Adam Grant: Are you a giver or a taker?
Adam Grant: Ste dajalec ali jemalec?
After years of studying the dynamics of success and productivity in the workplace, Adam Grant discovered a powerful and often overlooked motivator: helping others. Full bio
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around the room for a minute
paranoid person here --
paranoično osebo tukaj.
at that person for me.
that I call "takers."
tako imenovani "jemalci."
in their interactions.
most interactions by asking,
večini interakcij vprašajo:
to think about your own style.
da razmislite o svojem stilu.
večine ljudi, postane vaš stil,
most of the people most of the time,
ste dajalec ali jemalec
of a giver or a taker,
to think about yourself.]
2. koraka, niste narcistični.]
you are not a narcissist.]
that has no data behind it,
povedal, da ne temelji za podatkih,
for you to laugh at this cartoon,
kot traja, da se zasmejete tej skici,
da ste jemalec.
that you're a taker.
one too many times.
ki so se prevečkrat opekli.
that we won't be addressing today,
ki se ji danes ne bomo posvetili;
common these extremes are,
kako pogosti so ti ekstremi
people across industries
ljudi v različnih panogah,
are right in the middle
večina ljudi prav na sredi
called "matching."
imenovan "izenačevanje."
med dajanjem in prejemanjem:
an even balance of give and take:
zate, če boš ti naredil kaj zame.
for you if you do something for me.
to live your life.
in produktiven način življenja?
and productive way to live your life?
is a very definitive ...
their productivity.
da so merili svojo produktivnost.
of these jobs were the givers.
najslabše odrezali dajalci.
than they got back.
uslug, kot jih prejmejo.
other people's jobs,
in energije, da bi dokončali svoje delo.
to get their own work completed.
najslabše ocene tisti,
belong to the students
z izjavami, kot so:
with statements like,
you ought to trust
zaupanja vreden zdravnik
brez želje, da pomaga drugim.
with no desire to help anybody.
the lowest revenue accrued
to one of those salespeople
z enim takim prodajalcem,
you suck at your job --"
bedno opravljaš svoje delo?
so deeply about my customers
mar za svoje stranke,
one of our crappy products."
enega od naših ušivih izdelkov."
kot za jemalca oz. izenačevalca?
as givers than takers or matchers?
before we talked about these data.
prej govorili o teh podatkih.
there's a twist here,
da tukaj leži problem,
sacrificing themselves,
at the frequency of giving behavior
kako pogosto se daje
or an organization --
and sharing their knowledge
pomagajo, delijo svoje znanje
on every metric we can measure:
stranke, zaposleni ostajajo,
employee retention --
trying to help other people
da pomagajo drugim ljudem
in, na žalost, med tem trpijo.
they suffer along the way.
actually get to succeed.
dajalci dejansko uspejo.
are the worst performers,
dajalci najslabši pri delu,
it's not the takers.
but also fall quickly in most jobs.
ampak hitro tudi nazadujejo.
in "An eye for an eye" -- a just world.
"oko za oko" - pravičen svet.
to osebo kruto kaznovati.
out of that person.
se ti bo prej ali slej vse povrnilo;
najboljši pri svojem delu.
who are the best performers.
I've ever studied,
organizaciji, ki sem jo preučeval,
to the givers again.
ki sem jih zbral od prodajalcev
from hundreds of salespeople,
gredo v oba ekstrema.
go to both extremes.
z najmanjšimi prihodki,
who bring in the lowest revenue,
pri produktivnosti inženirjev
for engineers' productivity
večino na dnu in na vrhu
at the bottom and at the top
se lahko meri uspeh.
katerem več dajalcev uspe?
where more of these givers get to excel?
do tega priti ne le v poslu,
not just in businesses,
ampak cenim navdušenje.
but I appreciate the enthusiasm.
are your most valuable people,
vaši najbolj dragoceni ljudje,
the givers in your midst.
from Fortune's best networker.
za navezovanje stikov pri reviji Fortune.
of his time helping other people.
nudenju pomoči drugim.
is the five-minute favor.
je pet-minutna usluga.
