Alison Killing: There’s a better way to die, and architecture can help
Аллисон Киллин: Үхэхэд илүү дээр зам бий, үүнд уран барилга тусална
An architect and urban designer, Alison Killing uses journalism, filmmaking and exhibitions to help people better understand the built environment. Full bio
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about death and architecture.
тухай түүх ярьж өгье.
of infectious diseases like pneumonia,
халдварт өвчнөөс болж нас бардаг байсан.
would take us away quite quickly.
удалгүй өнгөрдөг байв.
in our own beds, looked after by family,
гэр бүлийнхнээрээ сахиулан
бидэнд сонголт үгүй,
lacked access to medical care.
авах боломжгүй байсных юм.
a lot of things changed.
олон зүйл өөрчлөгдсөн.
those infectious diseases.
like x-ray machines were invented.
дэвшлүүд бүтээгдсэн.
so big and expensive,
buildings to keep them in,
барилгууд хэрэг болж,
universal healthcare systems
эрүүл мэндийн тогтолцоотой болж
treatment could get it.
from about 45 at the start of the century
дундаж наслалт 45 байсан бол
optimism about what science could offer,
талаарх өөдрөг үзлийг авчирсан ч
death was forgotten,
үхэл гэдэг зүйл мартагдаж эхэлсэн ба
changed dramatically.
хүртэл өөрчлөгдсөн.
I've been looking at these changes
эдгээр өөрчлөлтийг судалж
related to death and dying.
юу гэсэн үг болохыг ойлгосон.
of cancer and heart disease,
зүрхний өвчнөөр өнгөрдөг болсон,
will have a long period of chronic illness
төгсгөлд хууч өвчнөөр
in hospitals and hospices and care homes.
сувилалын газарт өнгөрөөдөг.
and the endless corridors
урт хонгилуудыг мэднэ.
has earned its bad reputation.
it wasn't always like this.
built in 1419 by Brunelleschi,
Гэмгүйчүүдийн эмнэлэгийн барилга,
and influential architects of his time.
алдартай архитекторуудын нэг.
and then think about hospitals today,
орчин үеийн эмнэлэгүүдтэй харьцуулвал,
this building's ambition.
хамгийн ихээр гайхшруулдаг.
have daylight and fresh air,
цэвэр агаар орж,
and they have high ceilings,
өндөр таазтай учраас
more comfortable to be in.
that that's even possible for a hospital.
ийм гоёмсог байж болно гэдгийг мартсан.
for dying, then we have to talk about it,
байхыг хүсвэл үүнийг ярих ёстой,
of death uncomfortable,
as a society approach death.
ханддаг талаар асуудаггүй.
most in my research, though,
гайхшруулсан зүйл нь
there were protests in the local village.
жагсаал болсон.
нас барагсдын 99.8%-ийг оршуулдаг байсан.
and 99.8 percent of people got buried.
three quarters of us get cremated.
бидний 75% чандарлагддаг болсон.
нээлттэй байдаг.
to changing things
to talk about them.
about death and architecture
уран барилгын тухай
when I did my first exhibition on it
which was called "Death in Venice."
6 сард Венецт нээхдээ ярьсан.
literally engage with it.
which is an interactive map of London
ба Лондонгийн газрын зураг ба
of the real estate in the city
the building or cemetery, is revealed.
мөн оршуулгын газрын нэр гарч ирнэ.
was a series of postcards
цуврал ил захидлууд ба
and hospitals
цогцос хадгалах газрыг харуулж
of the different spaces
on either side of death.
that where we die
бидний амьдралын
that visitors reacted to the exhibition,
хамгийн сонирхолтой байсан.
and running and jumping
харайлган, үсрүүлж
the exhibits in different ways,
идэвхжүүлэхийг хичээсэн ба
they would kind of stop
an exhibition about death,
ирснээ санан,
how you're supposed to act.
зохисгүй хэрэг хэмээн боддог.
whether there is one way
about what you think a good death is,
юу вэ гэдгийг бодоосой гэж асууя.
that supports a good death might be like,
ямар байхыг бодоосой,
and a little more like this?
нэг иймэрхүү байх уу?
Alison Killing - ArchitectAn architect and urban designer, Alison Killing uses journalism, filmmaking and exhibitions to help people better understand the built environment.
Why you should listen
Alison Killing is an architect and urban designer working to engage people with their built environment, via design of buildings and urban strategies, film making, exhibitions and events. She explores the relationship between death and modern architecture, looking at how cities are rebuilt after disaster.
Recent projects include Death in the City (and its first iteration, Death in Venice, which was shown as an independent event during the opening week of the Venice Architecture Biennale), a touring exhibition about death and modern architecture; work with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies on better rebuilding after disaster and how to integrate relevant urban design tools into humanitarian response; and a study of financial models for arts and community projects temporarily using vacant buildings to help these projects become self-sustaining.
Alison Killing | Speaker |