John McWhorter: 4 reasons to learn a new language
Џон Маквортер (John McWhorter): Четири разлога да научите нови језик
Linguist John McWhorter thinks about language in relation to race, politics and our shared cultural history. Full bio
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the world's universal language,
светски универзални језик,
is spoken by more people,
говори више људи,
are learning English
are learning Chinese.
in China right now
двадесетак универзитета у Кини
that at the end of the century
that exist now --
instant translation of live speech
живог говора не само могуће,
but it gets better every year.
those things to you
све ове ствари
that we're getting to the point
is going to start being asked,
learn foreign languages --
учили стране језике,
happens to be foreign to one?
још један језик ако стижемо до тачке
when it's getting to the point
will be able to communicate in one?
да комуницирају помоћу једног језика?
most likely to have heard of,
dangerous than you might think.
него што мислите,
and the grammar of different languages
a different kind of acid trip,
for some reason, marked as feminine.
одређена да буде женског рода.
you just have to deal with it.
само треба да се навикнете на то.
of one of those languages
than could possibly be an accident,
да бисмо помислили да је случајност
with a high and feminine voice.
користећи висок или женски глас.
to you, a table is kind of a girl,
за вас је сто врста девојке,
are an English speaker.
од говорника енглеског.
will tell you that that means
if you speak one of those languages.
ако користите један од ових језика.
put us under the microscope,
стави под микроскоп,
who speak English natively.
енглески као матерњи.
из енглеске перспективе?
let's take an English speaker.
енглеског језика.
of the English language.
three people have in common?
the English language that unites them?
кроз енглески језик који их обједињује?
that language can shape thought,
да језик може да обликује мисли,
obscure psychological flutters.
нејасна психолошка лелујања.
a different pair of glasses on the world.
другачији пар наочара за свет.
the way you think,
начин на који размишљате,
want to imbibe a culture,
ако желите да упијете културу,
if you want to become part of it,
ако желите да јој постанете део,
the language channels the culture --
да ли језик каналише културу -
happens to be conducted in.
да се култура спроводи.
illustration of this.
but really you should seek it out.
али заиста треба да га потражите.
film director Denys Arcand --
канадски режисер Дени Аркон,
"Dennis Ar-cand,"
као „Денис Аркенд“,
„Монтреалски Исус“.
interesting French-Canadian,
интересантни француски Канађани,
to an Anglophone hospital.
у болницу у којој се говори енглески.
they have to speak English.
but it's not their native language,
али им то није матерњи језик;
не користе идиоматске изразе.
that you've fallen in love with
у које сте се заљубили
they're shadows of themselves.
сопствене сенке.
through that kind of skrim curtain
кроз такву прозирну завесу
стварно разумевање културе.
of languages will be left,
да ће стотине језика бити напуштено,
to being able to participate
за могућност да учествујемо
who speak them,
that it is their code.
dementia is less likely to set in,
мања шанса да се јави деменција
a better multitasker.
у вршењу више радњи истовремено.
некакав увид у то
lessons in another language.
обезбедите часове других језика.
Arabic: "kataba," he wrote,
арапско „катаба“, „он је писао“,
in the middle like pillars.
у средини, као стожери.
dance around the consonants.
that around in their mouths?
main language, Amharic.
различит распоред речи.
који има другачији распоред речи
with different word order
of a street if you go to certain country,
ако одете у одређену земљу,
put Witch Hazel around your eyes
антиинфламаторну крему око очију
we all often return to,
често враћали, сигуран сам,
"Do you know where I found him?
„Да ли знате где сам га нашао?
He was eating cake in the tub,
Јео је торту испод туша,
in Mandarin Chinese,
на мандаринском кинеском,
for years and years at a time.
not some baker's dozen of vowels
тек десетак самогласника,
in the Cambodian mouth
из камбоџанских уста
easier to teach yourself another language.
није било лакше научити други језик.
to go to a classroom,
some diligent teacher --
in there at certain times
само у одређено време
„у већини случајева“.
you had something called a record.
имали сте нешто под називом „плоча“.
постојали су само на плочи
познатим под називом це-де.
that didn't work,
које нису функционисале;
any language that you want to
such as Rosetta Stone.
какав је „Розета стоун“.
the lesser known Glossika as well.
и мање познату „Глосику“.
на различитим језицима.
pleasures in various languages.
languages every single morning;
на различитим језицима сваког јутра;
any language you wanted
било који језик који желите
to very sophisticated people.
чак и веома софистицираним људима.
other than the one that I'm speaking,
другачије од онога који говорите,
a better time to do it.
John McWhorter - LinguistLinguist John McWhorter thinks about language in relation to race, politics and our shared cultural history.
Why you should listen
John McWhorter is Associate Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University, teaching linguistics, Western Civilization and music history. He is a regular columnist on language matters and race issues for Time and CNN, writes for the Wall Street Journal "Taste" page, and writes a regular column on language for The Atlantic. His work also appears in the Washington Post, the Chronicle of Higher Education, Aeon magazine, The American Interest and other outlets. He was Contributing Editor at The New Republic from 2001 until 2014.
McWhorter earned his PhD in linguistics from Stanford University in 1993 and is the author of The Power of Babel, Doing Our Own Thing, Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue, The Language Hoax and most recently Words on the Move and Talking Back, Talking Black. The Teaching Company has released four of his audiovisual lecture courses on linguistics. He guest hosted the Lexicon Valley podcast at Slate during the summer of 2016.
Beyond his work in linguistics, McWhorter is the author of Losing the Race and other books on race. He has appeared regularly on Bloggingheads.TV since 2006, and he produces and plays piano for a group cabaret show, New Faces, at the Cornelia Street Cafe in New York City.
John McWhorter | Speaker |