Mother Teresa or Gandhi
da si Mati Tereza ali Gandi,
načine, da veliko prispevaš
to add large value
as making an introduction
kot, da predstavite
koristi od poznanstva.
benefit from knowing each other.
ali mu daš povratne informacije.
or giving a little bit of feedback.
osnovnega, kot je ta obljuba:
as basic as saying,
čigar delo ni nihče opazil."
whose work has gone unnoticed."
are really critical
postavijo meje in se zaščitijo.
and protect themselves.
where givers succeed,
kjer dajalci uspejo,
kjer je iskanje pomoči norma;
where help-seeking is the norm;
to home for some of you.
od vas zdelo precej znano.
res vi tisti, ki dajete?]
you always have to be the giver?]
to be a receiver, too.
v redu, če tudi prejemajo.
we can actually make this easier.
ljudje prosijo za pomoč.
for people to ask for help.
studied hospitals.
veliko prosile za pomoč,
nurses did a lot of help-seeking,
they did very little of it.
bilo iskanje pomoči pogosto,
where help-seeking was common,
opravljala le eno delo;
whose sole job it was
it's not vulnerable to ask for help --
nisi ranljiv, če prosiš za pomoč -
just for protecting the success
le za ohranjanje uspeha
more people to act like givers,
zato, da dobimo več dajalcev,
of all giving in organizations
vsega dajanja v organizacijah
they don't want to burden others.
ne želijo motiti drugih.
frustriranih dajalcev,
in your organization
who could benefit and how.
of successful givers,
kulturo uspešnih dajalcev,
komu dovolite v svojo ekipo.
you let onto your team.
of productive generosity,
produktivne dobrosrčnosti,
that that was not right --
da pravzaprav temu ni tako -
of a taker on a culture
kulturi je navadno
the positive impact of a giver.
kot pozitivni vpliv dajalcev.
just does not make a dozen.
will stop helping.
dajalci nehali pomagati.
by a bunch of snakes and sharks.
skupina kač in morskih psov.
opravi vse naše delo."
and team building
preverjanje in gradnja ekipe
boste imeli dajalce in izenačevalce.
about the consequences.
je, da bodo sledili normi.
is that they follow the norm.
before it's too late?
preden je prepozno?
at figuring out who's a taker,
pri ugotavljanju, kdo je jemalec,
that throws us off.
of personality across cultures.
osebnosti v vseh kulturah.
they're nice, they're polite.
prijateljski, so prijazni, so vljudni.
državno tekmovanje
a national contest
slogana z dokončanjem stavka,
and fill in the blank,
was going to be,
ali "... hokej."
or, "... ice hockey."
da bo njihov nov slogan -
for their new national slogan to be --
glede na okoliščine."
under the circumstances."
who are highly agreeable,
da ugodim drugim ljudem?
to try to please other people?
skeptical, challenging,
to go to law school.
se odločajo za študij prava.
that's actually an empirical fact.
da so prijetni ljudje dajalci
that agreeable people were givers
temi lastnostmi ni povezave,
no correlation between those traits,
that agreeableness-disagreeableness
oz. neprijetnost le maski:
izvirata iz notranjosti:
are more of your inner motives:
Kaj so vaši nameni z drugimi?
What are your intentions toward others?
people accurately,
čakajo vsi svetovalci v prostoru
consultant in the room is waiting for,
are also recognized quickly,
by a slightly different name.
two combinations.
in our organizations.
and tough on the surface
others' best interests at heart.
ampak odličnim operacijskim sistemom.
but a great operating system."
undervalued people in our organizations,
organizacijah najbolj podcenjujemo,
who give the critical feedback
negativno oceno,
vsak pa jo mora prejeti.
but everyone needs to hear.
valuing these people
is the deadly one --
pozabljamo, je smrtonosna -
also known as the faker.
who's nice to your face,
these people in the interview process
te ljudi med razgovorom,
fundamentally improved?"
influential than them,
and then kicking down.
prilizovanju in nato vas poteptajo.
who are below them in a hierarchy,
imena ljudi, ki so pod njimi,
osebe se lahko veliko naučimo,
you can learn a lot about character
se obnaša do natakarja
treats their restaurant server
out of organizations,
in pursuing their own goals
in željo bo doseganju ciljev,
that people define success.
winning a competition,
tekmovanje in da gre za zmago,
is really more about contribution.
pri uspehu bolj za prispevanje.
smiseln način uspeha ta,
meaningful way to succeed
are plotting your well-being.
da se boste dobro počutili.
glowing things about you.
is that's not a delusion --
dajalcev je, da ni blodnja;
where givers succeed,
create that world.
uspeli ustvariti tak svet.
Adam Grant - Organizational psychologistAfter years of studying the dynamics of success and productivity in the workplace, Adam Grant discovered a powerful and often overlooked motivator: helping others.
Why you should listen
In his groundbreaking book Give and Take, top-rated Wharton professor Adam Grant upended decades of conventional motivational thinking with the thesis that giving unselfishly to colleagues or clients can lead to one’s own long-term success. Grant’s research has led hundreds of advice seekers (and HR departments) to his doorstep, and it’s changing the way leaders view their workforces.
Grant's book Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World examines how unconventional thinkers overturn the status quo and champion game-changing ideas.
Grant is the host of the TED original podcast WorkLife, taking us inside unconventional workplaces to explore the ideas we can all use to make work more meaningful and creative.
Adam Grant | Speaker |