Adam Alter: Why our screens make us less happy
Adam Alter: Zašto nas ekrani čine manje srećnim
What makes us incessantly check our phones? Adam Alter dives into the fascinating psychology that drives our tech addictions. Full bio
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an interesting rumor.
čuo sam zanimljivu glasinu.
hrane za kućne ljubimce
of a large pet food company
sa konzervom hrane za pse
shareholder's meeting
u to da, ako je dobra za njega,
that if it was good enough for him,
kao „jedenje pseće hrane“
as "dogfooding,"
u poslovnom svetu.
in the business world.
goes in and eats dog food,
koriste svoje proizvode
will use their own products
is when you find exceptions
kada pronađete izuzetke ovom pravilu,
ili ljudi u firmama
or people in businesses
gde se to učestalo dešava,
where this happens in a common way,
zasnovana na ekranima.
tech industry.
when he was releasing the iPad,
kada je puštao Ajped u prodaju,
that was "extraordinary."
koja je „izvanredna“.
you've ever had;
koje ste ikada iskusili;
way better than a smartphone.
mnogo bolji od pametnog telefona.
obratio mu se novinar iz Njujork Tajmsa
he was approached by a journalist
koje je delovalo lagano.
that seemed like a sort of softball.
obožavaju Ajped.“
must love the iPad."
zaista je zapanjilo novinara.
really staggered the journalist.
koju naša deca koriste kod kuće.“
our kids use at home."
in the tech world.
u svetu tehnologije.
prilično blizu Silicijumske doline
quite near Silicon Valley
of the Peninsula,
until the eighth grade.
koja tamo idu ima roditelje
of the kids who go there
na visokom nivou u Silicijumskoj dolini.
Silicon Valley tech execs.
it was interesting and surprising,
da je zanimljivo i iznenađujuće,
what screens were doing to me
šta ekrani rade meni,
of screens on our lives.
on how much time they take from us,
na to koliko nam vremena oduzimaju,
o tome kako to vreme izgleda.
what that time looks like.
is the average 24-hour workday
prosečan radni dan od 24 časa
actually, only last week.
zapravo, tek prošle nedelje.
to eight hours a day;
do osam sati dnevno;
ali nije se promenilo naročito.
but it hasn't changed much.
to nine hours a day.
kupanje i briga o deci -
and bathing and looking after kids --
koje nas čine pojedincima.
that make us individuals.
gde održavamo bliske odnose,
where we have close relationships,
o svom životu, gde smo kreativni,
where we get creative,
i pokušavamo da otkrijemo
dobijamo i na poslu,
u tom belom ličnom prostoru.
that happen in that white personal space.
is taken up by screens across time.
izbacio prvi Ajfon.
introduced the first iPhone.
provodimo ispred ekrana.
of that free time in front of our screens.
mesto je gde se dešava čarolija.
is where the magic happens.
nalazi se u vrlo malom prostoru.
kako izgleda taj crveni prostor.
živi u Australiji,
them to him is with screens.
način da im ga predstavim.
pre 15 ili 20 godina
15 or 20 years ago
that comes from them.
that we're using?
aplikacije koje koristimo?
dok ih koriste i kažete:
they're using them and say,
vezano za te aplikacije -
about these apps --
exercise, weather, reading,
vežbanje, vreme, čitanje,
minutes a day on each of these.
dnevno na svaku od njih.
mnogo manje srećnim.
i kažete: „Kako se osećate?“,
them and say, "How do you feel?"
u vezi sa njihovim korišćenjem.
pretraživanje interneta -
na svakoj od njih.
on each of these.
on the apps that don't make us happy.
na aplikacije koje nas ne čine srećnim.
toliko vremena na aplikacije
so much time on these apps
znake za zaustavljanje.
in the 20th century.
su bili svuda u 20. veku.
that it's time to move on,
da je vreme da se krene dalje,
to do something different.
eventually you get to the end,
na kraju dođete do kraja,
you put it aside.
stignete do kraja poglavlja,
you get to the end of a chapter,
da li želite da nastavite.
whether you want to continue.
na kraju bi se ona završila
eventually the show would end,
until the next one came.
je takav da nema znakova za zaustavljanje.
is such that there are no stopping cues.
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram,
Tviter, Fejsbuk, Instagram,
all sorts of other sources,
from Western Europe,
u Zapadnoj Evropi,
prilično dobrih ideja na radnom mestu.
of pretty good ideas in the workplace.
Ovo je holandska firma za dizajn.
This is a Dutch design firm.
is rigged the desks to the ceiling.
or what you're doing,
ili šta god da radite,
turns into a yoga studio,
prostor postaje studio za jogu,
you stick around for.
za zaustavljanje,
imaju još jednu odličnu strategiju.
they've got another great strategy.
"This person's on vacation,
i javiće vam se u nekom trenutku“,
tako da smo obrisali vaš imejl.
so we've deleted your email.
imejl koji ste upravo poslali.“
the email you just sent."
and you're actually on vacation.
u ovoj kompaniji imaju osećaj
kod kuće u našem životu,
at home in our own lives,
I'm going to not use my phone.
nećete koristiti telefon.
izgledaju drugačije različitim danima.
looks different on different days.
that happen every day,
koje se dešavaju svakodnevno,
I will never use my phone at the table.
telefon za stolom.
odolevanje iskušenju.
at resisting temptation.
svaki put kada večera počne,
that, every time dinner begins,
da ću nešto propustiti.
isto kao što biste i kod droge,
the same way you would from a drug,
postaje raznobojniji, bogatiji,
more colorful, richer,
who are there with you.
koji su tu sa vama.
jer kada ljudi ovo rade -
because when people do this --
koji su ovo isprobali -
who have tried this --
prvog časa u danu.
hour of the day in the morning.
na režim rada u avionu tokom vikenda.
on airplane mode on the weekend.
but it's no longer a phone.
ali više nije telefon.
u svom životu kada to rade.
about their lives when they do this.
I've already said that,
je poput vožnje niz veoma brz i dug put,
driving down a really fast, long road,
is mashed to the floor,
u kome je pedala za gas zakucana za pod
to reach the brake pedal.
say, the beautiful ocean scenes
recimo, predivnih prizora okeana
that's the easy thing to do --
to je lako uraditi -
to move the car to the side of the road,
da pomerite auto na stranu puta,
under your feet,
and more meaningful
your phone in the car.
Adam Alter - PsychologistWhat makes us incessantly check our phones? Adam Alter dives into the fascinating psychology that drives our tech addictions.
Why you should listen
Adam Alter's academic research focuses on judgment, decision-making and social psychology, with a particular interest in the sometimes surprising effects of subtle cues in the environment on human cognition and behavior.
He is the bestselling author of two books: Irresistible, which considers why so many people today are addicted to so many behaviors, from incessant smart phone and internet use to video game playing and online shopping, and Drunk Tank Pink, which investigates how hidden forces in the world around us shape our thoughts, feelings and behaviors.
Adam Alter | Speaker |