Sheryl Sandberg: So we leaned in ... now what?
Sheryl Sandberg: Ne beme perpara... po tani?
As the COO at the helm of Facebook, Sheryl Sandberg juggles the tasks of monetizing the world’s largest social networking site while keeping its users happy and engaged. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
ne skenen e TEDWomen.
Eshte kenaqesi t'ju shoh te gjitheve.
as I know anyone else's.
ashtu si edhe shume te tjereve.
dhe se ai nuk kishte te bente me rrjetin social,
that you had very much on your mind
ti kishe shume gjera per te thene
in the sector of technology and social media.
sidomos ne sektorin e teknologjise dhe rrjetit social.
ne ate fjalim qe ti mbajte ne TED?
this stage and talk about women,
per te folur ne lidhje me femrat,
world, as I think so many of us did.
une jam rritur ne boten e biznesit.
someone might notice that you're a woman, right?
sepse e verejne qe ti je grua, apo jo?
people on the other end of the table
fjalen "grua", njerezit perballe teje
treatment, or complaining.
ose je duke u ankuar per dicka.
And so I went through -- (Laughter)
Keshtu gjate gjithe karrieres -- (te qeshura)
never spoke about it publicly.
nuk kam folur asnjehere ne publik per kete.
20 years ago, and I thought
all the people above me were all men,
ndersa drejtuesit ishin te gjithe meshkuj,
an amazing job fighting for equality,
ne luften per barazi.
Por nuk ndodhi keshtu.
about women, and they said, oh no, no.
TEDWomen apo jo, dhe ata me thane jo, jo, jo.
cannot be a serious business executive
Ti nuk mund te jesh nje drejtuese serioze
You'll never be taken seriously again.
Nuk kane per te te marre me seriozisht.
te cilet me thane se duhet t'a mbaja ate fjalim,
Mark Zuckerberg might --
would I do if I wasn't afraid?
Cfare do te beje nese s'do te kishe frike?
afraid is I would get on the TED stage,
ishte te ngjitesha ne skenen e TED
And I did, and survived. (Applause)
Une e bera kete, dhe mbijetova. (Duartrokitje)
I'm thinking of that moment, Sheryl,
Sheryl, me vjen ne mend ai casti
together, and you turned to me,
dhe ti m'u ktheve
you really should share that story.
se ti duhet t'a ndaje ate histori me te tjeret.
PM: What was that story?
PM: Cila ishte ajo histori?
journey. So I had -- TEDWomen --
Une duhet te shkoja ne TEDWomen,
so I had gotten on a plane the day before,
Une jetoj ketu, keshtu qe nje dite me pare mora avionin,
clinging to my leg: "Mommy, don't go."
to the speech I was planning on giving,
s'kishte lidhje me fjalimin qe duhet te mbaja,
figures, and nothing personal,
dhe nuk permbante asgje personale,
I'm having a hard day.
I thashe se kisha patur nje dite te veshtire
to my leg, and "Don't go."
"Mos shko."
you have to tell that story.
ti duhet t'a tregosh kete histori.
my daughter was clinging to my leg?
vajza po me lutej te mos ikja?"
about getting more women into leadership roles,
te pranojne pozicione lideresh,
me veshtiresite e ketij vendimi.
important part of the journey.
eshte pjese e rendesishme e udhetimit tim.
I started writing the book. I wrote a first chapter,
Fillova te shkruaj. Mbarova kapitullin e pare,
chock-full of data and figures,
Notonte ne te dhena dhe shifra,
tribes, and their sociological patterns.
dhe sjelljet e tyre ne shoqeri.
is like eating your Wheaties. (Laughter)
(te qeshura)
someone -- no one, no one will read this book.
qe jane ketu - askush nuk do t'a lexonte ate liber.
had to be more honest and more open,
duhet te isha me e sinqerte dhe e hapur,
not feeling as self-confident as I should,
nuk ndihem aq e sigurte sa duhet ne shume situata.
failed marriage. Crying at work.
Se pse ndonjehere qaj ne pune.
feeling guilty to this day.
gje per te cilen ndihem fajtore edhe sot e kesaj dite.
going to "Lean In," going to the foundation,
u pasua nga "Te bejme perpara", dhe me fondacionin,
honest about those challenges,
e sinqerte ne lidhje me keto sfida,
me te hapura dhe te sinqerta,
bashke drejt barazise.
striking parts about the book,
me te goditura te librit,
a nerve and is resonating around the world,
atij kaq sukses dhe fame ne te gjithe boten,
and that you do make it clear that,
dhe ben te qarte se,
very important for other women to know,
that many others of us have,
si shumica prej nesh,
possibly the people who don't believe the same.
si edhe njerez qe nuk e mendonin si ti.
you'd go public with the private part,
vendimin te publikoje historite e tua,
the position of something of an expert
rolin e nje lloj eksperteje
a book, I'm not an author, I'm not a writer,
te shkruaja nje liber, nuk jam shkrimtare,
started impacting people's lives.
filloi te ndikonte ne jetet e njerezve.
