Lidia Yuknavitch: The beauty of being a misfit
Lidia Yuknavitch: La bellesa de ser un inadaptat
In her acclaimed novels and memoir, author Lidia Yuknavitch navigates the intersection of tragedy and violence to draw new roadmaps for self-discovery. Full bio
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of things that are big,
que són grans,
about something very small.
d'una cosa molt petita.
because it's so literal.
perquè és literal.
who sort of missed fitting in.
que no s'ha pogut adaptar.
misfits in the room,
per altres inadaptats a la sala,
came right to my doorstep.
va picar a la meva porta.
I'd won a giant literary prize
que havia guanyat un gran premi literari
as a competitive swimmer
com a nadadora competitiva
and loss can make you insane.
i la pèrdua et poden tornar boig.
to meet big-time editors and agents
conèixer editors i representants de renom
writer's dream, right?
a escriptor, no?
the letter came to my house?
que va arribar la carta a casa?
de la cuina,
for an entire day,
durant tot un dia sencer,
I'd already screwed my life up.
en què ja havia fastiguejat la meva vida.
failed marriages underneath my belt.
sense èxit.
not once but twice
no un cop, sinó dos
that I'm not going to tell you about.
que no us explicaré.
of rehab for drug use.
consum de drogues.
staycations in jail.
vancances a la presó.
I think, I was a misfit,
crec, per la qual era una inadaptada
the day she was born,
el dia que va néixer,
how to live with that story yet.
com viure amb aquesta història.
I also spent a long time homeless,
durant molt de temps no tenia casa
of zombie grief and loss
de pena i pèrdua
pel camí.
suficients anys.
are some of our most heroic misfits,
nostres inadaptats més heroics,
to just about every category out there:
a cap categoria d'aquestes:
sad stone in my throat.
i trista al meu coll.
that I got on that plane
el fet de que pujés a l'avió
see your heads glowing.
els vostres caps il·luminant-se.
famous writers you wanted to meet,
que us agradaria conèixer,
and found them for you.
i els troben per a tu.
late in the night
tard, a la nit.
and smart and swank, too.
i llest i presumit.
of editors and authors and agents
i autors i representants
de sofisticats.
I stole three linen napkins --
vaig robar tres tovallons...
so that when I got home,
perquè quan tornés a casa
happened to me.
això m'havia passat.
and Peggy Phelan.
i Peggy Phelan.
best-selling authors,
autors exitosos,
that later became my art bible.
que més tard va ser la meva Bíblia d'art.
permission to believe
permís per creure
my stories could be part of the world.
les meves històries fóssin part del món.
could be more important than my boobs.
podia ser més important que els meus pits.
through the mainstream
al món
water cut the Grand Canyon.
la de l'aigua quan passa pel Gran Canyó.
over-50-year-old women writers.
escriptores de més de 50 anys.
killed me with joy
em mata d'alegria
una alegria així.
petita, trista, morta.
in New York I wanted to die there.
a Nova York volia morir allà.
I'm good. This is beautiful."
Sóc bona. Això és bonic."
will understand what happened next.
entendreu el que va passar després.
of Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
de Farrar, Straus i Giroux.
was like my mega-dream press.
era el meu somni a la premsa.
were published there.
estaven publicats allà.
and talked to me for a long time,
i vam parlar durant una llarga estona
llibre a dins
like a numb idiot,
com una idiota adormida,
came out of my throat.
sortia del meu coll.
on the shoulder
a l'espatlla
to the offices of W.W. Norton,
cap a les oficines de W.W. Norton,
I'd be escorted from the building
que m'escortarien de l'edifici
and touching the moon
i tocar la lluna
across the cosmos.
al llarg del cosmos.
a deal it was to me.
va ser per mi.
with these beady, bright, fierce eyes
amb aquells ulls petits, brillants i ferotges
something then, immediately!"
especially TED people,
especialment de TED,
and licking a stamp.
i enganxar-hi un segell.
at the National Poetry Club.
al Club Nacional de Poesia.
Hoyt & Picard Literary Agency,
Hoyt & Picard Literary Agency,
la mà
like, on the spot.
al lloc.
com sorda.
were dressed so beautifully,
anaven vestides tant bellament,
that small, sad stone in my throat ...
aquella petita i trista pedra al meu coll...
about people like me.
cosa sobre gent com jo.
how to hope or say yes
tenir esperança o dir que sí
we deserve to be in the room
que mereixem estar a la sala
and I'd coach myself.
i m'entrenaria.
over-50-year-old women who helped me.
done de més de 50 anys que em van ajudar.
You belong in the room, too."
Pertanys a la sala, també."
and rain come back into view,
i la pluja tornava a la vista,
of airplane "feel sorry for yourself."
que deiem "senteix llàstima per tu mateix"
I was some kind of misfit writer.
era com una mena d'escriptora inadaptada.
repartiment de llibre,
and heart-ful of memories
I allowed myself.
que em vaig permetre.
who tries to get you to shut up
fer-te callar
only you know how to tell."
que només tu saps explicar."
the woman over 50.
la dona de més de 50 anys.
I've had to reinvent a self
vegades m'he hagut de reinventar
were really just weird-ass portals
eren només portals extranys
was give voice to the story.
va ser donar veu a la història.
about following your dreams.
sobre perseguir el teus somnis.
to reinvent yourself
or your job or your husband
o la teva feina o el teu home
in the middle of your failure
al mig del teu fracàs
and phenomenal misfit,
i fenomenal inadaptat,
Lidia Yuknavitch - AuthorIn her acclaimed novels and memoir, author Lidia Yuknavitch navigates the intersection of tragedy and violence to draw new roadmaps for self-discovery.
Why you should listen
Writer Lidia Yuknavitch discovered her calling after an interrupted journey as a would-be Olympic swimmer. Her prose erases the boundaries between memoir and fiction, explodes gender binaries and focuses on the visceral minutiae of the body.
She was inspired by Ken Kesey (with whom she collaborated on a collective novel project at Oregon University); her latest book, The Small Backs of Children, stands as a fictional counterpoint to her memoir The Chronology of Water, which has garnered her a cult following for its honesty and intensity.
Lidia Yuknavitch | Speaker |