Cesar Harada: How I teach kids to love science
Cesar Harada: Cum învăț copiii să iubească știința
TED Senior Fellow Cesar Harada aims to harness the forces of nature as he invents innovative remedies for man-made problems like oil spills and radioactive leaks. Full bio
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my parents would tell me,
but you have to clean up after yourself."
dar trebuie să faci curat după tine”.
a venit cu responsabilități.
to all these wonderful places,
toate aceste locuri minunate,
într-o „sferă” a inocenței --
to protect us from the ugly truth.
pentru a ne proteja de urâtul adevăr.
that adults make a mess,
că şi adulții fac mizerie,
at cleaning up after themselves.
la a face curat după ei înșiși.
sunt adult acum
at the Hong Kong Harbour School.
și invenții la Hong Kong Harbour School.
mormane de gunoi pe plajă.
and stumble upon piles of trash.
we clean up the beaches --
and if he is, I did not give it to him.
iar dacă o face, nu e de la mine.
of the oceans have plastic in them.
au plastic în ele.
pe vase mari, cu năvoade mari
and those big nets,
that we look at under a microscope,
pe care-l studiem la microscop,
informaţiile obţinute.
it's very expensive,
to take those big boats out.
cu acele vase mari.
de 6 - 15 ani, visăm la o cale mai bună.
of inventing a better way.
Hong Kong classroom into a workshop.
din Hong Kong într-un atelier.
this small workbench,
această băncuță din lemn,
so even really short kids can participate.
pentru ca şi copiii mici să participe.
are awesome and safe.
și în siguranţă.
to the size we find it in the ocean,
la care a fost găsit în ocean,
because it breaks down.
of my students run wild.
să zboare liberă.
the best of each kid's idea
ce e mai bun din fiecare idee
that hopefully would work.
care sperăm să funcționeze.
that instead of collecting plastic bits,
ca în loc să colectăm plastic,
of the plastic with a robot --
we do what we call "rapid prototyping."
„crearea rapidă de prototipuri”.
when we're hacking it.
şi-am terminat.
into plumbing fixtures
în diferite instalații
that will be slowly moving through water
care va pluti printre plasticul din apă,
that we have there --
that we get in the robot.
floating slowly through the sensor,
plutind ușor pe lângă senzor,
will process this image,
va procesa această imagine,
of how much plastic there is in the water.
this invention step by step
pas cu pas,
called Instructables,
numit Instructables,
would make it even better.
was that the students saw a local problem,
e că elevii au văzut o problemă locală
to immediately address it.
are hyperconnected kids.
sunt copii hiper-conectați.
they watch the Internet,
și dau peste această imagine.
cleaning up an oil spill bare-handed,
cu mâinile goale o scurgere de petrol,
largest mangrove forest in Bangladesh.
de mangrove din lume – în Bangladesh.
this is the water they bathe in,
apa cu care fac baie,
this is the place where they live.
aici locuiesc.
the mud is brown and oil is brown,
noroiul și petrolul sunt maro,
e foarte greu să vezi ce e în apă.
what's in the water.
that's rather simple,
care se numește spectometrie,
of a spectrometer,
al unui spectometru,
through different substances
ce produc spectre diferite
identify what's in the water.
și l-am expediat în Bangladesh.
a local problem,
sau de analizarea ei,
and their sense of being creative
empatia și creativitatea
by doing the second experiments,
al doilea experiment
and it's also closer to my heart.
și mai aproape de sufletul meu.
there was a massive earthquake in Japan.
a fost un cutremur foarte mare în Japonia.
several giant waves --
șapte valuri gigantice
on the eastern coast of Japan.
pe coasta de est a Japoniei.
died in an instant.
au murit într-o clipă.
power plant of Fukushima,
centrala nucleară de la Fukushima,
into the Pacific Ocean.
has traces of contamination of cesium-137.
contaminare cu Cesiu 137.
you can measure Fukushima everywhere.
puteți măsura Fukushima oriunde.
it can look like most of the radioactivity
pare că marea parte a radioactivității
from the Japanese coast,
it looks like it's safe, it's blue.
arată bine, e albastră.
more complicated than this.
every year since the accident,
în fiecare an după accident,
and with other scientists,
și cu alți cercetători
the parents wouldn't allow that to happen.
părinții nu ar fi fost de acord.
to "Mission Control" --
„Centrului de Control” -
the work seriously, but they really did
dar chiar au făcut-o,
with radioactivity their whole life.
radioactivitatea întreaga viață.
pe care le-am strâns atunci
we collected that day,
we should be going next --
a very rough topographical map
o hartă topografică a regiunii
the nuclear power plant.
real-time data for radioactivity,
datele despre radioactivitate
to simulate the rainfall.
a simula ploaia.
that the radioactive dust
de la vârful muntelui spre râu
into the river system,
we organized this expedition,
am organizat această expediție,
to the nuclear power plant.
dintre toți civilii.
from the nuclear power plant,
we've invented and built.
l-am inventat și construit.
to hundreds of small bags
of the seabed radioactivity,
de pe fundul mării,
where the fish will reproduce,
se reproduc peștii
and of your favorite sushi.
dumneavoastră preferat.
to a remote problem to a global problem.
la una îndepărtată, apoi la una globală.
to work at these different scales,
să lucrezi la aceste scări diferite
open-source technologies.
open source.
it's been increasingly frustrating
the damage that we have done.
dezastrul pe care l-am provocat.
to try to solve the problems.
să rezolvăm problemele.
if we should just take a leap
să facem un salt
to do all these things.
mai eficiente pentru asta.
started to feel a little bit small,
site in Hong Kong,
în Hong Kong
the largest mega-space
în cel mai mare spațiu
and environmental impact.
with wood, metal, chemistry,
chimie, puțină biologie, puțină optică,
pretty much everything there.
aproape orice acolo.
se pot juca împreună.
adults and kids can play together.
kids' dreams can come true,
devin realitate, cu ajutorul adulților,
questions such as,
putem inventa viitorul deplasării
with renewable energy?
de exemplu?
of the aging population
deplasarea persoanelor în vârstă
into cool, electric vehicles?
în scaune noi, electrice?
are horrible, horrible legacies,
sunt moșteniri oribile,
that we can leave our children is lies.
pentru copiii noștri sunt minciunile.
to shield the kids from the ugly truth
to invent the solutions.
ca să inventăm soluții.
să le pese de mediu și oameni
the environment and people,
do something about it.
Cesar Harada - Inventor, environmentalist, educatorTED Senior Fellow Cesar Harada aims to harness the forces of nature as he invents innovative remedies for man-made problems like oil spills and radioactive leaks.
Why you should listen
Cesar Harada believes that ocean currents, the wind and other naturally occuring phenomenon can provide unique inspiration and novel solutions to mankind’s worst disasters, like oil spills and radioactive leaks. A French-Japanese inventor and TED senior fellow, he is the creator of Protei, a revolutionary sailing technology -- featuring a front rudder, flexible hull and open-soure hardware -- that allows for efficient clean up of both oil and plastics from the sea. Currently based in London, Harada recently traveled to Japan and is designing Protei to measure radioactivity along the country's coast.
The general coordinator of the future International Ocean Station, Harada teaches at Goldsmiths University London. A former project leader at MIT, he graduated form the Royal College of Arts Design Interactions in London and worked at the Southampton University Hydrodynamics laboratory on wave energy. Harada has also studied animantion, and his films and installations have been seen at festivals and events across the world, from the United States to Japan.
Cesar Harada | Speaker | TED.com