Lýdia Machová: The secrets of learning a new language
Lidiya Maxova: Yangi tillar o'rganish sirlari
Lýdia Machová teaches people how they can learn any language by themselves. Full bio
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to learn a new language every two years,
men har ikki yilda yangi til o'rganaman.
they always ask me,
doim so'rashadi:
my answer would be,
shunday deb kelganman:
love learning languages."
yoqtiraman xolos".
happy with that answer.
ham qoniqtirmasdi.
years trying to learn even one language,
sarflasa ham, nega yuqori darajaga erisha
one language after another.
tillarni o'rganuvchi men...
the secret of polyglots,
so'zlay oluvchi
so much faster than other people?
yordam beradi?
like me and find that out.
buni aniqlashga qaror qildim.
of language lovers
bir joyda
to practice their languages.
organized all around the world,
poliglotlar tadbirlari bor.
about the methods that they use.
haqda so'radim.
is to start speaking from day one.
muloqot qilishga intilishdan iborat.
from a travel phrasebook
o'rganadi va shu tilda
with them right away.
qilishni boshlaydi.
even 200 mistakes a day,
bundan havotir olmaydi.
based on the feedback.
muloqot orqali.
even need to travel a lot today,
ham shartmas, bu ajoyib!
conversations with native speakers
bilan so'zlashish oson
your living room, using websites.
ham qila olasiz.
method to learn Russian.
bilan tanishdim.
Russian speakers on Skype as friends,
do'stlik takliflari yuboradi,
a chat window with one of them
oynasini ochadi.
into a text window with another person,
bir chatga tashlaydi,
"I'm fine, thank you, and how are you?"
спасибо, а как ты?" deb yozadi.
back to the first person,
insonga yuboradi.
have a conversation with each other
o'zlari bilmagan holda
of these conversations
the Russian conversation usually starts.
by imitating sounds of the language,
tovushlarni qo'llash bilan boshlaydigan,
most frequent words of the language,
so'zdan boshlaydigan, va hattoki
by reading about the grammar.
boshlaydiganlarni ham ko'rdim.
approaches to learning languages.
they learn a language,
metodi bor,
of speaking several languages fluently.
bir necha tilda oson gapiramiz.
telling me about their methods,
poliglotlarni tinglayotib,
the language-learning process.
olishning yo'llarini topganmiz xolos.
were talking about language learning
o'rganishlari haqida
their colorful grammar charts
namoyish etishlari,
about learning vocabulary using apps,
o'rganish statistikalarini.
based on recipes in a foreign language.
bo'yicha ovqatlar tayyorlashar edi.
it's something that they personally enjoy.
ularga zavq olibn kelishiga untilishadi.
how I learn languages myself.
bilan til o'rganishimni tushundim.
I was bored with the text in the textbook.
darslikdagi matnlardan zerikkan edim.
to the train station. Right?
kimga qiziq, to'g'rimi?
o'qishni xoxladim,
my favorite book as a child,
of "Harry Potter" and started reading,
topdim va o'qishi boshladim.
almost anything at the beginning,
narsani tushunmadim, lekin bu
because I loved the book,
davom etdim.
to follow it almost without any problems.
tushuna boshladim.
when I was learning German.
boshlaganimda ham bo'ldi.
my favorite sitcom, in German,
ko'rishga qaror qildim,
it was all just gibberish.
and another one started,
boshlanayotganini tushunmasdim.
because it's "Friends."
chunki bu Friends.
I love it so much.
Va nihoyat 2-3 fasldan keyin
started to make sense.
after meeting other polyglots.
shuni tushundim:
to learning languages.
usullari ham yo'q.
how to enjoy the process,
from a boring school subject
which you don't mind doing every day.
aylantirgan holda. Agar siz
words down on paper,
to boring textbook material,
or in podcasts for any language.
podkastlarni shu tilda topishingiz mumkin.
to native speakers right away,
qila olmasangiz, unda
in the comfort of your room,
bilan gaplashing,
how your day has been,
gapirib bergan,
picture from your phone
to your imaginary friend.
it's available to anyone
o'rganishni xoxlagan
into their own hands.
