Lýdia Machová: The secrets of learning a new language
Lýdia Machová: Tajne učenja novog jezika
Lýdia Machová teaches people how they can learn any language by themselves. Full bio
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to learn a new language every two years,
učim novi jezik svake dvije godine,
they always ask me,
uvijek pitaju,
my answer would be,
moj odgovor bi bio,
love learning languages."
volim učiti jezike."
happy with that answer.
sretni tim odgovorom.
years trying to learn even one language,
pokušavajući naučiti bar jedan jezik,
one language after another.
jedan jezik iza drugog.
the secret of polyglots,
tajnu poliglota,
so much faster than other people?
brže nego ostali ljudi?
like me and find that out.
poput mene i doznati to.
of language lovers
ljubitelja jezika
to practice their languages.
da bi vježbali jezike.
organized all around the world,
poliglote diljem svijeta,
about the methods that they use.
o metodama koje koriste.
is to start speaking from day one.
početi pričati od prvog dana.
from a travel phrasebook
iz turističkog vodiča
with them right away.
započne razgovore.
even 200 mistakes a day,
i 200 pogrešaka dnevno,
based on the feedback.
na temelju povratnih informacija.
even need to travel a lot today,
danas ne treba mnogo putovati,
conversations with native speakers
s izvornim govornicima
your living room, using websites.
koristeći web stranice.
method to learn Russian.
za učenje ruskog.
Russian speakers on Skype as friends,
ruskih govornika na Skypu za prijatelje,
a chat window with one of them
s jednim od njih
into a text window with another person,
u razgovor s drugom osobom,
"I'm fine, thank you, and how are you?"
„Dobro sam, hvala, a kako si ti?
back to the first person,
natrag prvoj osobi,
have a conversation with each other
razgovarala međusobno
of these conversations
ovakvih razgovora
the Russian conversation usually starts.
razgovori na ruskom obično započinju.
by imitating sounds of the language,
započinju imitirajući zvukove jezika,
most frequent words of the language,
najčešćih riječi jezika,
by reading about the grammar.
proučavajući gramatiku.
approaches to learning languages.
pristupa učenju jezika.
they learn a language,
način učenja jezika,
of speaking several languages fluently.
tečnog govorenja nekoliko jezika.
telling me about their methods,
dok govore o svojim metodama,
the language-learning process.
kako uživati u učenju jezika.
were talking about language learning
govorili o učenju jezika
their colorful grammar charts
šarene gramatičke bilješke
about learning vocabulary using apps,
o učenju vokabulara koristeći aplikacije,
based on recipes in a foreign language.
prema receptima na stranom jeziku.
it's something that they personally enjoy.
da rade ono u čemu uživaju.
how I learn languages myself.
u stvari tako učim jezike.
I was bored with the text in the textbook.
tekstovi iz udžbenika su mi bili dosadni.
to the train station. Right?
do željezničke stanice. Zar ne?
my favorite book as a child,
knjiga u djetinjstvu,
of "Harry Potter" and started reading,
"Harry Pottera" i počela čitati,
almost anything at the beginning,
skoro ništa na početku,
because I loved the book,
jer volim tu knjigu,
to follow it almost without any problems.
pratiti skoro bez ikakvih problema.
when I was learning German.
kad sam učila njemački.
my favorite sitcom, in German,
moju najdražu seriju, na njemačkom,
it was all just gibberish.
ništa nije imalo smisla.
and another one started,
a druga počinje,
because it's "Friends."
jer su to "Prijatelji".
I love it so much.
Obožavam ih.
started to make sense.
je počeo imati smisla.
after meeting other polyglots.
što sam upoznala druge poliglote.
to learning languages.
za učenje jezika.
how to enjoy the process,
kako uživati u procesu,
from a boring school subject
iz jednostavnog školskog predmeta
which you don't mind doing every day.
teško raditi svaki dan.
words down on paper,
riječi na papir,
to boring textbook material,
dosadan materijal iz udžbenika,
or in podcasts for any language.
ili na podcastu bilo kojeg jezika.
to native speakers right away,
razgovarate s izvornim govornikom
in the comfort of your room,
u udobnosti vlastite sobe,
how your day has been,
kako ste proveli dan,
picture from your phone
sliku s mobitela
to your imaginary friend.
imaginarnom prijatelju.
it's available to anyone
to je dostupno svakome
into their own hands.
