Guy Winch: Why we all need to practice emotional first aid
Guy Winch: Por que todos necesitamos practicar primeiros auxilios emocionais
Guy Winch asks us to take our emotional health as seriously as we take our physical health -- and explores how to heal from common heartaches. Full bio
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é que te fai un experto
is that it makes you an expert
ca a miña, eu cuestionábao.
than my cookie, I had questions.
que estivera esfameado.
nun tipo distinto de favoritismo:
notice favoritism of a different kind,
value the body than we do the mind.
o corpo ca a mente.
conseguir o doutoramento en Psicoloxía,
my doctorate in psychology,
mira a miña tarxeta e di:
look at my business card and say,
non é un doutor de verdade",
So not a real doctor,"
sobre a mente, véxoo por todos os lados.
over the mind, I see it everywhere.
preparábase para ir durmir.
was getting ready for bed.
a cepillar os dentes, cando esvarou,
by the sink brushing his teeth,
on the stool when he fell.
co tallo ao caer.
but then he got back up,
ergueuse, volveu ao tallo
a box of Band-Aids to put one on his cut.
para poñer unha no corte.
os zapatos, pero sabía
tie his shoelaces,
so it doesn't become infected,
para que non se infecten,
your teeth by brushing twice a day.
cepillándoos dúas veces ao día.
our physical health
a nosa saúde física
we were five years old.
a nosa saúde psicolóxica?
our psychological health?
sobre hixiene emocional?
about emotional hygiene?
taking care of our teeth
coidando os nosos dentes
é moito máis importante para nós
so much more important to us
even more often than we do physical ones,
incluso máis a miúdo ca físicas.
o rexeitamento ou a soidade.
or rejection or loneliness.
se as ignoramos,
worse if we ignore them,
de xeito dramático.
in dramatic ways.
demostradas técnicas que podemos empregar
scientifically proven techniques
kinds of psychological injuries,
de afeccións psicolóxicas,
that we should.
que deberiamos facelo.
Just shake it off; it's all in your head."
está todo na túa cabeza".
to somebody with a broken leg:
a alguén cunha perna rota?
está todo na túa perna".
it's all in your leg."
a saúde física e a psicolóxica.
our physical and our psychological health.
my brother is also a psychologist.
tamén é psicólogo.
I've ever done in my life
que fixen na miña vida,
to New York City
en Psicoloxía.
por primeira vez nas nosas vidas,
for the first time in our lives,
brutal for both of us.
family and friends,
entre a familia e os amigos,
eran realmente caras daquela,
really expensive then
durante cinco minutos á semana.
for five minutes a week.
puidemos pasar xuntos.
be spending together.
iamos falar dez minutos.
we would talk for 10 minutes.
waiting for him to call --
esperando a que chamara,
but the phone didn't ring.
pero o teléfono non soou.
xa chamará máis tarde".
he will call later."
being away for over 10 months,
de estar fóra máis de dez meses,
the way I missed him.
maneira en que eu o facía.
e longas da miña vida.
saddest and longest nights of my life.
e deime conta de que o descolgara
I realized I had kicked it off the hook
e soou un segundo despois,
and it rang a second later,
and, boy, was he pissed.
estaba moi cabreado.
da súa vida tamén.
night of his life as well.
happened, but he said,
o que acontecera, pero dixo:
If you saw I wasn't calling you,
the phone and call me?"
e me chamaches ti a min?"
mais si a teño hoxe.
but I do today,
ferida psicolóxica,
deep psychological wound,
and scrambles our thinking.
e embarulla o noso pensamento.
care much less than they actually do.
lles importamos moito menos do que é.
e á angustia cando o corazón
for rejection and heartache
more than you can stand?
do que podes aturar?
loneliness back then,
da verdadeira soidade daquela,
polo que non chegou a pasarme.
so it never occurred to me.
purely subjectively.
en termos estritamente subxectivos.
from those around you.
dos que están ao teu redor.
and all of it is horrifying.
a soidade, e todas elas son arrepiantes.
