Ann Morgan: My year reading a book from every country in the world
Ann Morgan: Moje leto branja knjig iz vseh držav na svetu
Ann Morgan challenged herself to read a book from every country in the world. Full bio
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a lot about a person
da lahko veliko poveš o človeku
this question a few years ago,
postavila to vprašanje,
as a fairly cultured,
a rather different story.
so pripovedovale drugačno zgodbo.
nothing in translation.
cultural blind spot in my reading
slepo pego v svojem branju,
it seemed like a real shame.
se mi je zdelo škoda.
of amazing stories out there
veliko neverjetnih zgodb
other than English.
v drugem jeziku, kot je angleščina.
that my reading habits meant
ne bom nikoli naletela
international year for the UK;
zelo mednarodno leto za VB,
as my time frame
short story collection
zbirko kratkih zgodb
practical problems.
z nekaj praktičnimi težavami.
different lists of countries in the world
različnih seznamov držav na svetu
of UN-recognized nations,
ki ga priznavajo Združeni narodi,
how to fit reading and blogging
branje in bloganje
that I might even not be able
da morda ne bom mogla dobiti
from every country.
of the literary works published
of the English-speaking world.
angleško govorečih držav.
of translated books published
will come from countries
primed to go out and sell those titles
pripravljenih, da te naslove prodajo
books are translated from French
kot 100 knjig prevedenih iz francoščine
like France or Switzerland.
kot sta Francija in Švica.
pa po drugi strani
actually quite a lot of nations
veliko narodov,
commercially available literature
komercialno dostopne literature
know where to start.
almost exclusively British
skoraj samo britanske
sourcing and finding stories
of the rest of the world.
iz večine preostalega sveta.
a story from Swaziland.
kako najti zgodbo iz Svazija.
ki nima pojma.
going to read the world?
registrirala svoj blog,
(leto branja sveta)
what I might read
kaj naj berem
anyone would be interested,
of me posting that appeal online,
called Rafidah in Kuala Lumpur.
iz Kuala Lumpurja, po imenu Rafidah.
the sound of my project,
zven mojega projekta,
English-language bookshop
knjigarno z angleškimi knjigami,
and post it to me?
in mi jo poslala.
not one, but two books --
ampak dvema knjigama -
that she had also picked out for me.
ki jo je prav tako izbrala zame.
to be the pattern for that year.
je bila vzorec tistega leta.
out of their way to help me.
da bi mi pomagali.
on holidays and business trips
in poslovnih poteh,
to read the world,
with an open mind,
available literature in English,
literature dostopne v angleščini,
iz presenetljivih virov.
came through a conversation
je prišlo skozi pogovor
has a Twitter account.
and get hold of the work
naj poskusim dobiti knjigo
Juan David Morgan.
and I sent him a message,
in ga vprašala,
Spanish-language novels
romanov v španščini
had been published,
one of the first people ever
ena izmed prvih,
sent me self-published books
poslali knjige, izdane v samozaložbi,
up by Anglophone publishers
iz angleško govorečega sveta
of some remarkable imaginary worlds.
neverjetne domišljijske svetove.
Ngungunhane, who led the resistance
ki je vodil upor
in the 19th century;
in a remote village
in Turkmenistan.
v Turkmenistanu.
na Bridget Jones.
in a tree in Angola.
neverjeten primer truda,
were prepared to go to
from the tiny, Portuguese-speaking
iz majhne portugalsko govoreče
of São Tomé and Príncipe.
Sao Tome in Principe.
trying everything I could think of to find
česar sem se lahko domislila, da bi našla
into English from the nation,
v angleščino iz te države,
the only option left to me
translated for me from scratch.
nekaj prevedel sam.
to want to help with this,
for something like that.
a call out on Twitter and Facebook
na Twitterju in Facebooku
involve in the project,
kot bi jih lahko vpletla v projekt,
a leader in her field,
vodilno na svojem področju,
of Nobel Prize winner José Saramago.
Joséja Saramaga.
by a São Toméan author
avtorja iz Sao Tomeja,
v dovolj izvodih.
to each of my volunteers.
izmed svojih prostovoljcev.
of short stories from this collection,
kratkih zgodb iz te zbirke,
their translations back to me,
I had the entire book to read.
imela celotno knjigo.
during my year of reading the world,
letom branja sveta velikokrat spoznala,
about my limitations
glede lastnih omejitev
to learn something new
da se naučim nekaj novega
a group of people
the project's strength.
opened my eyes to many things.
so mi odprle oči za mnogo stvari.
to take you out of yourself
da vas odpeljejo
through different eyes.
different values to your own.
drugačne vrednote od vaših.
can help clarify your own thinking.
pomaga razjasniti vaše lastno mišljenje.
been looking at the world.
of the English-language literature
na literaturo v angleškem jeziku,
that the world has to offer.
ki nam ga lahko ponudi svet.
I'd started the year with, changed
s katerim sem začela leto,
register of place names
that it's at all possible
simply by reading one book.
preprosto z branjem ene knjige.
I read that year
ki sem jih prebrala to leto,
of our remarkable planet.
našega neverjetnega planeta.
to such lengths to help me read them
da sem jih lahko prebrala,
books have to connect us
cultural, social, religious divides.
socialnih, verskih razlik.
human beings have to work together.
ki ga imamo ljudje za sodelovanje.
in, where, thanks to the Internet,
in kjer je, po zaslugi interneta,
a worldview, a book
pogled na svet, knjigo
on the other side of the planet.
na drugem koncu planeta.
for many years to come.
ki jo bom brala še mnogo let.
še veliko ljudi.
there'd be more incentive
bi bilo več vzpodbude
Ann Morgan - Writer, blogger, authorAnn Morgan challenged herself to read a book from every country in the world.
Why you should listen
One day British writer Ann Morgan realized that most books in her bookshelves were by British or American authors. She undertook to read, over the course of a year, at least one book from each of the world's 196 countries -- texts often suggested by bibliophiles from all over the world.
Her experience inspired her book Reading the World (US title: The World Between Two Covers). She blogs about international literature, and her first novel, a psychological literary thriller called Beside Myself, will be published in January 2016.
Ann Morgan | Speaker |