Jennifer Brea: What happens when you have a disease doctors can't diagnose
Jen Brea: Apa yang terjadi jika para dokter tidak bias mendiagnosa penyakit Anda
Jennifer Brea was a PhD student at Harvard when, one night, she found she couldn't write her own name. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
to applaud ASL-style, in silence.]
dengan isyarat ASL, tanpa suara.]
to marry the love of my life.
when we are in good health,
kebanyakan orang yang sehat,
a fever of 104.7 degrees.
setinggi 40 derajat Celsius.
if you have a virus,
dan terjangkit virus,
some chicken soup,
dan minum sup ayam.
everything will be fine.
semua akan baik-baik saja.
I couldn't leave my house.
sampai tidak bisa meninggalkan rumah.
just to make it to the bathroom.
agar bisa sampai ke kamar mandi.
after infection,
terkena infeksi.
nothing wrong.
to explain things like this to yourself,
pada diri saya sendiri,
to be on the other side of 25.
berumur 25 tahun ke atas.
gejala neurologis.
draw the right side of a circle.
menggambar sisi kanan lingkaran.
ataupun berbicara sama sekali.
to speak or move at all.
dermatologists, endocrinologists,
dokter kelenjar endokrin
"It's clear you're really sick,
"Kamu sudah pasti sedang sakit,
what's wrong with you."
apa yang kamu derita."
diagnosed me with conversion disorder.
mendiagnosa gangguan konversi.
the sinus infection,
neurological and cardiac symptoms --
gejala saraf dan jantung --
by some distant emotional trauma
seorang ilmuwan sosial.
probability theory,
teori probabilitas,
experimental design.
my neurologist's diagnosis.
diagnosa dokter saya begitu saja.
that the truth is often counterintuitive,
kebenaran seringkali tak sesuai perkiraan,
by what we want to believe.
oleh apa yang kita ingin percayai.
that he was right.
kemungkinan bahwa dokter itu benar.
from my neurologist's office to my house,
dari kantor dokter ke rumah.
almost electric kind of pain.
seperti tersengat listrik.
could have possibly generated all this.
mungkin menciptakan semua ini.
seakan terbakar.
I couldn't touch my chin to my chest,
saya tidak bisa menempelkan dagu ke dada.
in the next room --
yang teramat sangat.
dari dua tahun berikutnya
of the next two years in bed.
have gotten it so wrong?
sangat salah mendiagnosa saya?
para dokter.
all over the world
di seluruh dunia
dan akhir pekan di kasur
and weekends in bed,
the next Monday.
dalam kegelapan total,
the sound of a human voice
with myalgic encephalomyelitis.
myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME).
"chronic fatigue syndrome."
sebagai "sindrom kelelahan kronis."
as serious as this.
yang bisa separah ini.
physically, mentally --
secara fisik ataupun mental --
he might be sore for a couple of days.
ia akan merasa nyeri selama beberapa hari.
saya akan terbaring seminggu.
I might be bedridden for a week.
yang tak bisa menari,
yang tak bisa menjadi dokter.
from my neurologist's office.
dari kantor dokter saraf.
people around the world
di seluruh dunia
it's about one million people.
penderitanya sekitar satu juta orang.
as multiple sclerosis.
dibandingkan multiple sclerosis (MS).
with the physical function
dengan fungsi fisik seperti
gagal jantung kongestif.
are homebound or bedridden,
atau hanya terbaring di kasur,
can't even work part-time.
tidak bisa bekerja paruh waktu.
and this devastating
yang begitu umum dan separah ini
dengan gangguan konversi,
with conversion disorder,
of ideas about women's bodies
2.500 tahun lalu
by sexual deprivation
dibatasinya hasrat seksual
would literally dry up
uterus dapat mengering
in search of moisture,
mencari kelembaban,
mulai dari emosi ekstrim
menjadi seorang ibu.
for several millennia until the 1880s,
selama ribuan tahun hingga 1880-an,
the theory of hysteria.
memodernisasi teori histeria.
could produce physical symptoms
dapat menghasilkan gejala fisik
mind to handle.
into physical symptoms.
menjadi gejala fisik.
could now get hysteria,
menderita histeria.
the most susceptible.
masih paling rentan.
the history of my own disease,
sejarah penyakit saya,
these ideas still run.
pemikiran ini masih dipegang.
at the Los Angeles County General Hospital
di RSU daerah Los Angeles
in the neck and back, fevers --
kaku di leher dan punggung, demam--
I had when I first got diagnosed.
saat pertama didiagnosa.
it was a new form of polio.
ini adalah polio jenis baru.
than 70 outbreaks documented
post-infectious disease.
to disproportionately affect women,
menyerang perempuan.
the one cause of the disease,
menemukan penyebab penyakit ini,
were mass hysteria.
