Adam Alter: Why our screens make us less happy
Adam Alter: Prečo nás obrazovky robia menej šťastnými
What makes us incessantly check our phones? Adam Alter dives into the fascinating psychology that drives our tech addictions. Full bio
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an interesting rumor.
na krmivo pre zvieratá
of a large pet food company
shareholder's meeting
že ak je to dobré pre neho,
that if it was good enough for him,
ako „dogfooding“ (testovanie na sebe),
as "dogfooding,"
in the business world.
goes in and eats dog food,
will use their own products
svoje vlastné produkty,
ale skutočne zaujímavé je,
is when you find exceptions
ktorí nepoužívanú vlastné produkty.
or people in businesses
odvetví sa to bežne stáva,
where this happens in a common way,
používajúci obrazovky.
tech industry.
when he was releasing the iPad,
Steve Jobs uvádzal na trh iPad,
that was "extraordinary."
you've ever had;
aký ste kedy mali,
way better than a smartphone.
oveľa lepší než smartfón.
novinár z New York Times
he was approached by a journalist
that seemed like a sort of softball.
must love the iPad."
really staggered the journalist.
novinára skutočne zarazilo.
povedal: „Oni ho ešte nepoužili.
our kids use at home."
iba isté množstvo technológií.“
in the tech world.
quite near Silicon Valley
of the Peninsula,
until the eighth grade.
s obrazovkou až v ôsmom ročníku.
ktoré ju navštevujú,
of the kids who go there
Silicon Valley tech execs.
v Silicon Valley.
prekvapilo ma to a zaujalo
it was interesting and surprising,
what screens were doing to me
ako obrazovky pôsobia na mňa,
a na ľudí všeobecne.
ako profesor biznisu a psychológie,
účinky obrazovky na naše životy.
of screens on our lives.
on how much time they take from us,
o koľko času nás oberajú,
what that time looks like.
is the average 24-hour workday
24-hodinový pracovný deň
2015 a údaje z minulého týždňa.
actually, only last week.
to eight hours a day;
až osem hodín denne.
but it hasn't changed much.
ale nie až tak veľmi.
to nine hours a day.
and bathing and looking after kids --
umývame sa a staráme sa o deti.
nesmierne dôležitý.
that make us individuals.
ktorými sa líšime od ostatných.
vytvárame si blízke vzťahy,
where we have close relationships,
where we get creative,
nad svojimi životmi, kde tvoríme,
života obzerajú za seba
posledné, o čom hovoria,
v tomto bielom osobnom priestore.
that happen in that white personal space.
ako plynul čas, obsadili obrazovky.
is taken up by screens across time.
introduced the first iPhone.
predstavil prvý iPhone.
of that free time in front of our screens.
ktorú trávime pred obrazovkou.
is where the magic happens.
úseku, sa deje niečo zázračné.
ako tá červená časť vyzerá.
sú jedinečné z mnohých aspektov.
them to him is with screens.
je prostredníctvom obrazovky.
15 or 20 years ago
urobiť nemohol.
that comes from them.
pochádza z obrazoviek.
that we're using?
ktoré používame?
they're using them and say,
používania, ako sa práve cítia,
about these apps --
exercise, weather, reading,
cvičenie, počasie, čítanie,
minutes a day on each of these.
v priemere deväť minút denne.
menej šťastnými.
them and say, "How do you feel?"
ako sa cítia, odpovie,
zábava, správy, webové prehliadače,
on each of these.
on the apps that don't make us happy.
ktoré nám neprinášajú radosť.
ktoré nám nerobia radosť,
so much time on these apps
že chýba podnet, aby sme prestali.
in the 20th century.
takého podnety všade.
that it's time to move on,
že je načase pohnúť sa ďalej,
to do something different.
eventually you get to the end,
zložíte ich a odložíte preč.
you put it aside.
you get to the end of a chapter,
dostanete sa na koniec kapitoly
whether you want to continue.
eventually the show would end,
ktorá napokon skončí
until the next one came.
is such that there are no stopping cues.
ako keby takéto podnety neexistovali.
všetko je bezodné:
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram,
e-mail, SMS, správy.
môžete takto pokračovať donekonečna.
all sorts of other sources,
môžeme čerpať zo západnej Európy,
from Western Europe,
of pretty good ideas in the workplace.
do praxe celkom pekné myšlienky.
This is a Dutch design firm.
holandskej dizajnérskej firmy.
is rigged the desks to the ceiling.
pracovné stoly k stropu.
or what you're doing,
turns into a yoga studio,
mení na joga štúdio,
you stick around for.
všetko zastane, nepracuje sa.
they've got another great strategy.
majú inú skvelú stratégiu.
namiesto oznamu:
"This person's on vacation,
ozve sa vám neskôr.“
váš e-mail bol zmazaný.
so we've deleted your email.
the email you just sent."
ktorý ste mu práve poslali.“
and you're actually on vacation.
a naozaj na dovolenke ste.
že si naozaj môžu od práce oddýchnuť.
čo máme robiť doma,
at home in our own lives,
a tak tu je zopár tipov.
I'm going to not use my phone.
hodinou, nebudem používať mobil.
looks different on different days.
pri istých príležitostiach,
that happen every day,
napríklad pri večeri.
I will never use my phone at the table.
Nikdy pri stole nepoužijem mobil.
ako je to len možné.
at resisting temptation.
that, every time dinner begins,
vždy, keď sa začne večera,
(strach, že mi niečo ujde).
the same way you would from a drug,
rovnako, ako je to pri drogách,
more colorful, richer,
bohatším, zaujímavejším.
who are there with you.
ktorí sú okolo vás.
because when people do this --
keď sa ňou ľudia riadia,
who have tried this --
od prvej rannej hodiny.
hour of the day in the morning.
mobily na režim lietadlo.
on airplane mode on the weekend.
but it's no longer a phone.
ale nie ako telefón.
about their lives when they do this.
cítia, že ich život je oveľa lepší.
I've already said that,
driving down a really fast, long road,
je ako dlhá rýchla jazda
is mashed to the floor,
to reach the brake pedal.
say, the beautiful ocean scenes
prekrásnou prímorskou krajinou
that's the easy thing to do --
čo je jednoduché,
to move the car to the side of the road,
aby ste zastavili pri krajnici,
precítiť piesok pod nohami,
under your feet,
nech vám obmýva členky.
and more meaningful
a pretože ste nechali telefón v aute.
your phone in the car.
Adam Alter - PsychologistWhat makes us incessantly check our phones? Adam Alter dives into the fascinating psychology that drives our tech addictions.
Why you should listen
Adam Alter's academic research focuses on judgment, decision-making and social psychology, with a particular interest in the sometimes surprising effects of subtle cues in the environment on human cognition and behavior.
He is the bestselling author of two books: Irresistible, which considers why so many people today are addicted to so many behaviors, from incessant smart phone and internet use to video game playing and online shopping, and Drunk Tank Pink, which investigates how hidden forces in the world around us shape our thoughts, feelings and behaviors.
Adam Alter | Speaker |