Sheryl Sandberg: So we leaned in ... now what?
Sheryl Sandberg: Nagnili smo se naprej ... kaj pa zdaj?
As the COO at the helm of Facebook, Sheryl Sandberg juggles the tasks of monetizing the world’s largest social networking site while keeping its users happy and engaged. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
na oder TEDWomen.
Lepo je pogledati
as I know anyone else's.
in tudi ne izkušnje koga drugega.
da tema morda ne bodo družabni mediji,
that you had very much on your mind
ampak si ti imela v mislih
in the sector of technology and social media.
v tehnologiji in družabnih omrežjih.
in kako je iz tega nastal tvoj TED govor?
this stage and talk about women,
world, as I think so many of us did.
odrasla v poslovnem svetu.
someone might notice that you're a woman, right?
bo nekdo opazil, da si ženska, ne?
people on the other end of the table
na drugem koncu mislili,
treatment, or complaining.
ali se pritožuješ.
And so I went through -- (Laughter)
never spoke about it publicly.
kako je biti ženska, nikoli javno.
20 years ago, and I thought
in si mislila,
all the people above me were all men,
in vsi nad mano so moški,
an amazing job fighting for equality,
tako dobro borila za enakopravnost,
vse manj in manj
about women, and they said, oh no, no.
o ženskah in so rekli, o ne ne.
cannot be a serious business executive
Ne moreš biti resna poslovna direktorica
You'll never be taken seriously again.
Nikoli več te ne bodo resno jemali.
- kot ti, ki si mi rekla, naj govorim,
Mark Zuckerberg might --
kar bi Mark Zuckerberg lahko -
would I do if I wasn't afraid?
"Kaj bi storila, če me ne bi bilo strah?"
afraid is I would get on the TED stage,
And I did, and survived. (Applause)
In sem in sem preživela. (Aplavz)
I'm thinking of that moment, Sheryl,
Mislim na trenutek,
together, and you turned to me,
in si se obrnila
you really should share that story.
veš, to bi morala deliti.
PM: What was that story?
PM: Kaj je bila ta zgodba?
journey. So I had -- TEDWomen --
TEDWomen -
so I had gotten on a plane the day before,
zato sem šla na letalo dan prej
clinging to my leg: "Mommy, don't go."
oklepala moje noge: "Mami, nočem da greš."
to the speech I was planning on giving,
in nepovezano z mojim govorom,
figures, and nothing personal,
in ni imel nič osebnega,
I'm having a hard day.
težek dan je za mano.
to my leg, and "Don't go."
in ni hotela, da grem.
you have to tell that story.
my daughter was clinging to my leg?
da se je hči oklepala moje noge?
about getting more women into leadership roles,
spraviti več žensk na vodilne položaje,
kako težko je.
important part of the journey.
res pomemben del potovanja.
I started writing the book. I wrote a first chapter,
Napisala sem prvo poglavje,
chock-full of data and figures,
Polno podatkov in številk,
tribes, and their sociological patterns.
in njihovih socioloških vzorcih.
is like eating your Wheaties. (Laughter)
"To je, kot bi pil ribje olje.
someone -- no one, no one will read this book.
nihče, res nihče ne bo bral te knjige."
had to be more honest and more open,
biti bolj odkrita in odprta
not feeling as self-confident as I should,
kako še vedno nisem dovolj samozavestna
failed marriage. Crying at work.
in propadli zakon. Jokanje na delu.
feeling guilty to this day.
občutek krivde do današnjega dne.
going to "Lean In," going to the foundation,
do "Nagniti se naprej", do fundacije,
honest about those challenges,
glede teh izzivov,
bolj odprte in poštene,
za pravo enakost.
striking parts about the book,
najbolj pretresljivih delov knjige
a nerve and is resonating around the world,
in zato tako odmeva po svetu,
and that you do make it clear that,
in pojasniš, da
very important for other women to know,
za katere morajo ženske vedeti,
that many others of us have,
iste izzive kot mnogi izmed nas,
possibly the people who don't believe the same.
in ljudmi, ki ne verjamejo v iste stvari.
you'd go public with the private part,
odločitev, da bo zasebni del postal javen
the position of something of an expert
v položaj strokovnjakinje o tem,
a book, I'm not an author, I'm not a writer,
nisem avtorica ali pisateljica,
started impacting people's lives.
in res je imel vpliv na življenja ljudi.
letters I got was from a woman
je bilo od ženske,
promotion at work, and she turned it down,
napredovanje, a ga je zavrnila.
it down, and her best friend said,
je ta dejala:
went back the next day, she took the job,
naslednji dan sprejela napredovanje,
husband the grocery list. (Laughter)
spisek za v trgovino.
only women in the corporate world,
ne samo ženske v podjetništvu,
in je imelo nanje velik vpliv,
them, and it did impact a lot of them,
z različnimi okoliščinami.
attending physician at Johns Hopkins,
ki je delal v bolnišnici Johna Hopkinsa,
Talk, it never really occurred to him
ni videl mojega govora, ni opazil,
his med school classes were women,
polovica študentov žensk,
the men as he did his rounds.
niso govorile toliko kot moški.
raised hands, he realized the men's hands were up.
so jih dvignili moški.
women to raise their hands more,
naj dvigujejo roke,
hand raising, I'm cold-calling.
klical vas bom.