u vlastite ruke.
helped me realize
pomoglo mi je shvatim
to find enjoyment
in a foreign language,
u stranom jeziku,
three more principles.
još tri načela.
effective methods.
učinkovite metode.
for a test tomorrow,
za sutrašnji test,
in your short-term memory
vašem kratkoročnom pamćenju
want to keep words long term,
želite zadržati dugoročno,
in the course of a few days repeatedly
tokom nekoliko dana
on this system such as Anki or Memrise,
na ovom sistemu poput Anki ili Memrise
in a notebook using the Goldlist method,
u bilježnicu koristeći Goldlist metodu,
with many polyglots.
kod mnogih poliglota.
effective and what is available out there,
učinkovite i što je dostupno,
YouTube channels and websites
za poliglote i web stranice
it will most probably work for you too.
vjerojatno će funkcionirati i za vas.
really has time to learn a language today.
nema vremena učiti jezik danas.
if we just plan a bit ahead.
ako planiramo samo malo unaprijed.
than you normally do?
15 minuta ranije nego inače?
to revise some vocabulary.
za ponoviti vokabular.
on your way to work while driving?
dok se vozite na posao?
to get some listening experience.
da steknete iskustvo slušanja.
without even planning that extra time,
bez da uopće planiramo dodatno vrijeme,
on our way to work
na putu za posao
to create a plan in the learning.
plan za učenje.
every Tuesday and Thursday
svaki utorak i četvrtak
while having breakfast."
dok doručkujem."
a part of your everyday life.
svakodnevnog života.
a language fluently,
jezik tečno,
a language within two months,
jezik u dva mjeseca,
a visible improvement in two months,
vidljivo napredovati u dva mjeseca,
in a way that you enjoy.
u kojima uživate.
that motivates us more
in German when watching "Friends."
na njemačkom gledajući "Prijatelje".
two more episodes,
još dvije epizode,
of understanding, these little victories,
to su bile male pobjede,
where I could use the language
do razine da mogu koristiti jezik
a language every two years.
svake dvije godine.
which you can use systematically
koje možete sustavno koristiti
in a way which you enjoy,
i uživati u njima,
languages within months, not years.
tokom nekoliko mjeseci, ne godina.
to enjoy language learning,
uživati u učenju jezika,
that you polyglots
da ste vi poligloti
and most of us aren't?"
dok većina nas nije?"
I haven't told you about Benny and Lucas.
vam nisam rekla o Bennyju i Lucasu.
and five years of German at school.
11 godina i njemački pet godina.
at all when graduating.
kada je maturirao.
he didn't have the language gene
nema talent za jezike
for his way of learning languages,
svoj način učenja jezika,
and getting feedback from them,
govornicima i njihove povratne informacije,
have a conversation in 10 languages.
razgovor na 10 jezika.
at school for 10 years.
naučiti engleski u školi.
learn that language, or any language.
naučiti taj jezik, ni ijedan drugi.
to experiment with methods,
isprobavati metode,
conversations with strangers.
razgovore sa strancima.
11 languages fluently.
11 jezika tečno.
every single day.
svaki dan.
languages by themselves,
samostalno nauče jezike,
for five, 10, even 20 years,
5, 10, čak i 20 godina,
their learning into their own hands,
učenje u svoje ruke,
more effective methods,
uživaju, učinkovitije metode,
their own progress,
svoj napredak,
that they were missing all their lives.
koji im je nedostajao cijeli život.
to learn a language
učiti jezik
thinking it's too difficult
misleći da je preteško
just one enjoyable method away
ugodna metoda dijeli
from becoming a polyglot.
dijeli da postanete poligloti.
Lýdia Machová - Language mentorLýdia Machová teaches people how they can learn any language by themselves.
Why you should listen
Lýdia Machová has learned nine languages without ever living abroad or in a multilingual environment. She maintains seven of them at a fluent level, and she usually learns a new one every two years. After meeting dozens of polyglots, or people who speak a lot of languages, she now shares the principles of language learning with the world as a language mentor.
Machová was the main organizer of the world's biggest polyglot event, the Polyglot Gathering in Bratislava, Slovakia, in 2017 and 2018. She holds a PhD in translation studies and previously worked as a professional conference interpreter. She is based in Slovakia but travels often on her mission to help people learn languages in their own ideal way.
Lýdia Machová | Speaker | TED.com