miserable, it will kill you.
tamén te matará.
likelihood of an early death
probabilidade de morte prematura
high cholesterol.
sanguínea e colesterol alto.
do sistema inmunitario,
of your immune system,
of illnesses and diseases.
de enfermidades e doenzas.
que en conxunto,
that taken together,
un risco tan significativo
significant a risk
e a lonxevidade coma fumar.
longevity as cigarette smoking.
con advertencias que din:
saying, "This could kill you."
prioricemos a saúde psicolóxica,
we prioritize our psychological health,
a psychological wound
unha ferida psicolóxica
que distorsiona as nosas percepcións
psychological wound
and misleads us.
onde vin tres cativos a brincar
play with identical plastic toys.
e saía un cadeliño.
and a cute doggie would pop out.
logo premelo e despois simplemente sentou
purple button, then pushing it,
at the box, with her lower lip trembling.
co beizo inferior tremendo.
watched this happen,
logo volveuse para a súa caixa
into tears without even touching it.
todo canto se lle ocorreu,
everything she could think of
o cadeliño saltou, e ela reloucou.
and she squealed with delight.
xoguetes de plástico idénticos,
identical plastic toys,
reactions to failure.
reaccións ao fracaso.
eran perfectamente capaces
capable of sliding a red button.
them from succeeding
foi que a súa mente os enganou,
into believing they could not.
as well, all the time.
nos enganan así, todo o tempo.
de sentimentos e crenzas predeterminado
feelings and beliefs that gets triggered
con frustracións e reveses.
frustrations and setbacks.
a súa mente reacciona ao fracaso?
your mind reacts to failure?
de que son incapaces de algo e o cren,
you're incapable of something
comezarán a sentirse impotentes
you'll begin to feel helpless
ou nin sequera probarán en absoluto.
or you won't even try at all.
de que non poden ter éxito.
convinced you can't succeed.
polo que moita xente
function below their actual potential.
sometimes a single failure
ás veces un único fracaso
succeed, and they believed it.
non poderían triunfar, e crérono.
it's very difficult to change our mind.
é moi difícil mudar a maneira de pensar.
cando era adolescente, co meu irmán.
when I was a teenager with my brother.
por unha escura estrada de noite,
down a dark road at night,
and they were looking for suspects.
e estaban buscando sospeitosos.
shined his flashlight on the driver,
e alumeou coa lanterna ao condutor,
and then on me.
e despois a min.
to him whatsoever.
así que pensou que eu estaba drogado.
e levoume dereito ao coche patrulla,
he searches me,
que non tiña antecedentes,
I didn't have a police record,
I had a twin in the front seat.
no asento de adiante.
you could see by the look on his face
podía verse pola expresión da súa cara
getting away with something.
me estaba a zafar de algo.
once we become convinced.
unha vez que estamos convencidos.
e derrotado despois de fracasar.
demoralized and defeated after you fail.
convinced you can't succeed.
de que non poden ter éxito.
de imposibilidade.
feelings of helplessness.
over the situation.
o control da situación.
antes de que comece.
negative cycle before it begins.
os amigos confiables que criamos que eran.
we thought they were.
que pode ser moi comprensivo nun momento,
and really unpleasant the next.
que despois de vinte anos de matrimonio
and an extremely ugly divorce,
para a súa primeira cita.
seemed nice and he seemed successful,
e el parecía agradable e exitoso,
que ela lle gustaba de verdade.
he seemed really into her.
mercou un vestido novo
she bought a new dress,
para tomar algo.
New York City bar for a drink.
o home ergueuse e dixo:
the man stands up and says,
que non puido nin moverse.
All she could do was call a friend.
