Carl Safina: What are animals thinking and feeling?
Carl Safina: Co si zvířata myslí a co cítí?
Carl Safina's writing explores the scientific, moral and social dimensions of our relationship with nature. Full bio
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what animals think and feel?
co si myslí a cítí zvířata?
or does she just want a treat?
nebo mu jde jenom o pamlsek?
that our dog really loves us,
že ho jeho pes má opravdu rád.
do they love us?
co zvířata cítí k nám?
to ask animals.
jinou otázku.
only of the human mind.
nemá žádná jiná mysl.
doing with those brains?
ostatní tvorové?
we can look at their brains
zkoumat jejich mozky
our brain is inherited.
že jsme náš mozek zdědili.
to the first chordates.
to the first vertebrates.
a nerve cell, looks the same
pořád stejně.
about the minds of crayfish?
například o mysli raka?
if you give a crayfish
že když raka vystavíte
to come out of its burrow,
we care about crayfish anxiety?
že raci mají úzkost?
as well as do most apes
podobně jako někteří primáti,
intelligence of this invertebrate?
za jejich vysokou inteligenci?
into a crevice in the coral,
před dravým kanicem ve štěrbině útesu,
a moray eel is sleeping
k úkrytu murény
to the moray, "Follow me,"
aby šla za ním.
Vpluje za rybkou do štěrbiny
and get the fish,
ji vyplaší a chytí ji kanic.
and the grouper may get it.
have just recently found out about.
ale víme o něm teprve krátce.
that ancient partnership?
spojenectví chováme?
a lot more about us
ovšem prozrazuje
from what they're doing
which is called teaching.
Tomu se říká výuka.
and killer whales share food.
A také se dělí o potravu.
in stock, off the shelf,
má příroda na skladě,
of the deep sweep of time.
compared to a chimpanzee brain,
s mozkem šimpanze,
a very big chimpanzee brain.
je znatelně větší.
because we're also really insecure.
i tak máme dost mindráků.
a s více závity.
all right, well, we see brains,
jak mozek vypadá,
have to say about minds?
fungování mysli
under the palm trees
nám dává smysl,
of what they're doing
on the same plains,
známe tytéž rostliny,
of the same dangers,
zvuky nebezpečí.
and we became who we are.
mnoho společného.
these elephants as being relaxed.
že tihle slonové jsou klidní.
concerned about something.
že je něco zneklidnilo.
the voices of tourists
from a speaker hidden in bushes,
ukrytých v křoví,
because tourists never bother elephants.
Turisté jim nevadí.
hlasy pastevců,
in confrontations at water holes,
násilně odhánějí od vodních zdrojů,
and run away from the hidden speaker.
a budou se hnát pryč.
that there are humans,
different kinds of humans,
and some are dangerous.
than we have been watching them.
find food, try to stay alive.
usilovat o přežití.
in the hills of Africa
ke zdolávání kopců v Africe,
we are basically the same.
v jádru se tak moc nelišíme.
"Mají vědomí?"
it makes you unconscious,
jste v bezvědomí.
no sensation of anything.
the thing that feels like something.
if you're aware of anything,
když jste si něčeho vědomi,
A oni ho mají.
that make humans humans,
to match moods with your companions.
svou náladu těm, kdo jsou okolo.
you need to hurry up.
is contagious fear.
je nakažlivý strach.
startle and fly away,
vyplaší a uletí,
like everything else in life,
ale jak už to v životě chodí,
and has its elaboration.
rozmanitých podob.
you feel sad, it makes me sad.
Jsem smutný, protože ty jsi smutný.
že ty jsi veselý.
that I call sympathy,
vzdálenější empatie,
has just passed away.
but I get it; I know what you feel
ale chápu, co prožíváš,
to act on sympathy,
that makes us human,
co nás činí lidmi,
we kill them and we eat them.
zabíjíme je a jíme.
well, those are different species.
a my je jíme, protože jsme predátoři.
and humans are predators.
too well either.
ani k našemu vlastnímu druhu.
only one thing about animal behavior
zvířat nic nevědí,
human thoughts and emotions
a city nelze připisovat
and emotions to other species
naopak udělat
they're doing and how they're feeling,
co zvířata dělají a cítí.
are basically the same as ours.
v zásadě podobné.
mood and motivation in us
a vytvářejí naše nálady,
are hungry when they're hunting
že když zvířata loví, tak mají hlad,
their tongues are hanging out,
tak jsou unavení.
with their children
a vypadají šťastně,
be experiencing anything.
jestli opravdu něco zažívají.
that other animals can think and feel?"
zvířata mohou myslet a cítit?"
through all the hundreds
vědeckých odkazů,
that I put in my book
ve své knize,
was right in the room with me.
leží přímo přede mnou.
and comes over to me --
moje fena,
and exposes her belly,
a nastaví bříško,
"I would like my belly rubbed.
