Laura Vanderkam: How to gain control of your free time
Laura Vanderkam: Kako pridobiti nadzor nad svojim prostim časom
Laura Vanderkam shatters the myth that there just isn’t enough time in the week for working professionals to live happy, balanced and productive lives. Full bio
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I write about time management,
o upravljanju s časom,
for my occasional tardiness,
za moje občasno zamujanje,
on time management.
govor o upravljanju s časom.
together and savor that irony.
in uživati v tej ironiji.
is that I have lots of tips and tricks
da sem polna nasvetov in trikov,
that are doing a story along these lines,
ki pišejo članek v tem stilu,
v svojem dnevu najdejo dodatno uro časa.
find an extra hour in the day.
bits of time off everyday activities,
aktivnosti odbili drobce časa,
čas za nekaj dobrega.
of this piece, but I'm always interested
a me vedno zanima, česa so se domislili,
up with before they call me.
se obračaš samo v desno -
have to make right-hand turns --
pri uporabi mikrovalovke:
in microwave usage:
minutes on the package,
in pol, absolutno ciljamo na spodnjo mejo.
the bottom side of that.
na nek način celo smiselna,
which makes sense on some level,
da lahko prevrtite naprej skozi reklame.
fast-forward through the commercials.
eight minutes every half hour,
of watching TV,
32 minutes to exercise?
32 minut za telovadbo?
of time here and there, add it up,
prihranili čas tu in tam, ga združili,
to everything we want to do.
preživljajo svoj čas
people spend their time
schedules hour by hour,
has it completely backward.
we want by saving time.
s tem, da prihranimo čas.
v življenju zelo zaposlenih žensk.
of extremely busy women.
sometimes their own businesses,
včasih svoja podjetja,
maybe parents to care for,
morda tudi za starše,
of their time for a week
koliko časa so delale in spale,
they worked and slept,
o njihovih strategijah za mojo knjigo.
about their strategies, for my book.
gre v sredo zvečer po opravkih.
for something.
da se ji je pokvaril bojler
that her water heater has broken,
all over her basement.
like this happen to you,
zmeda, ki povzroči veliko škode.
frightening, sopping mess.
aftermath that night,
ukvarja tisto noč,
ki se ukvarjajo z uničeno preprogo.
crew dealing with the ruined carpet.
on her time log.
an extra hour in the day.
at the start of the week,
če bi jo vprašali na začetku tedna:
da bi trenirala za triatlon?"
to train for a triathlon?"
to mentor seven worthy people?"
za mentorstvo sedmim ljudem?"
what most of us would've said,
enako kot večina izmed nas,
how busy I am?"
kako sem zaposlena?"
all over her basement,
is that time is highly elastic.
da je čas izredno elastičen.
what we choose to put into it.
da bo prostor za tisto, kar damo vanj.
of that broken water heater.
pokvarjenemu bojlerju.
zaposlenih oseb, kar sem jih intervjuvala.
of the busiest people I ever interviewed.
a small business
manjše podjetje z 12 zaposlenimi,
to set up an interview
da bi naredila intervju,
in ni bila na voljo za pogovor.
to speak with me.
za pogovor z mano,
unavailable to speak with me
in želela si je na pohod.
even more intrigued,
she explains it like this.
mi je takole pojasnila.
je moja odločitev."
because it's not a priority."
ker ni prioriteta."
"It's not a priority."
"Ni prioriteta."
that's really more accurate language.
to dust my blinds,
za brisanje prahu z žaluzij, a to ni res.
obrišem, bi to storila precej hitro.
to dust my blinds,
da ne gre za pomanjkanje časa,
a matter of lacking time;
that time is a choice.
se spomnimo, da imamo izbiro.
for making different choices,
lahko sledijo grozne posledice,
kot enakovredne pokvarjenemu bojlerju?
of that broken water heater?
to figure out what they are.
for thinking about this.
daje in dobiva letne ocene dela.
coming up to the end of the year
annual performance reviews.
your successes over the year,
to do this looking forward.
