Sandrine Thuret: You can grow new brain cells. Here's how
Sandrine Thuret: Ju mund te rritni qeliza te reja te trurit. Ja se si
Sandrine Thuret studies the way adult brains create new nerve cells in the hippocampus -- a brain area involved in memory and mood. Full bio
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qeliza të reja nervore?
about that question,
e re e hulumtimit.
to one of my colleagues, Robert,
nga kolegët e mi, Robertin,
they are cured of their cancer
së janë shëruar nga kanceri i tyre
that makes sense.
that stops the cancer cells multiplying
parandalojne shumimin e qelizave kanceroze
being generated in their brain."
dhe neuronet e reja në trurin e tyre."
like I was crazy and said,
dhe më tha,
pacientë të rritur
qeliza të reja nervore."
"Well actually, we do."
"Ne të vërtete, mundemi."
that we call neurogenesis.
që ne e quajmë neurogjeneza.
he was not taught what we know now --
i kane mesuar cka mesohet tani --
can generate new nerve cells.
te prodhoje qeliza te reja nervore.
being the good doctor that he is,
doktor i mire qe eshte,
laboratori im
a little bit better.
e kisha fjalen.
parts of the brain
in the center of the brain.
ne qender te trurit.
for very long,
prej shume kohesh,
memory, mood and emotion.
kujtesen, humorin, dhe emocionet.
have learned more recently
structures of the adult brain
ne trurin e te rriturit
in an adult mouse brain.
ne nje tru miu te rritur.
from the Karolinska Institutet,
nga Instituti Karolinska,
700 new neurons per day
700 neurone te reja cdo dite
of neurons we have.
qe i kemi.
we were born with in that structure
kemi lindur, do te jene zevendesuar
and what are their functions?
te rendesishme dhe si funksionojne ato?
for learning and memory.
per te mesuarit dhe kujtesen.
of the adult brain
e nje truri te rritur
ne hipokampus,
aftesi te kujteses.
for spatial recognition --
per orientimin tre dimensional --
your way in the city.
veten ne qytet.
shume gjera,
for memory capacity,
per kapacitetin e kujteses,
te kujteses.
to add time to our memory
te shtojne kohe ne kujtesen tone
very similar memories, like:
e kujtimeve te ngjashme, si:
every day in the same area,
te njejten zone,
to my colleague Robert
on neurogenesis and depression.
mbi neurogjenezen dhe depresionin.
a lower level of neurogenesis.
te neurogjenezes.
of these newborn neurons,
ketyre neuroneve te reja,
the symptoms of depression,
between neurogenesis and depression.
ne mes neurogjenezes dhe depresionit.
just block neurogenesis,
of the antidepressant.
e pilulave kunder depresionit.
were suffering from depression
e tij te kene vuajtuar nga depresioni
newborn neurons from being generated.
neuronet e reja te prodhohen.
to generate new neurons
neuronet e tjera
we have enough evidence
qe kemi fakte te mjaftueshme
is a target of choice
eshte objektivi primar
memory formation or mood,
formimin e kujteses ose te humorit,
associated with aging,
ligeshtimin qe vjen me moshen,
of behaviors and activities,
te sjelljeve dhe te aktiviteteve,
they will increase neurogenesis
ato do ta rrisin neurogjenezen
of these new neurons.
e ketyre neuroneve te reja.
of new neurons in the hippocampus.
ketyre neuroneve ne hipokamus.
the production of new neurons.
prodhimin e neuroneve te reja.
rreth balancit ketu.
qe biem ne nje situate --
leading to sleep deprivation.
will decrease as we get older,
do te ulet ndersa plakemi,
te vrapuarit?
Rusty Gage from the Salk Institute,
te mi, Rusty Gage nga Instituti Salk,
can have an impact
mund te kete nje ndikim
of the hippocampus of a mouse
pjese te hipokampusit te nje miu
ne kafazin e tij.
are actually newborn neurons-to-be.
neuronet e ardhshme te reja.
of the hippocampus of a mouse
te hipokampusit te nje miu
ne kafazin e tij.
the new neurons-to-be.
do te jene neuronet e reja.
but that's not all.
neurogjeneze, por kjo s'eshte e gjitha.
in the hippocampus.
ne hipokampus.
to have efficacy.
qe kane ndikim.
to point a few out to you:
will increase neurogenesis.
perqind do te rrise neurogjenezen.
spacing the time between your meals --
hapesira e kohes midis vakteve --
in dark chocolate or blueberries,
ose ne boronica,
siq eshte salmoni,
of these new neurons.
ketyre neuroneve te reja.
in high saturated fat
nivele te larta te yndyres se saturuar
on neurogenesis.
ne neurogjeneze.
will decrease neurogenesis.
do te zvogeloje neurogjenezen.
contained in red wine,
the survival of these new neurons.
mbijetesen e ketyre neuroneve te reja.
ne nje darke,
"neurogenesis-neutral" drink.
keto pije "neurogjeneze-neutrale".
let me point out the last one --
me lejoni te permend kete te fundit --
with food textures,
me teksturen e ushqimit,
soft diet impairs neurogenesis,
te lengshme e demtojne neurogjenezen,
mastication -- chewing -- or crunchy food.
pertypje -- perçapje -- ose ushqimet e forta.
at the cellular level,
nivelin e qelizave,
kafshet si shembuj.
to human participants,
edhe mbi njerez,
the diet modulates memory and mood
qe dieta rregullon kujtesen dhe humorin
as it modulates neurogenesis,
siq rregullon neurogjenezen.
will improve memory capacity,
do te rrisi kapacitetin e kujteses,
symptoms of depression --
do t'i perkeqesonte shenjat e depresionit-
which increase neurogenesis,
qe do te rrit neurogjenezen,
the symptoms of depression.
shenjat e depresionit.
ne humor,
of the new neurons in the hippocampus.
e neuroneve te reja ne hipokampus.
of the food, when you eat it
kur e hani,
interested in neurogenesis --
qe jane te interesuar ne neurogjeneze --
the function of these new neurons,
funskionit te neuroneve te reja,
and their production.
dhe prodhimin e tyre.
the neurogenesis of Robert's patients.
neurogjenezen e pacienteve te Robertit.
of your neurogenesis.
te neurogjenezes suaj.
Fantastic research, Sandrine.
Nje kerkim fantastik, Sandrine.
me ke ndryshuar jeten --
in the running thing.
ne punen e te vrapuarit.
about aerobic exercise,
tjeter energjik?
if it's just the running itself,
eshte vetem vrapimi,
will increase the production --
vertet rrit prodhimin --
a running wheel in my office?
nje rreth vrapimi ne zyren time?
te faleminderit shume.
Sandrine Thuret - Neural stem cell researcherSandrine Thuret studies the way adult brains create new nerve cells in the hippocampus -- a brain area involved in memory and mood.
Why you should listen
In her lab at King's College London, Sandrine Thuret studies adult neurogenesis -- the process by which adult brains create new nerve cells. (Until the 1990s, we didn't even know they did this!)
Thuret's work focuses on the hippocampus, the area of the brain that is related to memory, and her work asks two big questions: How can we help our healthy brains create new nerve cells throughout our lives, through diet and behavior changes? And how can we study the effects of diseases such as depression and Alzheimer's on our brains' ability to grow?
Sandrine Thuret | Speaker |