Yassmin Abdel-Magied: What does my headscarf mean to you?
Yassmin Abdel-Magiedová: Čo pre vás znamená moja šatka?
Yassmin Abdel-Magied wears many hats, including a hijab. She's a mechanical engineer, writer and activist who campaigns for tolerance and diversity. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
walks past you in the street.
prejde okolo vás po ulici.
že je to kardiologička,
to wear this outfit?
nosiť toto oblečenie?
in the exact same outfit
v úplne rovnakom oblečení
and the way I'm treated
i jeho zaobchádzanie so mnou
of this piece of cloth.
another monologue about the hijab
are so much more than the piece of cloth
ženy sú oveľa viac ako kus látky,
to wrap their head in.
alebo nenosiť na hlave.
I was a race car engineer,
inžinierka pretekárskych áut,
and I ran my university's race team,
a viedla univerzitný pretekársky tím?
trained as a boxer for five years,
päť rokov trénovala box?
associated with it
ktoré sa s ním spája,
called unconscious bias,
nevedomá predpojatosť
ridiculously detrimental
from the outset:
hneď na začiatku:
as conscious discrimination.
ako vedomá diskriminácia.
there's a secret sexist or racist
tajne drieme sexista, rasista
waiting to get out.
kedy ho vypustia.
we see the world around us.
hľadíme na svet okolo seba.
has to be identified,
education, disability.
vzdelania, postihnutia.
against what's different,
voči tomu, čo je odlišné,
to live in a world
bude rovnosť príležitostí,
has a role to play
does not determine our lives.
neurčovali priebeh našich životov.
in the space of unconscious bias
týkajúci sa podvedomých predsudkov,
in the 1970s and 1980s.
v sedemdesiatych a osemdesiatych rokoch.
were made up mostly of dudes,
zložené najmä z mužov,
men played it differently,
symfonický orchester
you would have to play behind a screen.
mali záujemcovia hrať za oponou.
to take their shoes off
aby sa pred vstupom
of the heels
increased chance
the preliminary stage.
their chances of getting in.
sa zvýšili takmer o tretinu.
men actually didn't play differently,
muži v skutočnosti nehrali inak,
that they did.
determining their outcome.
určoval ich výsledky.
is identifying and acknowledging
identifikovať a uvedomiť si
a horrible car accident.
dopravnú nehodu.
is rushed to hospital.
prevezú do nemocnice.
when they arrive and is like,
keď ho privezú, a povie:
the surgeon was a guy?
mysleli, že chirurg je muž?
that unconscious bias exists,
predsudky existujú,
to acknowledge that it's there
that we can move past it
ako sa posunúť ďalej
is the topic of quotas.
predsudky, je téma kvót.
that's often brought up.
is this idea of merit.
je myšlienka zásluhy.
because I'm a chick,
vybratá preto, že som dievča,
I have merit,
among female engineers
vyskytuje medzi inžinierkami,
in an experiment done in 2012 by Yale,
ako ukázal experiment na Yali v roku 2012,
for a lab technician,
o prácu špecialistu v laboratóriu
be deemed less competent,
how we can move past it.
it's called the merit paradox.
to paradox zásluhy.
and this is kind of ironic --
being their primary value-driver
kritériom je kvalifikácia uchádzačov,
and more likely to pay the guys more
a platili im viac,
is a masculine quality.
mužskou vlastnosťou.
a good read on me,
ma už dobre prečítali,
and being like,
že tam vojdem a poviem:
This is how it's done."
that's my day job.
to je moje zamestnanie.
that it's pretty entertaining.
že je to celkom zábava.
isn't even comment-worthy.
na vežiach ničím zvláštnym.
to learn how to surf."
know how you can surf
ako by si mohla surfovať
with a brilliant idea,
that organization
for Muslim chicks in beaches.
oblečenie pre moslimky?
Youth Without Boardshorts."
telling me that
I was going to get around there.
ktorú tam dostanem.
lack of diversity in our workforce,
výrazná nerovnomernosť,
did an experiment
uskutočnila experiment,
4,000 identical applications
rovnakých žiadostí
as someone with an Anglo-Saxon name,
pohovorov ako niekto s anglosaským menom,
to send out 68 percent more applications.
o 68 % viac žiadostí.