"Well, what do you expect?
non tes nada interesante do que falar,
you have nothing interesting to say,
successful man like that
coma ese saír cunha perdedora coma ti?
que un amigo poida ser tan cruel?
could be so cruel?
que non foi o amigo quen tal dixo.
the friend who said that.
especially after a rejection.
especialmente despois dun rexeitamento.
and all our shortcomings,
sobre todos os nosos fallos e defectos,
what we wish we weren't,
insultámonos a nós mesmos.
pero todos o facemos.
porque a nosa autoestima xa está danada.
our self-esteem is already hurting.
e danala aínda máis?
and damage it even further?
unha ferida física.
worse on purpose.
and decide, "Oh, I know!
e ver canto máis profundo o podo facer".
how much deeper I can make it."
injuries all the time.
a nosa saúde psicolóxica.
our psychological health.
that when your self-esteem is lower,
que cando a autoestima está baixa,
stress and to anxiety,
ao estrés e á ansiedade,
e leva máis tempo recuperarse deles.
and it takes longer to recover from them.
the first thing you should be doing
o primeiro que deberías facer
join Fight Club and beat it into a pulp.
non unirte ao Club da Loita e mallar nela.
trátate coa mesma compaixón
you would expect from a truly good friend.
dun verdadeiro bo amigo.
psychological habits and change them.
psicolóxicos e trocalos.
is called rumination.
chámase «ruminación».
te fai sentir estúpido na clase,
professor makes you feel stupid in class,
e non podes deixar de reproducir
the scene in your head for days,
ás veces semanas, sen parar.
pode facilmente converterse nun hábito,
in this way can easily become a habit,
en pensamentos tristes e negativos,
on upsetting and negative thoughts,
at significant risk
en risco significativo de desenvolver
alcoholism, eating disorders,
desordes alimentarias
feel really strong and really important,
sentirse con moita forza e intensidade,
because a little over a year ago,
eu mesmo desenvolvín este vezo.
with stage III non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
un linfoma non-Hodking en estadio tres.
de quimioterapia.
a harsh course of chemotherapy.
sobre se se estaba a ir.
what he was going through.
canto estaba sufrindo,
how much he was suffering,
nin unha soa vez.
enormemente positiva.
pero psicoloxicamente era un desastre.
but psychologically I was a mess.
unha distracción de dous minutos
distraction is sufficient
de rumiar nese momento.
in that moment.
upsetting, negative thought,
preocupante, triste ou negativo,
something else until the urge passed.
en calquera outra cousa
my whole outlook changed
a miña perspectiva enteira cambiara
e máis esperanzada.
and more hopeful.
ao meu irmán fixéronlle un TAC,
my brother had a CAT scan,
he got the results.
cando lle deron os resultados.
pero sabiamos que se recuperaría.
of chemotherapy to go,
psychological wounds,
you will thrive.
hixiene persoal, e a esperanza de vida
people began practicing personal hygiene,
by over 50 percent
en só unhas décadas.
could rise just as dramatically
aumentaría de xeito igual de drástico
emotional hygiene.
hixiene emocional.
the world would be like
o mundo se todos estivésemos
and less depression?
e máis fortes?
and more empowered?
I want to live in,
é o mundo en que quero vivir,
wants to live in as well.
quere vivir tamén.
e a mudar uns poucos hábitos sinxelos,
and change a few simple habits,
Guy Winch - Psychologist, authorGuy Winch asks us to take our emotional health as seriously as we take our physical health -- and explores how to heal from common heartaches.
Why you should listen
Guy Winch is a licensed psychologist who works with individuals, couples and families. As an advocate for psychological health, he has spent the last two decades adapting the findings of scientific studies into tools his patients, readers and audience members can use to enhance and maintain their mental health. As an identical twin with a keen eye for any signs of favoritism, he believes we need to practice emotional hygiene with the same diligence with which we practice personal and dental hygiene.
His recent book, Emotional First Aid: Healing Rejection, Guilt, Failure, and Other Everyday Hurts, has been translated in 24 languages. He writes the popular "Squeaky Wheel Blog" on, and he is the author of The Squeaky Wheel: Complaining the Right Way to Get Results, Improve Your Relationships and Enhance Self-Esteem. His new book, How to Fix a Broken Heart, was published by TED Books/Simon & Schuster in 2017. He has also dabbled in stand-up comedy.
Guy Winch | Speaker |