Robert Waldinger: What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness
Роберт Уолдингер: Хэрхэн сайхан амьдрах вэ? Аз жаргалыг судалсан хамгийн урт хугацааны судалгааны сургамжаас
Robert Waldinger is the Director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development, one of the most comprehensive longitudinal studies in history. Full bio
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and your energy?
most important life goals were,
гол зорилгыг асуухад
was to get rich.
of those same young adults
to lean in to work, to push harder
амжилтанд хүр гэсэн зүйлсийг
are the things that we need to go after
and how those choices work out for them,
тэдгээр сонголтууд нь хэрхэн цааш өрнөж
are almost impossible to get.
боломжгүй зүйл.
to remember the past,
дурсамжаас нь мэдэж авдаг.
is anything but 20/20.
100 хувь бодит байж чаддаггүй.
of what happens to us in life,
is downright creative.
эсрэг тал руугаа бүтээлч болж орхидог.
цаг хугацаа өнгөрөхийн хирээр
олдвол ямар вэ?
from the time that they were teenagers
болгодгийг мэдэхийн тулд тэднийг
хөгшрөх хүртэл нь
happy and healthy?
Хөгжлийн Судалгаа
of adult life that's ever been done.
хамгийн урт судалгаа байх.
the lives of 724 men,
амьдралыг судалсан.
their home lives, their health,
эрүүл мэндийн талаар асуулт асууна.
without knowing how their life stories
хэрхэн өрнөхийг
ховор л доо.
fall apart within a decade
drop out of the study,
судалгаанаас гарах,
further down the field.
үргэлжлүүлэх хүн байхгүй болчихдог.
of several generations of researchers,
шургуу байдлын ачаар
даван туулж чадсан.
60 орчим нь
судалж эхэлж байна.
of two groups of men.
2 бүлгийг судалсан.
at Harvard College.
during World War II,
сургуулиа төгсч,
to serve in the war.
from Boston's poorest neighborhoods,
амьдардаг хөвгүүд байсан юм.
from some of the most troubled
хамгийн асуудалтай, эмзэг бүлгийн
many without hot and cold running water.
нийтийн байранд амьдарч байсан.
and we interviewed their parents.
ярилцлага хийсэн.
grew up into adults
and bricklayers and doctors,
өрөгч, эмч болж,
A few developed schizophrenia.
цөөн хэд нь шизофрени өвчтэй болсон.
all the way to the very top,
in the opposite direction.
standing here today, 75 years later,
байгаа тухай ярина гэж
the study still continues.
and dedicated research staff
судлаачид маань
and asks them if we can send them
about their lives.
асуулт асууж болох эсэхийг лавладаг.
"Та нар яагаад одоо хүртэл намайг
My life just isn't that interesting."
сонирхолтой биш шүү дээ." гэж асуудаг.
хэзээ ч тэгж асуудаггүй.
of these lives,
from their doctors.
about their deepest concerns.
зүйлсээ хуваалцахад нь бичлэг хийдэг.
we finally asked the wives
as members of the study,
оролцож чадах эсэхийг асуухад
"You know, it's about time."
гэж билээ.
from the tens of thousands of pages
хэдэн арван мянган хуудас
or fame or working harder and harder.
эсвэл илүү шаргуу ажиллах тухай огт биш.
from this 75-year study is this:
нэг л тодорхой зүйл байна.
happier and healthier. Period.
эрүүл байлгадаг. Ердөө л энэ.
about relationships.
зүйл мэдэж авсан.
are really good for us,
бидэнд маш тустай,
who are more socially connected
and they live longer
урт насалдаг нь
turns out to be toxic.
болох нь ч мөн харагдсан.
than they want to be from others
чаддаггүй, тусгаарлагдмал хүмүүс
эрт муудаж,
than people who are not lonely.
is that at any given time,
will report that they're lonely.