Abdel-Magied --
you're pretty lucky,
it's not that much better.
to nie je omnoho lepšie.
some diversity results
and nine, a bunch of blacks, Hispanics,
a 9 % čiernych, hispáncov
is not that much better
na tom nie je oveľa lepšie
what they're doing about it.
of the FTSE 100 companies
spoločností rebríčka FTSE 100
at their board level,
don't have an executive
na výkonnej pozícii
that are at that sort of level
na vedúcich pozíciách
What can I do about it?"
čo s tým môžem urobiť?“
and that's due to unconscious bias.
ktorý pramení z podvedomých predsudkov.
there thinking,
to do with me?"
we're looking for an ideal.
of your birth don't matter,
narodenia nebude záležať,
of the lab resume experiment
o prácu v laboratóriu
the successful women together,
heard that before,
to mentor someone different.
aby mentoroval niekoho rozdielneho.
who kind of is familiar,
kto mu je niečim povedmomý,
who's got a bit of attitude,
ktoré vyzerá rozumne,
who went to the same school,
niekoho zo školy, kto sa
going to want to help that person out.
chcieť tej osobe pomáhať.
nemáte spoločné skúsenosti,
who has no shared experiences with you
to find that connection.
different to mentor,
kto je od vás odlišný,
from the same background as you,
prostredia ako vy,
for people who couldn't even get
pre ľudí, ktorí sa nedostali
the world is not just.
svet nie je spravodlivý.
with equal opportunity.
s rovnakými príležitosťami.
cities in the world, Khartoum.
z najchudobnejších miest sveta, Khartoume.
that is pretty suspicious of us
ktorý je k nám dosť podozrievavý
that I was born with privilege.
že som sa narodila s výsadami.
of migrating to Australia.
with amazing mentors
that I didn't even know were there.
o akých som ani netušila.
so that I can share it with people."
aby som sa oň mohol podeliť s ľuďmi.“
belong on an Australian rig,
čo na austrálsku vežu nepatrí,
in my communities
helped out by mentors.
súťaže v Bankstown
mnohých ďalších mladých ľudí.
of so many other young people.
when she came to Australia,
keď prišla do Austrálie,
of the Year Award in 2008.
Queenslandčanka roka.
in the abaya at the beginning.
zo začiatku prednášky.
if you had seen me
mentorovať, ak by ste ma videli
of who I am?
verzií toho, kto som?
podvedomé predsudky,
the opposite end of your spectrum
kto je na opačnom konci spektra,
všetci rovnaké príležitosti,
those kinds of opportunities,
diversity has nothing to do with you,
že diverzita s vami nemá nič,
where to find someone different,
private high school tutoring,
local refugee tutoring center.
centre na pomoc utečencom.
totally out of place --
ktorý vyzerá totálne mimo,
because we're not victims,
you have access to doors
že máte prístup ku dverám,
they didn't have.
with lack of opportunity,
s nedostatkom príležitostí,
has the potential to change that.
má potenciál zmeniť to.
of challenges today,
and think about it a little differently,
a premýšľať o nej aspoň trochu inak,
your initial perceptions
prekonať svoje úvodné predsudky,
Yassmin Abdel-Magied - Mechanical engineer, social advocateYassmin Abdel-Magied wears many hats, including a hijab. She's a mechanical engineer, writer and activist who campaigns for tolerance and diversity.
Why you should listen
Yassmin Abdel-Magied is on a mission to promote diversity throughout society, however and wherever she can. Born in Sudan, she moved to Australia when she was two years old, and trained as a mechanical engineer. She now spends her time both working as an engineering specialist on oil and gas rigs -- and heading up Youth Without Borders, the organization she founded to enable young people to work for positive change in their communities.
Named the 2015 Queensland Young Australian of the Year, Yassmin advocates for the empowerment of youth, women and those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. In 2007, she was named Young Australian Muslim of the Year. She also really like motorsports.
Yassmin Abdel-Magied | Speaker | TED.com