Monica Lewinsky: The price of shame
Monica Lewinsky: Cijena sramote
Monica Lewinsky advocates for a safer and more compassionate social media environment, drawing from her unique experiences at the epicenter of a media maelstrom in 1998. Full bio
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who was publicly silent for a decade.
nije progovorila javnosti.
major public talk
all under the age of 30.
svi mlađi od 30 godina.
might only have heard of me
možda samo čuli za mene
a surprising thing happened.
one večeri kada sam iznijela svoj govor.
by a 27-year-old guy.
upucavao se 27-godišnjak.
unsuccessful pickup line was?
kao da su mi opet 22 godine.
I'm probably the only person over 40
da sam vjerojatno jedina osoba preko 40
I fell in love with my boss,
zaljubila sam se u svog šefa,
or do something they regretted at 22?
napravili nešto radi čega su požalili?
may have also taken wrong turns
isto je možda pogriješilo
of the United States of America.
reminded of my mistake,
na moju pogrešku,
into an improbable romance,
u neperspektivnu romansu,
of a political, legal and media maelstrom
pravnog i medijskog vrtloga
nekoliko godina prije toga,
all the information we wanted,
svim željenim informacijama,
for a major news story,
around the world.
from being a completely private figure
potpuno privatne osobe
javno osramoćena osoba.
of losing a personal reputation
osobnu reputaciju
enabled by technology,
potpomognuta tehnologijom,
virtulanih bacača kamenja.
komentare na Internetu,
email cruel jokes.
photos of me all over
mojim fotografijama
postavljali online reklame,
that I received, not the story,
primala sama ta priča,
was unprecedented.
bila je nečuvena.
there was no name for it.
za to što mi se dogodilo.
and online harassment.
nasilje preko Interneta.
some of my experience with you,
neka svoja iskustva,
shape my cultural observations,
pomoglo oblikovati moja kulturna opažanja,
can lead to a change that results
može dovesti do promjene tako da
and my dignity.
svoju reputaciju i dostojanstvo.
of the Independent Counsel
taped phone calls
telefonskim razgovorima
had made the year before.
snimio prethodne godine.
I've been legally required
all 20 hours of taped conversation.
svih 20 sati snimljenog razgovora.
the mysterious content of these tapes
tajnoviti sadržaj tih snimki
of Damocles over my head.
Damoklova mača.
what they said a year ago?
prije godinu dana?
about the flotsam and jetsam of the day;
for the president,
da volim predsjednika,
sometimes churlish, sometimes silly self
katkad neotesana, katkad budalasta,
is released to Congress,
iznesen je u Kongresu,
those stolen words, form a part of it.
ukradene riječi čine dio tog izvještaja.
is horrific enough,
mogu čitati te transkripte,
made available online.
dostupan i na Internetu.
with regularity back then in 1998,
događalo opetovano,
of people's private words, actions,
nečijih privatnih riječi, djela,
more populated with instances like mine,
slučajeva poput mog,
actually make a mistake,
pogriješio ili nije,
and private people.
za javne i za privatne osobe.
have become dire, very dire.
from Rutgers University
learned of this incident,
virtualno zlostavljanje.
the George Washington Bridge
what happened to Tyler and his family,
što se dogodilo Tyleru i njegovoj obitelji,
quite understand,
by my bed every night,
uz moj krevet svake noći,
with the bathroom door open,
s otvorenim vratima kupaonice,
when both of my parents feared
moja roditelja strahovala
and rescue their loved ones.
i spasiti svoje voljene.
of their child's suffering and humiliation
patnje i poniženje svoje djece
was a turning point for me.
za mene je bila prekretnica.
my experiences,
kontekstualizirati moja iskustva,
of humiliation and bullying around me
ponižavanja i zlostavljanja oko sebe
where this brave new technology
kamo će nas ta nova tehnologija
in unimaginable ways,
na nezamislive načine,
and slut-shaming that I experienced
i posramljivanje žena koje sam ja iskusila
especially young people
posebice mladi
equipped to handle this,
mogu nositi s time,
to the next day,
preživjeti do idućeg dana,
on helping young people on various issues,
koja pomaže mladima s raznim problemima,
late last year:
to cyberbullying.
virtualno zlostavljanje.
out of the Netherlands
to suicidal ideations
do suicidalnih misli
izvan Interneta.
although it shouldn't have,
that determined humiliation
koje je utvrdilo da je poniženje
enhanced shaming is amplified,
sramoćenje je pojačano,
only as far as your family, village,
samo vaša obitelj, selo,
and that's a lot of pain,
a to jako boli,
around how many people
u broju ljudi
has jacked up that price.
