živite dolga in varna življenja.
your city of Pyongyang was beautiful,
če mislim, da je vaš Pjongjang lep,
mogla iskreno odgovoriti.
to hear that I, your teacher,
da jaz, kot učiteljica,
that you are forbidden from,
ki je vam prepovedan,
your lives there a bit more bearable,
malce olajšal življenje,
your capital beautiful.
ne zdi lepo.
the rest of the country,
na preostalem delu države,
zato ga ne morem sovražiti.
my lovely young gentlemen,
moji ljubi mladi gospodje,
Suki Kim - WriterSuki Kim's investigation, "Without You, There Is No Us: My Time with the Sons of North Korea's Elite," chronicles her six months undercover in Pyongyang during Kim Jong-Il's final six months. She worked as a teacher and a missionary in a university for future leaders -- all while writing her book.
Why you should listen
Suki Kim is the only writer to ever go undercover into North Korea to write a book from the inside. Since 2002, South Korean-born Kim travelled to North Korea, witnessing both Kim Jong-Il's 60th birthday celebration and his death at age 69 in 2011.
Her work sheds a new light on the understanding of the North Korean society by delving into its day-to-day life and provides unprecedented insights into the psychology of its ruling class, about whom the world knows very little.
Kim's novel, The Interpreter, was a finalist for a PEN Hemingway Prize, and her nonfiction has appeared in The New York Times, Harper's and The New York Review of Books. She is the author of the investigation Without You, There Is No Us: My Time with the Sons of North Korea's Elite.
Suki Kim | Speaker |