Wael Ghonim: Let's design social media that drives real change
Ваел Гоним: Да дизајнираме социјален медиум што поттикнува вистински промени
Wael Ghonim believes that the Internet can be the most powerful platform for connecting humanity, if we can bring civility and thoughtful conversations back to it. Full bio
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social media's greatest potential,
its greatest shortcomings.
to topple dictators
in using social media for activism,
I have personally faced
of the people around the globe,
political realities
политичка реалност
алтернативен живот.
I was completely apolitical until 2009.
ориентиран пред 2009.
into social media,
на социјаната мрежа
in the country.
of a tortured, dead body
измачувано, мртво тело
who was killed by police.
Александрија, убиен од полицијата.
and I decided to do something.
и решив да направам нешто.
had over 100,000 people,
привлече над 100000 луѓе,
the same concern.
истите грижи и проблеми.
AbdelRahman Mansour.
ideas from the people.
did not want Egyptians to know.
режим не сакаше да ги знаеме.
media organizations
со други интернет организации
against his regime.
против неговиот режим.
медиуми се прашуваа,
on Facebook and called it
Фејсбук и го нареков:
Injustice and Dictatorship."
неправдата и диктатурата“ .
of the page at the time:
to the streets of Cairo,
улиците на Каиро,
reached over a million people,
до милион луѓе,
confirmed attendance.
потврдија дека ќе дојдат.
for this campaign.
во кампањата.
децентрализирно движење.
that they were not alone.
сфатат дека не се сами.
for the regime to stop it.
социјалната мрежа.
even understand it.
the streets of Cairo and other cities,
на улиците на Каиро и други градови,
the Internet and telecommunications,
Интернетот и прекине сите телекомуникации,
in Cairo, around midnight.
околу полноќ.
„ Моли се за Египет.
a massacre tomorrow."
and the others paralyzed me.
а другите ме парализираа.
by state security.
and even morgues.
дури и мртовечници.
I was the admin of the page
дека сум администратор на страната
my connection with that page,
и како сум поврзан со страната,
by state security.
државната безбедност.
a search campaign trying to find me,
кампања за да ме најдат,
demanded my release.
инсистираа да ме ослободат.
повлече од власт.
and empowering moment of my life.
момент во мојот живот
during the revolution.
despite our differences,
заедно и покрај разликите.
were like a punch in the gut.
беа како сол на рана.
led to intense polarization.
предизвикаа интензивна поларизација.
амплифицира состојбата,
of misinformation, rumors,
filled with trolls, lies, hate speech.
за лаги и омраза.
about the safety of my family.
моето семејство.
between the two main powers --
помеѓу две главни сили--
democratically elected president,
избран Египетски претседател,
that demanded his resignation.
негова отставка.
тотален молк.
on everything that happened,
се што се случи,
is primarily driven
е првично создадена
and magnifies its impact.
и го амплифицира ефектот.
that is not based on a fact,
што не е базирано на факт,
someone that you don't like.
некој што не го сакате.
is only one click away.
со само еден клик.
critical challenges
критични предизвици
how to deal with rumors.
реагираме на гласини.
човечките предрасуди
among millions of people.
милиони луѓе.
with people that we agree with,
and block everybody else.
quickly descend into angry mobs.
се шират меѓу разбеснетата толпа.
are actually real people
страна на екранот
to change our opinions.
and brevity of social media,
социјалните мрежи,
140 карактери
it lives forever on the Internet,
to change these views,
нашите мислења
this is the most critical --
are designed in a way
искуства се дизајнирани
we are here to talk at each other
зборуваме еден над друг
critical challenges contributed
моменти влиjаеа
Egyptian society,
in the whole world.
part of the solution,
on how to combat online harassment
минимизираме интернет омаловажување
to design social media experiences
искуството на социјалната мрежа
and reward thoughtfulness.
наградува добрина.
that is more sensational,
angry and aggressive,
на квалитет?
of a post you write,
тоа што си напишал,
that read what you write?
читаат она што си го напишал?
incentives to engage in conversations,
opinions all the time?
that they disagree with?
that we change our minds,
нормално“ да се смени мислење,
how many people changed their minds,
ставови и мислења
of our social media experience?
на социјалните мрежи?
are changing their minds,
го променија мислењето,
thoughtfully, trying to do that,
обидувајќи се да сменам нечие мислење,
who already agree with me
confirmed their biases.
crowdsourcing mechanisms,
за собирање идеи од толпата,
online information,
кои се шират низ интернет,
today's social media ecosystem
денешниот екосистем на социјалните медиуми
and mutual understanding.
цивилизираност и взаемно разбирање.
I teamed up with a few friends,
почнав нов проект
and explore possibilities.
и да испитаме опции.
media platform for conversations.
платформа за разговор.
that promote mutual understanding
промовираат разбирање
with different discussions
со различни дискусии
the refugee debate,
people on the planet
is being held captive
of our human behavior.
to liberate society,
го ослободиме човештвото,
Wael Ghonim - Internet activist and computer engineerWael Ghonim believes that the Internet can be the most powerful platform for connecting humanity, if we can bring civility and thoughtful conversations back to it.
Why you should listen
Wael Ghonim is a computer engineer, an Internet activist, and a social entrepreneur. He is a co-founder of Parlio, a new media platform for public conversations that rewards civility, which has been acquired by Quora. Wael is a senior fellow at Ash Center for Democratic Governance at Harvard University.
Wael spent 6 years at Google during which he used to head up Marketing and Product in the MENA region responsible of driving the growth of Google's products across the region and evangelizing the use of the Internet and growing the Arabic content in the region.
In 2011, Wael was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, was named one of Time 100's most influential and received JFK Profile in Courage Award. Coined the "keyboard freedom fighter," he used the power of the internet and social media to fight for social justice, democracy and human rights in Egypt.
He is the founder of "Tahrir Academy", a nonprofit online knowledge sharing platform for Arab youth. Wael received his Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering from Cairo University and earned an MBA from the American University in Cairo.
Wael Ghonim | Speaker | TED.com