Pardis Sabeti: How we'll fight the next deadly virus
Pardis Sabeti: Hogy küzdjünk meg a következő halálos vírussal?
Pardis Sabeti investigates the genomes of microbes, including the Ebola virus, to help understand how to slow them. Full bio
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of Kenema, Sierra Leone
a Sierra Leone-i Kenema,
extraordinary places on earth.
mint legjobb helyeket a Földön.
of nurses, physicians and scientists
nővérek, orvosok és tudósok közössége
to humanity for years:
halálos kórral:
and can often be fatal.
they risk their lives every day
naponta kockáztatja életét,
in their communities,
I learned about them
amit megtudtam róluk
out there many years ago
első látogatásom során,
ott a frontvonalban
on the front lines -- by singing.
and they show their joy.
and they've visited me,
vagy ők jöttek el hozzám,
a tudományos munka végett vagyunk itt,
just there to pursue science together;
is tartozunk.
becomes extremely important,
amikor a dolgok kezdenek megváltozni.
in March of 2014,
2014 márciusában,
was declared in Guinea.
bejelentették Guineában.
of Sierra Leone and Liberia.
frightening for us all.
elterjedt, mint ahogy vélték,
widespread than thought,
one day come to Kenema.
Kenema is sorra kerülhet.
immediately went out
and his team there,
to have sensitive molecular tests
hogy érzékeny molekuláris tesztekkel
across the border
ha az Ebola átjön a határon
of capacity for Lassa virus,
felállítottuk a Lassa-vírusra,
the tools and place to survey for Ebola.
kellett adnunk az Ebola kutatására.
into the maternity ward at the hospital,
a kórház szülészetére,
those important molecular tests
a fontos molekuláris teszteket,
confirmed case of Ebola in Sierra Leone.
első Eboa-esetet
work that was done.
the case immediately,
to follow what was going on.
a vírus terjedésének kiderítésére.
been breeding for months.
eclipsed all previous outbreaks.
az előző járványokon.
not as that singular case,
nem egyedi esetként érkezett,
with the international community,
to begin to deal with the cases,
Kenemával, foglalkoztunk az esetekkel,
all coming to Kenema,
mindenki Kenemába jött,
that could deal with this.
ahol tudtak foglalkozni vele.
trying to do everything we could,
hogy minden tőlünk telhetőt megtegyünk,
próbáltuk a figyelmet felkelteni,
trying to get attention,
from a patient's blood to detect Ebola,
amelyből az Ebolát kimutattuk,
put in a chemical and deactivate it,
hogy vegyszerrel hatástalanítjuk,
az óceán túlpartjára küldjük.
and ship it across the ocean,
doing shift work, day after day,
váltásokban dolgoztunk,
of the Ebola virus.
of a virus is the blueprint.
are simple and they're powerful.
egyszerű, de jelentős.
these 99 different viruses,
különböző vírust láthattunk.
compared to three genomes
hogy a három genommal összevetve,
published from Guinea,
emerged in Guinea months before,
indult hónapokkal ezelőtt,
from human to human.
how to intervene,
hogy lehet közbelépni,
is contact tracing.
a kapcsolat követése.
was moving between humans,
ahogy emberről emberre terjed
are so important,
sequence, fundamentally --
alapján történik.
would need to respond,
kellett reagálniuk,
that they were doing.
adott helyzetemben
the position I was in at that point
in a silo for many, many months,
elkülönülten hónapokig,
elemezzem az adatokat,
gone through a few back-and-forths,
átmenjen pár átnézésen,
might release that data.
akkor az információ közölhető.
at this point, right?
that what we needed is help,
hogy segítségre van szükségünk
came off the machines,
and said, "Help us."
és azt mondtuk: "Segítsetek!"
from people all over,
out there and released.
viral trackers in the world
in this virtual way,
minute by minute,
that we can form communities like that.
ilyen közösségeket.
started to expand globally,
világméreteket kezdett ölteni –,
to participate, to engage.
részt venni, hozzájárulni.
out there is just amazing,
of being frightened of each other,
and let's make this happen."
that all of us are using,
amihez guglizással hozzáférünk,
to do what we need to do.
amennyire szükségünk van.
get missed when that happens.
of the epidemic from Kenema,
from patients,
publicly available to the world.
that you could take those 106 records,
the prognosis for Ebola patients
a páciens Ebola-kockázatának megadására,
that could release that,
to health-care workers in the field.
to make it powerful,
to release that.
cannot accept that.
many health-care workers,
Mbalu Fonnie, Alex Moigboi,
and Mohamed Fullah.
és Mohamed Fullah.
of many health-care workers
and while we all worked,
és mi mind dolgoztunk
minden fenyegetését
and distraction and division.
és széttagoltság táplálja.
and we fight amongst ourselves,
és egymás ellen harcolunk,
we're actually all the same.
mind egy cipőben járunk.
could soon be on ours.
with the same vulnerabilities,
the same fears, the same hopes,
ugyanazok a félelmeink és reményeink.
was reading a book about Sierra Leone,
könyvet olvasott Sierra Leone-ról,
where we work in Sierra Leone,
ahol Sierra Leone-ban dolgozunk,
for "clear like a river, translucent
és nyitott látvány a közösségnek."
we'd always felt
mindig azt éreztük,
in Kenema where we worked,
ahol dolgoztunk az egyének érdekében,
and we had to work together.
és együtt kellett dolgozzunk.
of ourselves and others --
when an outbreak happens,
mikor kitör a járvány,
outbreak of Ebola,
out there that are lying in wait,
it could start there.
that's transmitted through the air.
disseminated intentionally.
szándékosan terjesztik.
I understand that,
ezt a tapasztalat mutatja,
and this experience shows us,
and we have the capacity
the upper hand over viruses.
their lives on the front lines
feláldozták magukat
of hearts and minds
Pardis Sabeti - Computational geneticistPardis Sabeti investigates the genomes of microbes, including the Ebola virus, to help understand how to slow them.
Why you should listen
Pardis Sabeti develops algorithms to detect the genetic signatures of adaption in humans and the microbial organisms that infect humans. Among her lab’s key research areas: examining the genetic factors that drive disease susceptibility to Ebola and Lassa hemorrhagic fever, and investigating the genomes of microbes, including Lassa virus, Ebola virus, Plasmodium falciparum malaria, Vibrio cholera and Mycobacterioum tuberculosis, to help find cures.
She's based at the Center for Systems Biology and Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology at Harvard and the Department of Immunology and Infectious Disease at the Harvard School of Public Health. Sabeti is a National Geographic Emerging Explorer and was named a Time magazine Person of the Year in 2014 as one of the Ebola fighters.Pardis Sabeti | Speaker |