Hyeonseo Lee: My escape from North Korea
Hyeonseo Lee: Moj pobeg iz Severne Koreje
As a child growing up in North Korea, Hyeonseo Lee thoght her country was the "best on the planet." It wasn't until the famine of the 90s that she began to wonder. She escaped the country at 17-years-old to begin a life in hiding as a refugee in China. Hers is a harrowing, personal tale of survival and hope -- and a powerful reminder of those who face constant danger, even when the border is far behind. Full bio
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najboljša na svetu.
z naslovom "Ničesar za zavidati".
kaj dosti o preostalem svetu,
in Japonska sovražnice.
kakšen je zunanji svet,
prebila v Severni Koreji.
vse obrnilo na glavo.
prvič priča javni usmrtitvi.
da je moje življenje v državi normalno.
je moja mati prinesla domov pismo
"Ko berete to, vseh pet članov družine
da smo na robu smrti.
ko sem hodila mimo železniške postaje,
ker so vsi gledali na to,
in za svoje družine.
prizadela huda lakota.
umrlo od lakote.
vedno bolj pogosto.
temno kot v rogu,
zakaj imajo lahko oni luči in mi ne.
Severne Koreje ponoči
delih zelo ozka.
skrivno prečkajo.
trupla plavati po reki navzdol.
kako sem odšla iz države,
da so me, med obdobjem lakote,
samo za kratek čas.
brez družine bilo težko živeti.
da je ne le zelo težko,
moja najhujša mora,
da sem Severna Korejka,
bi končala v zaporu
vsa svoja čustva v sebi
na tujih veleposlaništvih,
kitajske policije,
ujetih na Kitajskem,
nazaj v Severno Korejo.
da sem se izognila temu,
niso imeli te sreče.
da morajo skrivati svojo identiteto
in pridobitvi zaposlitve
v hipu obrne na glavo.
skrivanja identitete
je bil večji zalogaj
svoj tretji jezik.
ni bilo lahko,
za univerzitetni sprejemni izpit.
novemu življenju
ki sem ga poslala svoji družini
kako jim pomagati.
neverjetne razdalje,
letela nazaj na Kitajsko
meji s Severno Korejo.
aretirani in priprti
točk mojega življenja.
južnokorejskega veleposlaništva.
rešitve za svojo družino.
ki me je vprašal:
in me je vprašal.
in svojo polomljeno angleščino
in brez pomisleka
za izpustitev iz zapora
drugih Severnih Korejcev.
in ga vprašala:
simbolični trenutek v mojem življenju.
novega upanja zame
takrat ko smo ga res potrebovali.
ki jih severnokorejski narod potrebuje.
z družino v Južni Koreji,
je bil le en del bitke.
je ločenih od svojih družin
Severno Korejo od znotraj.
da sem bila deležna pomoči
ambicioznim Severnim Korejcem
ki uspevajo po vsem svetu,
Hyeonseo Lee - ActivistAs a child growing up in North Korea, Hyeonseo Lee thoght her country was the "best on the planet." It wasn't until the famine of the 90s that she began to wonder. She escaped the country at 17-years-old to begin a life in hiding as a refugee in China. Hers is a harrowing, personal tale of survival and hope -- and a powerful reminder of those who face constant danger, even when the border is far behind.
Why you should listen
Hyeonseo Lee grew up in North Korea but escaped to China in 1997. In 2008, when she was 28-years-old, she came to Seoul, South Korea, where she struggled to adjust to life in the bustling city. North Korean defectors often have a hard time in South Korea, she noted in the Wall Street Journal: "We defectors have to start from scratch. Prejudice against North Koreans and icy stares were other obstacles that were hard to cope with."
Now a student at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, she has become an advocate for fellow refugees, even helping close relatives leave North Korea after they were targeted. Her dream? As she told the Korea Times, she'd like to work at the UN or an NGO that advocates for the human rights of North Koreans, including their right to be treated as political refugees.
She has a new book called The Girl with Seven Names.
Hyeonseo Lee | Speaker | TED.com