helped me realize
to find enjoyment
in a foreign language,
qilishni xoxlasangiz,
three more principles.
effective methods.
for a test tomorrow,
so'zlarni yodlashga harakat qilsangiz,
in your short-term memory
want to keep words long term,
in the course of a few days repeatedly
takrorlab yurishingiz kerak,
on this system such as Anki or Memrise,
kabi dasturlarni qo'llashingiz mumkin.
in a notebook using the Goldlist method,
qo'llaniladigan "Oltin ro'yhat" metodi
with many polyglots.
effective and what is available out there,
qulayligiga ishonchingiz komil bo'lmasa,
YouTube channels and websites
vebsaytlarini kuzating,
it will most probably work for you too.
sizga ham asqotishi kerak.
really has time to learn a language today.
bizga til o'rganish uchun vaqt yetmaydi.
if we just plan a bit ahead.
rejalashtirsak bo'sh vaqt topa olamiz.
than you normally do?
uyg'ona olasizmi?
to revise some vocabulary.
vaqt bo'lgan bo'lardi.
on your way to work while driving?
podkastlarni tinglay olasizmi?
to get some listening experience.
uchun foydali bo'ladi.
without even planning that extra time,
ko'plab mashg'ulotlar bor.
on our way to work
ketayotib yoki uyingizni
to create a plan in the learning.
every Tuesday and Thursday
o'rtog'im bilan
while having breakfast."
a part of your everyday life.
a language fluently,
bilishni xoxlasangiz,
a language within two months,
iloji yo'q,
a visible improvement in two months,
erishish mumkin.
in a way that you enjoy.
zavqlangan holda o'rgangan bo'lsangiz.
that motivates us more
in German when watching "Friends."
juda yaxshi eslayman.
two more episodes,
ko'proq ko'rdim,
of understanding, these little victories,
where I could use the language
qadam yangi darajaga,
a language every two years.
which you can use systematically
qo'llasa bo'ladigan
in a way which you enjoy,
languages within months, not years.
o'rganishadi, yillar emas, oylar davomida.
to enjoy language learning,
zavq olish...
that you polyglots
bizlarga qaraganda
and most of us aren't?"
I haven't told you about Benny and Lucas.
aytmagan yana bir narsa bor.
and five years of German at school.
nemis tilini o'rgangan.
at all when graduating.
gapira olmasdi.
he didn't have the language gene
geni" yo'q
for his way of learning languages,
qidira boshladi,
and getting feedback from them,
bilan muloqotga kirishishga intildi.
have a conversation in 10 languages.
qura oladi.
at school for 10 years.
10 yil uringan.
biri bo'lgan.
darsligini berishgan.
learn that language, or any language.
tilni o'zlashtirolmaydi deb o'ylashgan.
to experiment with methods,
tajriba qilib,
conversations with strangers.
bilan muloqot.
11 languages fluently.
every single day.
languages by themselves,
for five, 10, even 20 years,
hattoki, 20 yil harakat qilishadi,
their learning into their own hands,
more effective methods,
metodlarni qo'llay boshlaganlarida,
their own progress,
that they were missing all their lives.
layoqatini o'zida kuzatishni boshlashadi.
to learn a language
thinking it's too difficult
yoki men
just one enjoyable method away
from becoming a polyglot.
bor-yo'g'i bitta metod yetishmayotgandir.
Lýdia Machová - Language mentorLýdia Machová teaches people how they can learn any language by themselves.
Why you should listen
Lýdia Machová has learned nine languages without ever living abroad or in a multilingual environment. She maintains seven of them at a fluent level, and she usually learns a new one every two years. After meeting dozens of polyglots, or people who speak a lot of languages, she now shares the principles of language learning with the world as a language mentor.
Machová was the main organizer of the world's biggest polyglot event, the Polyglot Gathering in Bratislava, Slovakia, in 2017 and 2018. She holds a PhD in translation studies and previously worked as a professional conference interpreter. She is based in Slovakia but travels often on her mission to help people learn languages in their own ideal way.
Lýdia Machová | Speaker | TED.com