če gledamo naprej.
it's the end of next year.
da je konec naslednjega leta.
a performance review,
amazing year for you professionally.
na profesionalnem področju neverjetno.
that made it so amazing?
da je bilo tako neverjetno?
year's performance review now.
napišete oceno za letos.
for your personal life, too.
izmed vas, tako kot jaz, decembra
like me, come December,
zloženi listi pisanega papirja,
sheets of colored paper,
as the family holiday letter.
družinsko praznično pismo.
of literature, really,
everyone in the household is,
so vsi v gospodinjstvu,
vašim prijateljem in družini,
your friends and family
that mattered to you over the year.
v osebnem življenju čez leto.
da je konec naslednjega leta
it's the end of next year,
that made it so amazing?
da je bilo tako neverjetno?
year's family holiday letter now.
praznično pismo že zdaj.
review and the family holiday letter,
in družinskim prazničnim pismom
we can work on in the next year.
na katerih lahko delamo naslednje leto.
these down into doable steps.
na izvedljive korake.
to write a family history.
družinsko zgodovino.
some other family histories,
da dobite občutek za stil.
you want to ask your relatives,
za svoje sorodnike,
pripraviti načrt za trening
figure out a training plan,
out of the back of the closet.
of that broken water heater,
kot enakovredne pokvarjenemu bojlerju
before we are in them.
naše tedne, preden so tu.
is Friday afternoons.
to se mi zdi petek popoldne.
an economist might call
ki bi mu ekonomisti morda rekli
on Friday afternoons saying,
ne sedi in pravi:
and professional priorities
in profesionalnim prioritetam
kaj bi te lahko bile.
about what those should be.
of time Friday afternoon,
v petek popoldne,
kategorijami: kariera, razmerje, jaz.
list: career, relationships, self.
s tremi kategorijami, nas to opomni,
in all three categories.
v vseh treh kategorijah.
of the next week,
complicated for some people than others.
to bolj zahtevno kot za druge.
are just harder than others.
nekaterih ljudi težja kot druga.
to find time to take that poetry class
children on your own.
anyone's struggle.
I am about to tell you are empowering.
jih bom povedala, dajejo moč.
job, so 40 hours a week,
torej 40 ur na teden,
so 56 hours a week --
for other things.
for other things.
people's estimated work weeks
ocenjene delovne tedne ljudi
75-plus-hour work weeks
ki so trdili, da delajo 75 ur in več,
for what matters to you.
kar vam je pomembno.
more time with your kids,
for a test you're taking,
and volunteer for two,
in dve uri volontirati,
kot polni delavnik.
way more than full-time hours.
kar je krasno, ker veste kaj?
time to do amazing things.
za neverjetne stvari.
bits of time, what do we do?
around the house
something wonderful on the bus
za branje na avtobusu na poti v službo.
that required two bus rides
oddaljeno 2 vožnji z avtobusom
po nekaj za branje.
on weekends to get stuff to read.
je bila skoraj, skoraj prijetna.
almost, almost, enjoyable.
for meditating or praying.
izkoristite za meditacijo ali molitev.
because of your crazy work schedule,
zaradi vašega norega delavnika,
could be a good substitute.
dober nadomestek.
the whole of one's time
Laura Vanderkam - AuthorLaura Vanderkam shatters the myth that there just isn’t enough time in the week for working professionals to live happy, balanced and productive lives.
Why you should listen
Between careers and kids, many women feel that they are too busy to cram in anything else. To test the truth of this feeling, author Laura Vanderkam began logging her time for each of the 168 hours of the week. Among her surprising findings: we retroactively overestimate the amount of time spent stressing about work while underestimating our available downtime.
In her latest book, I Know How She Does It, Vanderkam analyzes the ways in which professional women successfully balance free time and work -- and explores how everyday readers can benefit from their experiences.
Laura Vanderkam | Speaker |