of shame and public humiliation
sramote i javnog sramoćenja
both on- and offline.
i na Internetu i izvan njega.
reality programming, politics,
reality programi, politika,
all traffic in shame.
svi trguju sramotom.
and a permissive environment online
i pretjerano tolerantne klime na internetu
invasion of privacy, and cyberbullying.
kršenju privatnosti i virtualnom nasilju.
what Professor Nicolaus Mills calls
profesor Nicolaus Mills naziva
just from the past six months alone.
iz samo proteklih šest mjeseci.
mainly by younger generations
uglavnom koriste mlađe generacije
only have the lifespan
of content that that gets.
sadržaja koju prima.
use to preserve the lifespan
Snapchata koriste kako bi sačuvali
photos, and videos were leaked online
i videa procurilo je na internetu
had their iCloud accounts hacked,
hakirali su njihove račune iClouda,
were plastered across the Internet
bile su objavljene diljem interneta
had over five million hits
preko pet milijuna pregleda
kompanije Sony Pictures?
the most attention
najviše pažnje
maximum public embarrassment value.
mogli biti više izvrgnuti sramoti.
attached to public shaming.
the cost to the victim,
community have paid,
of those who prey on them.
onih koji ih vrebaju.
packaged and sold at a profit.
pakiran i prodan za profit.
where public humiliation is a commodity
javna sramota roba,
the more advertising dollars.
novca za reklame.
to the human lives behind it,
ljudskih života na drugoj strani,
the more we click.
of someone else's suffering.
with public shaming,
javnom sramotom,
like cyberbullying,
humiliation at their cores.
leži ponižavanje.
of the culture we've created.
kulture koju smo stvorili.
with evolving beliefs.
s razvojem uvjerenja.
with racism, homophobia,
kod rasizma, homofobije,
today and in the past.
i u današnje vrijeme i u prošlosti.
about same-sex marriage,
o istospolnim brakovima,
offered equal freedoms.
of humiliation goes,
as a blood sport has to stop,
krvavi sport mora prestati,
on the Internet and in our culture.
na Internetu i u našoj kulturi.
but it's not easy.
ali to nije lako.
of compassion -- compassion and empathy.
vrijednosti suosjećanja i empatije.
from my family, friends, professionals,
prijatelja, stručnjaka,
that saved me.
što me spasilo.
can make a difference.
može činiti razliku.
Serge Moscovici,
psiholog Serge Moscovici,
we can foster minority influence
poticati utjecaj manjine
instead of bystander apathy,
smo apatični promatrači,
or report a bullying situation.
o nekome ili prijaviti nasilje.
help abate the negativity.
pomažu ublažiti negativnost.
by supporting organizations
toj kulturi tako da podupiremo udruge
Foundation in the U.S.,
program Anti-Bullying Pro,
to freedom of expression,
pravu na slobodu izražavanja,
to freedom of expression.
between speaking up with intention
između govora s namjerom,
the superhighway for the id,
a safer and better world.
u izgradnji sigurnijeg i boljeg svijeta.
online with compassion,
sa suosjećanjem,
in someone else's headline.
osobe o kojoj čitate članak.
asked the most is why.
upućeno je - zašto?
sticking my head above the parapet?
mišljenjem koje bi moglo nekoga uzrujati.
in those questions,
čitati između redaka,
to do with politics.
because it's time:
napokon došlo vrijeme za to:
oko moje prošlosti;
živjeti život sramote;
and public humiliation
i javnog poniženja
on a different ending to your story.
drukčijem završetku vaše priče.
in a more compassionate world.
suosjećajnijem svijetu.
Monica Lewinsky - Social activistMonica Lewinsky advocates for a safer and more compassionate social media environment, drawing from her unique experiences at the epicenter of a media maelstrom in 1998.
Why you should listen
After becoming the focus of the history-changing federal investigation into her private life, Monica Lewinsky found herself, at 24 years old, one of the first targets of a “culture of humiliation”: a now-familiar cycle of media, political and personal harassment – particularly online.
Lewinsky survived to reclaim her personal narrative. During a decade of silence she received her Masters in Social Psychology from the London School of Economics and Political Science. In 2014, Lewinsky returned to the public eye with an acclaimed essay for Vanity Fair, which has been nominated for a National Magazine Award for best Essay Writing, and with a widely viewed speech at Forbes’ 30 Under 30 Summit.
Monica Lewinsky | Speaker |