Carol Dweck: The power of believing that you can improve
Carol Dweck: Sila viery v sebazlepšenie
Carol Dweck is a pioneering researcher in the field of motivation, why people succeed (or don't) and how to foster success. Full bio
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a certain number of courses to graduate,
they got the grade "Not Yet."
you think, I'm nothing, I'm nowhere.
myslíte si o sebe, že ste nikto a nikde.
you're on a learning curve.
into a critical event early in my career,
dôležitú vec zo začiatku mojej kariéry,
with challenge and difficulty,
s výzvami a problémami,
slightly too hard for them.
o niečo presahovala ich schopnosti.
in a shockingly positive way.
prekvapivo pozitívne.
"I love a challenge,"
„Mám rád výzvy“
this would be informative."
že sa z tohto veľa naučím.“
that their abilities could be developed.
že svoje schopnosti môžu ešte rozvinúť.
it was tragic, catastrophic.
ako tragédiu.
up for judgment and they failed.
ich schopnosti a oni zlyhali.
in the power of yet,
moc slovka „zatiaľ“,
they would probably cheat the next time
že nabudúce budú pravdepodobne podvádzať
if they failed a test.
keď neprejdú testom.
who did worse than they did
kto na teste dopadol ešte horšie,
good about themselves.
they have run from difficulty.
že takí študenti unikajú pred ťažkosťami.
the electrical activity from the brain
elektrickú aktivitu mozgu vždy,
the fixed mindset students.
s nepružným nastavením mysle.
the students with the growth mindset,
využíva „rozvojový prístup“,
že schopnosti možno rozvinúť.
instead of yet?
namiesto „zatiaľ“?
obsessed with getting A's?
sú posadnuté dostávaním jednotiek?
how to dream big dreams?
ktoré nemajú veľké sny?
or the next test score?
alebo vysoký počet bodov na teste?
for constant validation with them
potrebu neustáleho hodnotenia
are coming to me and saying,
zamestnávatelia a hovoria,
can't get through the day
ktorí sa ani jeden deň nezaobídu
not praising intelligence or talent.
a nechváľme inteligenciu alebo talent.
that kids engage in:
ktorý deti používajú:
their focus, their perseverance,
ich sústredenie, ich vytrvalosť,
ako odmeniť „zatiaľ“.
that rewarded yet.
ktorá odmeňuje „zatiaľ“.
for effort, strategy and progress.
za úsilie, stratégiu a pokrok.
answers right right now,
odpovede, ktoré zadáte hneď,
longer periods of time,
they hit really, really hard problems.
na naozaj ťažké problémy.
or "not yet," we're finding,
„zatiaľ“, resp. „zatiaľ nie“,
that creates greater persistence.
čím napomáhajú ich väčšej vytrvalosti.
change students' mindsets.
prístup študentov.
out of their comfort zone
zo svojej zóny pohodlia,
new, stronger connections,
silnejšie prepojenia,
taught this growth mindset
tomuto rozvojovému prístupu,
over this difficult school transition,
počas tejto náročnej zmeny,
showed a sharp rebound in their grades.
sa naopak prudko zlepšili.
this kind of improvement,
especially struggling students.
hlavne o problémových žiakov.
groups of students
Native American reservations.
that many people think it's inevitable.
to je normálne.
growth mindset classrooms steeped in yet,
v týchto triedach
in Harlem, New York
v newyorskej štvrti Harlem
on the National Achievement Test.
Národného výkonového testu.
when they arrived at school.
ani len ceruzku, keď prišli do školy.
in the South Bronx, way behind,
v Južnom Bronxe
in the state of New York
v štáte New York
in a school on a reservation
v indiánskej rezervácii
to the top,
svojho regiónu až na vrchol,
affluent sections of Seattle.
aj bohaté štvrte Seattlu.
the Microsoft kids.
prekonali deti Microsoftu.
made them feel like giving up,
are making new connections,
from a 13-year-old boy.
13-ročného chlapca.
on solid scientific research,
na reálnom vedeckom výskume,
to put it into practice.
Vaše zistenia použiť v praxi.
with kids at school,
in all of those areas.
som sa výrazne zlepšil.
most of my life."
márnil väčšinu svojho života.“
for children, all children,
ktoré takýto rast podporujú,
Carol Dweck - PsychologistCarol Dweck is a pioneering researcher in the field of motivation, why people succeed (or don't) and how to foster success.
Why you should listen
As Carol Dweck describes it: "My work bridges developmental psychology, social psychology, and personality psychology, and examines the self-conceptions (or mindsets) people use to structure the self and guide their behavior. My research looks at the origins of these mindsets, their role in motivation and self-regulation, and their impact on achievement and interpersonal processes."
Dweck is a professor at Stanford and the author of Mindset, a classic work on motivation and "growth mindset." Her work is influential among educators and increasingly among business leaders as well.
Carol Dweck | Speaker |