letters I got was from a woman
Nje nga letrat e para qe mora ishte nga nje grua
promotion at work, and she turned it down,
te forte ne detyre, dhe se e kishte refuzuar,
it down, and her best friend said,
shoqja i tha
went back the next day, she took the job,
shkoi te nesermen ne pune, e pranoi propozimin,
husband the grocery list. (Laughter)
listen e pazarit. (te qeshura)
only women in the corporate world,
Fjalimi nuk ndikoi thjesht femrat e botes se biznesit,
them, and it did impact a lot of them,
prej tyre dhe ndikimin e fjalimit tek to,
situata nga me te ndryshmet.
attending physician at Johns Hopkins,
per spitalin Johns Hopkins,
Talk, it never really occurred to him
nuk i kishte shkuar asnjehere ne mendje
his med school classes were women,
te mjekesise ishin femra,
the men as he did his rounds.
kur ai i drejtonte pyetje salles.
raised hands, he realized the men's hands were up.
shihte me shume duart e ngritura te meshkujve.
women to raise their hands more,
qe t'a ngrinin doren me shpesh,
hand raising, I'm cold-calling.
And what he proved to himself was that
aq edhe femra. Dhe ajo qe ai konfirmoi
ose edhe me mire se meshkujt,
to them and tell them that.
mom, lives in a really difficult neighborhood,
qe jeton ne nje lagje te varfer,
Talk -- she's never had a corporate job,
punuar kurre ne nje korporate, por tha se
and fight for a better teacher for her child.
te saj dhe te luftonte per mesues me te mire.
men could find their voice through it,
mund te gjenin zerin e tyre,
voice, which is clear and strong in the book,
i cili dallohet i qarte dhe i forte,
in terms of putting yourself in a --
become like in your life?
a best-selling, best-viewed talk,
i nje fjalimi te pare nga miliona,
literally describe their actions at work as,
te pershkruanin veprimet e tyre ne pune me frazen
I'm happy, and it's the very beginning.
dhe ky eshte vetem fillimi.
an expert. I certainly have done a lot of research.
ekzistojne vertete. Por kam bere shume kerkime.
pored over the materials,
Because here's what we know:
Sepse ajo qe dime eshte:
back from leadership roles all over the world.
po i mban femrat larg roleve drejtuese.
I've been all over the world,
une kam shetitur boten
kulturat jane shume te ndryshme.
to Korea, to China, to Asia, Europe,
Kore, Kine, Azi, Europe,
assertive, aggressive, have voice;
i sigurte, agresiv, t'i degjohet zeri;
when spoken to, help others.
kur e pyesin, dhe se duhet t'i ndihmoje te tjeret.
There is a word for "bossy,"
Ne cdo gjuhe
there's no negative word for it,
kjo gje nuk pershkruhet me fjale negative,
men here, but bear with me.
por kini pak durim.
to represent your gender.
te perfaqesoni gjinine tuaj.
told you're too aggressive at work.
ju ka thene se jeni shume agresive.
five percent. Okay, get ready, gentlemen.
arrin tek pese perqind. Mire, behuni gati zoterinj.
ever been told you're too aggressive at work.
e punes te kane thene se je shume agresive.
said in every country in the world,
i secilit vend ku kam shkuar,
aggressive than men? Of course not.
me agresive se meshkujt? Sigurisht qe jo.
exhibit to perform at work, to get results, to lead,
can change this by acknowledging it.
kete duke u ndergjegjesuar.
I had in this whole journey is,
ne kete udhetim ishte kur,
with John Chambers, the CEO of Cisco.
me John Chambers, CEO i Cisco-s.
invited me in front of his whole management team,
me ftoi para skuadres se tij te menaxhereve,
were good at this. I thought I was good at this.
realized that we -- my company --
se ne - kompania ime-
senior women too aggressive,
femrat drejtuese si teper agresive,
dhe ju them se me vjen keq.
never going to do it again.
kjo nuk do te ndodhe me.
people that we know? (Applause)
atyre njerezve te tjere qe njohim? (duartrokitje)
he believes it's good for his company,
se kjo do t'a permiresonte kompanine e tij,
of these biases can change it.
paragjykimit mund t'a ndryshoje ate.
someone call a little girl "bossy,"
dike qe quan prepotente nje vajze te vogel,
big smile, and you say,
duke buzeqeshur dhe t'i thoni,
executive leadership skills." (Laughter)
SS: Absolutely.
SS: Absolutisht po.
the reason, as you said, in writing it,
the se arsyeja per te cilen e shkrove
face the fact that women are --
te perballemi me faktin se,
doors, and more opportunities --
dhe mundesi te reja,
many of them we have to own within ourselves
duhet t'a luftojme nga brenda vetes
dialogue, which is great.
and I think all of us, is action.
dhe ndoshta per te gjithe ne, jane veprimet.
they're mostly men, say to me,
prej te cileve jane meshkuj, me thone
be paid as much as the men.