And what he proved to himself was that
in ženske enako. In dokazal si je,
prav tako dobro ali boljše,
to them and tell them that.
mom, lives in a really difficult neighborhood,
živela je v težavni soseski,
Talk -- she's never had a corporate job,
- nikoli ni imela službe v poslovnem svetu,
and fight for a better teacher for her child.
in otroku izborila boljšo učiteljico.
da sem našla svoj glas.
men could find their voice through it,
svoj glas tudi druge ženske in moški,
voice, which is clear and strong in the book,
svoj glas, ki je jasen in močan,
in terms of putting yourself in a --
kako se nagniti naprej.
become like in your life?
kakšno je postalo tvoje življenje?
a best-selling, best-viewed talk,
imela najbolj gledan govor,
literally describe their actions at work as,
svoja dejanja na delu opisovali kot
I'm happy, and it's the very beginning.
sem vesela in to je začetek.
an expert. I certainly have done a lot of research.
če je kdorkoli. Sem pa veliko raziskovala.
pored over the materials,
se zatopila v gradivo
Because here's what we know:
back from leadership roles all over the world.
prevzem vodilnih položajev po vsem svetu.
I've been all over the world,
Zaradi "Nagniti se" sem po vsem svetu
kulture so si tako različne.
to Korea, to China, to Asia, Europe,
v Koreji, na Kitajskem, v Aziji, Evropi,
Razen pri eni stvari: spolu.
assertive, aggressive, have voice;
moški močni, odločni, agresivni, glasni,
when spoken to, help others.
ko jih ogovorimo, naj pomagajo drugim.
There is a word for "bossy,"
Beseda ukazovalna,
ne uporablja za fantke,
there's no negative word for it,
za to ni negativne besede,
Če pa vodi deklica, je ukazovalna.
men here, but bear with me.
to represent your gender.
morate predstavljati svoj spol.
told you're too aggressive at work.
kdaj rekli, da ste preveč agresivni.
five percent. Okay, get ready, gentlemen.
Sedaj pa se pripravite.
ever been told you're too aggressive at work.
kdaj rekli, da ste preveč agresivne.
said in every country in the world,
To so rekli v občinstvih po vsem svetu
aggressive than men? Of course not.
agresivnejše od moških? Seveda ne.
exhibit to perform at work, to get results, to lead,
da dobiš rezultate, da vodiš,
pri moškem mislimo, on je vodja,
can change this by acknowledging it.
da lahko to spremenimo, če to priznamo.
I had in this whole journey is,
na tem potovanju
with John Chambers, the CEO of Cisco.
Chambersom, izvršnim direktorjem Cisca.
invited me in front of his whole management team,
me povabil pred vso ekipo menedžerjev,
were good at this. I thought I was good at this.
"Mislil sem, da smo dobri v tem.
realized that we -- my company --
in spoznali smo - moje podjetje -
senior women too aggressive,
never going to do it again.
da tega ne bomo več storili."
people that we know? (Applause)
drugim ljudem, ki jih poznamo? (Aplavz)
he believes it's good for his company,
da je dobro za podjetje,
of these biases can change it.
lahko to spremeni.
someone call a little girl "bossy,"
da nekdo punčki reče, da je ukazovalna,
big smile, and you say,
z velikim nasmeškom in recite:
executive leadership skills." (Laughter)
Ima veščine izvršnega direktorja."
SS: Absolutely.
SS: Absolutno.
the reason, as you said, in writing it,
- razlog za pisanje, si rekla
face the fact that women are --
da ženske -
doors, and more opportunities --
več priložnosti -
osredotoča na to, in pravi:
many of them we have to own within ourselves
in veliko jih je v nas samih,
Kaj se je spremenilo?
dialogue, which is great.
kar je krasno.
and I think all of us, is action.
mislim da je vsem, je akcija.
they're mostly men, say to me,
mi izvršni direktorji rečejo,
be paid as much as the men.
plačane toliko kot moški.
be paid as much as the men.
bi morali plačevati enako.
da prosijo za povišico.
better relationships with their spouses,
da imajo boljša razmerja,
promotions they should be getting at work,
prosijo za napredovanja v službi
themselves. Even little things.
same. Celo najmanjše stvari.
that he didn't realize that more women were, in fact,
da ni vedel, da več žensk
of the room, which they are,
on his staff need to sit at the table.