"Chtěla bych podrbat bříško.
because we're family.
protože jsme rodina.
and it will feel good."
a bude mi dobře."
myslela a cítila.
more complicated than that.
and we say, "Oh look, killer whales,
že například u kosatek,
we create an awful lot of it.
ale často ho i způsobují.
až sami umřou?
of the Mediterranean Sea
od středomořských břehů
strongholds of elephant range
útočiště na pastvinách
into little shards.
na malé kousky území.
that we are driving to extinction,
zvířete, jemuž kvůli nám hrozí vyhubení.
magnificent creature on land.
suchozemských tvorů.
of our wildlife in the United States.
samozřejmě staráme lépe.
we killed every single wolf.
vybili všechny vlky.
south of the Canadian border, actually.
na jih od Kanady.
did that in the 1920s,
v roce 1920,
they had to bring them back,
byli vlci vráceni,
had gotten out of control.
chodit dívat tisíce lidí.
to see the wolves,
visible wolves in the world.
pozorovat tak snadno.
this incredible family of wolves.
jednu skvělou vlčí rodinu.
and the young of several generations.
a několik generací potomků.
pack in Yellowstone National Park.
smečku v Yellowstonu.
just outside the border,
jednou překročila hranici,
jako alfa samice.
descended into sibling rivalry.
propukla sourozenecká řevnivost.
to rejoin her family.
zkoušela do rodiny vrátit.
because they were jealous of her.
from two new males,
dvou nových samců
outside the park and getting shot.
za hranicemi parku.
being ejected from his own family.
his hunting support,
o pomoc při lovu,
i o svou družku.
tolik bolesti,
they hurt us more than they do?
proč k nám nejsou agresivnější?
part of a grey whale
sežrala kus plejtvákovce,
who had killed that whale.
had nothing at all to fear.
se nemají čeho bát.
into three pieces with two companions.
zrovna roztrhala tuleně
as the people in the boat.
naše malé děti v bezpečí?
to researchers lost in thick fog
v mlze, kosatky se vrátí
was right there on the shoreline?
named Denise Herzing,
Denise Herzigová. Delfíni ji znají.
and they know her.
She knows who they all are.
They recognize the research boat.
a poznají její člun.
it's a big happy reunion.
didn't want to come near the boat,
ke člunu připlout,
what was going on
of the people onboard had died
that one of the human hearts
že jedno lidské srdce
A proč je to vyděsilo?
all of the things that are going on
že v mysli zvířat
dolphin named Dolly.
jménem Dolly.
a keeper took a cigarette break
Jednou si u akvária
into their pool, smoking.
a kouřil před sklem.
nursed for a minute or two,
chvíli sála mléko,
that enveloped her head like smoke.
který jí zahalil hlavu jako kouř.
to represent smoke.
aby ztvárnilo kouř.
to represent another,
that we think make us human.
které jsou ryze lidské.
and their minds have,
se u nás rozvinulo nejvíc.
that has ever been on this planet,
na této planetě.
all jumbled up together.
míchá dohromady.
that makes us human.
že milujeme.
who care about our mates.
stará o své partnery.
who care about our children.
stará o své děti.
sometimes ten thousand miles
nalétají 10 až 15 tisíc kilometrů,
one meal, one big meal,
jež na ně čekají, přinesli
in the oceans of the world,
oceánských ostrovech.
to the next is the chain of being.
to je koloběh bytí.
už nic nebude.
and into that sacred relationship
vztahu vstupuje
have plastic in them now.
teď mají v sobě plasty.
ready to fledge --
ještě s prachovým peřím.
plné zapalovačů.
we are supposed to have
se zbytkem světa
ourselves after our brains,
podle naší schopnosti myslet,
human life into the world,
uvádíme do prostředí,
into the company of other creatures.
společnost další tvorové.
that we are not alone.
že nejsme sami.
in every painting of Noah's ark,
kreslíme na Noemově arše,
is in mortal danger now,
smrtelné nebezpečí.
naše schopnosti tak,
let them continue?
dál tu s námi existovat?
Carl Safina - Ecologist, writerCarl Safina's writing explores the scientific, moral and social dimensions of our relationship with nature.
Why you should listen
Carl Safina explores how the ocean is changing and what those changes mean for wildlife and for people.
Safina is author of seven books, including Song for the Blue Ocean, which was a New York Times Notable Book of the Year, Eye of the Albatross, Voyage of the Turtle and The View From Lazy Point. Safina is founding president of The Safina Center at Stony Brook University, where he also co-chairs the University's Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science. A winner of the 2012 Orion Award and a MacArthur Prize, among others, his work has been featured in outlets such as The New York Times, National Geographic, and The Huffington Post, and he hosts “Saving the Ocean” on PBS.
His latest book, Beyond Words: What Animals Think And Feel, explores the inner lives of animals.
Carl Safina | Speaker |