(te qeshura)
be paid as much as the men.
duhet te paguhen sa meshkujt.
se kerkojne rritje rroge.
better relationships with their spouses,
e tyre me partneret jane permiresuar,
promotions they should be getting at work,
kerkojne ngritje ne detyre,
themselves. Even little things.
that he didn't realize that more women were, in fact,
kishte vene re se shumica e femrave
of the room, which they are,
gje qe eshte e vertete,
on his staff need to sit at the table.
femrat e stafit duhet te uleshin ne tavoline.
with the book "Lean In"
me librin "Te bejme perpara"
te krijojne grupe
you want, which meet once a month.
te cilet takohen nje here ne muaj.
about 500 circles. That would've been great.
in 50 countries in the world.
ne 50 shtete te botes.
are meeting every single month.
they started the first Lean In circle in Beijing,
krijuar grupin e pare ne Pekin Te bejme perpara,
ne zona te varfera rurale te Kines.
their society that they are "left over,"
once a month at a meeting
kind of partners they want, if at all.
Tipin e partnerit qe duan, nese e duan.
and introduced ourselves,
and where they're from,
and this was my dream.
dhe kjo ishte endrra ime
I've talked about it before.
Kam folur edhe me pare per kete.
the world, who grew up in a rural village,
tjeter te botes, qe eshte rritur ne fshat,
she doesn't want to marry,
me dike qe ajo nuk e pelqen,
a group of people and refuse that,
me persona te tjere dhe t'a refuzoje ate kerkese,
the global nature of the message?
globale e ketij mesazhi?
came out, many people thought,
shume njerez menduan
for young women on their way up.
femrat qe duan te bejne karriere.
the barriers, and recognize them,
t'i identifikojne ato,
Doing that. Pursuing the corporate world.
kete pune. Qe ndodhen ne boten e korporatave.
say, in rural and developing countries.
edhe ne vende rurale e ne zhvilim.
perhaps led to a new perspective on your part?
and about equality.
women need more self-confidence,
te barabarta me meshkujt.
a world where the men get "and,"
asked how he does it all. (Laughter)
se si ia del t'i beje te gjitha. (te qeshura)
been asked, how do you do it all?
drejtuar pyetja, si arrin t'i besh te gjitha?
if you've been asked how you do it all?
slash -- have jobs and children.
te gjitha... si punen ashtu edhe femijet.
t'ia dalin, dhe kjo eshte qesharake.
in the world, including the United States,
edhe ne Shtetet e Bashkuara,
how broad the message is.
se sa i gjere eshte ky mesazh.
for rescued sex workers in Miami.
punonjeset e seksit te shpetuara nga rruga.
people make the transition
per te lehtesuar tranzicionin
them from their pimps, and using it.
pronaret e tyre, ata po perdorin librin.
in Texas which are using the book,
grupet vishu-drejt-suksesit
all the way to Ethiopia.
are told they can't have what men can have --
se nuk mund te kene ate qe kane meshkujt -
how we assume that voice is for men,
se ne mendojme se vetem meshkujve
think they are very universal.
dhe une mendoj se jane universale.
kauze tek e cila duhet te besojme,
me shume barazi.
make another TEDWomen talk,
nje fjalim tjeter ne TEDWomen,
of this experience, for you personally,
rezultati i kesaj eksperience,
mundova t'a them kete me force,
not changing quickly enough.
ndryshojne me shpejtesine e duhur.
another year of data came out from the U.S. Census.
censusi i SHBA nxorri te dhenat e vitit qe kaloi.
for women in the United States.
per femrat ne Shtetet e Bashkuara.
time those numbers went up?
qe keto shifra pesuan rritje?
stagnating in so many ways.
ne shume kendveshtrime.
tregohemi mjaftueshem te sinqerte
hard to talk about gender.
te flasesh per problemet gjinore.
a word I really think we need to embrace.
te cilen une mendoj se duhet t'a bejme tonen.
word bossy and bring back --
dhe te riperdorim...
we need to get rid of the word "bossy"
duhet t'a harrojme fjalen prepotente,
because we need it.
sepse kjo eshte e nevojshme.
Sheryl Sandberg - COO, FacebookAs the COO at the helm of Facebook, Sheryl Sandberg juggles the tasks of monetizing the world’s largest social networking site while keeping its users happy and engaged.
Why you should listen
Long before Sheryl Sandberg left Google to join Facebook as its Chief Operating Officer in 2008, she was a fan. Today she manages Facebook’s sales, marketing, business development, human resources, public policy and communications. It’s a massive job, but one well suited to Sandberg, who not only built and managed Google’s successful online sales and operations program but also served as an economist for the World Bank and Chief of Staff at the US Treasury Department. Sandberg’s experience navigating the complex and socially sensitive world of international economics has proven useful as she and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg work to strike a balance between helping Facebook users control privacy while finding ways to monetize its most valuable asset: data.
At TEDWomen in 2010 Sandberg made the bold decision to talk about the experience of being one of very few women at the C-level of business. She noted that many women, in anticipating having a family, "lean back" from leading at work. After her TED Talk took off, Sandberg wrote the book Lean In, which has spent nearly a year on the New York Times Bestseller list. Sandberg plans to release a version of the book for graduates.
Sheryl Sandberg | Speaker |