ženske v njegovem osebju sedeti za mizo.
with the book "Lean In"
ob knjigi "Nagniti se naprej",
začeti krožke - majhne skupine,
you want, which meet once a month.
ki se srečujejo enkrat na mesec.
about 500 circles. That would've been great.
500 skupin. To bi bilo super.
in 50 countries in the world.
v 50 državah po vsem svetu.
are meeting every single month.
ki se srečujejo vsak mesec,
they started the first Lean In circle in Beijing,
začela prvo skupino Nagniti se v Pekingu,
na kitajskem podeželju.
their society that they are "left over,"
in družba jim pravi, da so "ostanki",
once a month at a meeting
enkrat na mesec na sestanku
kind of partners they want, if at all.
Kakšnega partnerja, če sploh.
and introduced ourselves,
and where they're from,
and this was my dream.
in to so moje sanje.
I've talked about it before.
the world, who grew up in a rural village,
odrasla na vasi,
she doesn't want to marry,
ki ga ne mara,
a group of people and refuse that,
sreča s skupino in temu nasprotuje
the global nature of the message?
globalna narava tega sporočila?
came out, many people thought,
je veliko ljudi mislilo,
for young women on their way up.
za mlade ženske na poti navzgor.
the barriers, and recognize them,
pričakovati ovire in jih prepoznati,
Doing that. Pursuing the corporate world.
Ki to počnejo. Gredo v poslovni svet.
say, in rural and developing countries.
v ruralnih državah, v državah v razvoju.
perhaps led to a new perspective on your part?
in ti morda dalo novo perspektivo?
and about equality.
o samozavesti in enakosti.
women need more self-confidence,
potrebujejo več samozavesti,
a world where the men get "and,"
kjer moški dobijo "in"
asked how he does it all. (Laughter)
ki bi ga vprašali, kako zmore vse. (Smeh)
been asked, how do you do it all?
če so vas kdaj vprašali, kako zmorete vse.
if you've been asked how you do it all?
če vas kdaj vprašali, kako vse to zmorete?
slash -- have jobs and children.
oz. imajo službo in otroke.
ne zmoremo, in to je trapasto,
in the world, including the United States,
po vsem svetu, tudi v ZDA,
how broad the message is.
kako razširjeno je to sporočilo.
for rescued sex workers in Miami.
za rešene spolne delavke v Miamiju.
people make the transition
da lažje naredijo prehod
them from their pimps, and using it.
jih resnično rešijo zvodnikov.
in Texas which are using the book,
v Teksasu, ki uporabljajo knjigo
all the way to Ethiopia.
are told they can't have what men can have --
ne morejo imeti, kar imajo moški -
how we assume that voice is for men,
vodenje in glas za moške,
think they are very universal.
da so zelo univerzalna.
v katerega moramo verjeti,
več glasu, več enakosti.
make another TEDWomen talk,
da pripraviš še en TEDWomen govor,
of this experience, for you personally,
te izkušnje zate osebno
- poskusila sem to reči odločno,
not changing quickly enough.
da se ne spreminja dovolj hitro.
another year of data came out from the U.S. Census.
izšli statistični podatki za še eno leto.
for women in the United States.
v razliki med plačami za ženske v ZDA.
time those numbers went up?
nazadnje dvignile?
stagnating in so many ways.
hard to talk about gender.
Težko je govoriti o spolu.
a word I really think we need to embrace.
ki bi jo res morali sprejeti.
word bossy and bring back --
in nazaj prinesti -
we need to get rid of the word "bossy"
znebiti se moramo besede "ukazovalna"
because we need it.
ker to potrebujemo.
in rekla ja.
Sheryl Sandberg - COO, FacebookAs the COO at the helm of Facebook, Sheryl Sandberg juggles the tasks of monetizing the world’s largest social networking site while keeping its users happy and engaged.
Why you should listen
Long before Sheryl Sandberg left Google to join Facebook as its Chief Operating Officer in 2008, she was a fan. Today she manages Facebook’s sales, marketing, business development, human resources, public policy and communications. It’s a massive job, but one well suited to Sandberg, who not only built and managed Google’s successful online sales and operations program but also served as an economist for the World Bank and Chief of Staff at the US Treasury Department. Sandberg’s experience navigating the complex and socially sensitive world of international economics has proven useful as she and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg work to strike a balance between helping Facebook users control privacy while finding ways to monetize its most valuable asset: data.
At TEDWomen in 2010 Sandberg made the bold decision to talk about the experience of being one of very few women at the C-level of business. She noted that many women, in anticipating having a family, "lean back" from leading at work. After her TED Talk took off, Sandberg wrote the book Lean In, which has spent nearly a year on the New York Times Bestseller list. Sandberg plans to release a version of the book for graduates.
Sheryl Sandberg | Speaker |