Dean Ornish: Your genes are not your fate
Диэн Орниш: Таны ген таны хувь заяа биш
Dean Ornish is a clinical professor at UCSF and founder of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute. He's a leading expert on fighting illness -- particularly heart disease with dietary and lifestyle changes. Full bio
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шинээр үүсгэх гэдгийг
амьдралын хэв маягаа өөрчлөх явдал.
тийм хүчирхэг, динамик байж болох юм.
дасгал хийж, хайрлан дурлахад
хүчилтөрөгч нэмэгдэнэ.
тархи хэмжигдэхүйц томорно.
боломжгүй гэж байсан зүйлсийг
сэлбэхийн тулд
Жишээлбэл, шоколад, цай, нэрс,
стрессээ удирдах,
ханасан өөх тос, элсэн чихэр
хэт их согтууруулах ундаа, архаг стресс.
арьсны цусны урсгал сайжирч,
бид харуулчихсан шүү дээ.
артерийн бөглөрөл
зүүн доод талд байгаа
байхгүйг харуулна.
цагаан нь цусны их урсгалыг заана.
эрт үеийн түрүү булчирхай,
зогсоож болохыг харуулж байна.
9% байснаа
шалтгаан болдог төдийгүй
түрүү булчирхайн хавдартай эрийн
ялгаатай генийг харуулна.
эергээр өөрчлөгдсөнийг тогтоосон.
сайн генийг идэвхижүүлж,
маш хүчтэй учраас
сонголтыг өгнө гэж бодож байна.
23andMe зэрэг компаниуд зарим хүнд
гэх мэдрэмжийг өгдөг.
бүрэн боломжтой юм.
Dean Ornish - Physician, authorDean Ornish is a clinical professor at UCSF and founder of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute. He's a leading expert on fighting illness -- particularly heart disease with dietary and lifestyle changes.
Why you should listen
Dr. Dean Ornish wants you to live longer, and have more fun while you're at it. He's one of the leading voices in the medical community promoting a balanced, holistic approach to health, and proving that it works. The author of Eat More, Weigh Less and several other best-selling books, Ornish is best known for his lifestyle-based approach to fighting heart disease.
His research at the Preventive Medicine Research Institute (the nonprofit he founded) clinically demonstrated that cardiovascular illnesses -- and, most recently prostate cancer -- can be treated and even reversed through diet and exercise. These findings (once thought to be physiologically implausible) have been widely chronicled in the US media, including Newsweek, for which Ornish writes a column. The fifty-something physician, who's received many honors and awards, was chosen by LIFE Magazine as one of the most influential members of his generation. Among his many pursuits, Ornish is now working with food corporations to help stop America's obesity pandemic from spreading around the globe.
Dean Ornish | Speaker |