өөрсдийгөө ганцаардмал гэж үздэг.
can be lonely in a crowd
the number of friends you have,
you're in a committed relationship,
байх эсэх нь чухал биш,
of your close relationships that matters.
чанар нь л чухал.
of conflict is really bad for our health.
маш муу нөлөөтэй.
without much affection,
байнгын зөрчилдөөнтэй гэрлэлт нь
perhaps worse than getting divorced.
нөлөөлөх магадлалтай нь ажиглагдсан.
warm relationships is protective.
амьдрах нь биднийг хамгаалдаг.
all the way into their 80s,
судалсныхаа дараа бид
хэн нь ахмад насандаа
into a happy, healthy octogenarian
таамаглаж болох эсэхийг
everything we knew about them
бүх мэдээллийг нь цуглуулж үзэхэд
cholesterol levels
were going to grow old.
in their relationships.
хэр сэтгэл хангалуун байсан нь нөлөөлсөн.
in their relationships at age 50
харилцаатай байсан хүмүүс
seem to buffer us
of getting old.
хамгаалдаг байна.
when they had more physical pain,
сэтгэл санааны хувьд
in unhappy relationships,
байсан хүмүүс хэлэхдээ,
reported more physical pain,
зовиур нь
about relationships and our health
талаар бидний олж мэдсэн 3 дахь сургамж нь
don't just protect our bodies,
хамгаалаад зогсохгүй,
in a securely attached relationship
is protective,
хамгаалалт болдог.
on the other person in times of need,
итгэл даахыг мэдрэх нь
stay sharper longer.
can't count on the other one,
earlier memory decline.
they don't have to be smooth all the time.
саад бэрхшээлтэй учрахгүй гэсэн үг биш.
could bicker with each other
could really count on the other
on their memories.
огтхон ч нөлөөлөхгүй.
are good for our health and well-being,
гэдэг ойлголт бол
and so easy to ignore?
үл ойшооход ийм амархан юм бол?
and keep them that way.
and they're complicated
to family and friends,
их ажил шаарддаг,
дуусах учиргүй.
who were the happiest in retirement
хамгийн жаргалтай тэтгэврийн насныхан
to replace workmates with new playmates.
солихоор идэвхтэй ажилласан хүмүүс байсан.
in that recent survey,
шинэ мянганы залуус шиг
were starting out as young adults
ахуйдаа эд хөрөнгө, алдар нэр,
and high achievement
хэмжүүр гэж
to have a good life.
our study has shown
the people who leaned in to relationships,
гэр бүл, найз нөхөд, нийгмийн харилцаандаа
удаа дараа тогтоогдсон.
or you're 40, or you're 60.
to relationships even look like?
яана гэсэн үг юм бол?
are practically endless.
as replacing screen time with people time
хүмүүстэй өнгөрүүлэхэд зориулах,
by doing something new together,
хамтдаа шинэ зүйл хийж сайжруулах,
who you haven't spoken to in years,
залгах ч байж болно.
гэр бүлийн хагарал
from Mark Twain.
яриагаа дуусгая.
heartburnings, callings to account.
буруугаа хүлээхийг шаардах цаг байхгүй.
so to speak, for that."
with good relationships.
сайн харилцаан дээр тогтдог.
Robert Waldinger - Psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, Zen priestRobert Waldinger is the Director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development, one of the most comprehensive longitudinal studies in history.
Why you should listen
Robert Waldinger is a psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and Zen priest. He is Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and directs the Harvard Study of Adult Development, one of the longest-running studies of adult life ever done. The Study tracked the lives of two groups of men for over 75 years, and it now follows their Baby Boomer children to understand how childhood experience reaches across decades to affect health and wellbeing in middle age. He writes about what science and Zen can teach us about healthy human development.
Dr. Waldinger is the author of numerous scientific papers as well as two books. He teaches medical students and psychiatry residents at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, and he is a Senior Dharma Teacher in Boundless Way Zen.
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