adalah histeria masal.
dapat bertahan lama?
doctors want to help.
dokter memang ingin membantu.
what would otherwise be untreatable,
mengobati penyakit
that have no explanation.
yang tidak memiliki penjelasan.
can cause real harm.
named Eliot Slater
seorang psikiater bernama Eliot Slater
who had been diagnosed with hysteria.
yang didiagnosa menderita histeria.
and 30 had become disabled.
meninggal dan 30 orang menjadi difabel.
like multiple sclerosis,
terdiagnosa seperti multiple sclerosis,
renamed "conversion disorder."
menjadi "gangguan konversi."
that diagnosis in 2012,
menderita gangguan konversi di tahun 2012,
to receive that diagnosis.
didiagnosa dengan gangguan konversi.
or psychogenic illness
atau penyakit psikogenik
the absence of evidence,
have held back biological research.
perkembangan penelitian biologis.
ME adalah salah satu penyakit
of the least funded diseases.
roughly 2,500 dollars per AIDS patient,
2.500 dolar untuk setiap pasien AIDS.
multiple sclerosis,
per ME patient.
untuk setiap pasien ME.
has been a choice,
saya derita disebabkan oleh pilihan
that were supposed to protect us.
yang seharusnya melindungi kita.
sometimes runs in families,
kadang diwariskan,
setelah menderita infeksi apa pun,
after almost any infection,
to Epstein-Barr virus to Q fever,
sampai Q fever,
at two to three times the rate of men.
kali lebih banyak daripada laki-laki.
daripada penyakit saya.
than just my disease.
of a cohort of women in their late 20s
perempuan di usia akhir 20 tahun
much trouble we were having
betapa kami kesulitan
that it was all in her head.
bahwa penyakitnya tidak nyata.
hingga diagnosa tersebut
kanker ovarium,
itu hanyalah menopause dini.
that it was just early menopause.
for years as anxiety.
sebagai gangguan kecemasan.
autoimmune diseases
tingkat pertumbuhan penyakit autoimun
who are eventually diagnosed
yang sudah dikenal
mereka menderita
(terlalu cemas akan kesehatan mereka).
this has everything to do with gender
yang kita percayai.
of autoimmune disease patients are women,
adalah perempuan,
it's as high as 90 percent.
bisa sampai 90 persen.
menyerang perempuan,
disproportionately affect women,
menyerang perempuan.
and ME affects millions of men.
dan diderita jutaan laki-laki dewasa.
you're exaggerating your symptoms,
membesar-besarkan gejala Anda.
to be strong, to buck up.
Anda disuruh menguatkan diri.
a more difficult time getting diagnosed.
untuk didiagnosa.
thought of as psychological
dianggap penyakit psikologis
their biological mechanisms.
mekanisme biologisnya.
could be forcibly institutionalized
abnormal electrical activity in the brain.
aktivitas listrik di otak.
as hysterical paralysis
sebagai kelumpuhan akibat histeria
discovered brain lesions.
menemukan luka di otak.
kita beranggapan
were just caused by stress,
hanya karena stres,
that H. pylori was the culprit.
ia disebabkan oleh bakteri H. pylori.
from the kind of science
dari perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan
to find evidence of autoimmunity,
bukti adanya auto-imunitas,
are finding abnormalities
menemukan kejanggalan
away from normal.
are running a phase-3 clinical trial
uji klinis fase ketiga
causes complete remission.
menyembuhkan pasien secara total.
and our own doctors
untuk diri kami,
five percent there,
lima persen di sini, lima persen di sana,
or will I wash my hair today?
15 menit, atau mencuci rambut hari ini?
that I could be treated.
bahwa saya bisa sembuh.
maybe one day I could get better.
mungkin suatu hari saya bisa sembuh.
around the world,
penderita lainnya di seluruh dunia,
with something wonderful,
dengan sesuatu yang indah,
be able to run again,
apakah saya akan bisa berlari lagi,
that I now only get to do in my dreams.
yang sekarang hanya bisa saya impikan.
for how far I have come.
bisa sampai sejauh ini.
setiap harinya.
when I was stuck in that bedroom,
ketika saya terjebak di kamar tidur,
since I had seen the sun.
melihat matahari.
had I not been one of the lucky ones,
tidak seberuntung ini,
ada internet,
komunitas saya.
taken my own life,
banyak orang lain.
we have saved, decades ago,
puluhan tahun lalu,
pertanyaan yang tepat?
diselamatkan sekarang
of my disease is discovered,
penyakit saya ditemukan,
our institutions and our culture,
institusi dan budaya kita,
penyakit lain.
mengajarkan saya
are profoundly human endeavors.
adalah jerih payah manusia.
about women's health.
mengenai kesehatan perempuan.
a battleground for equality
medan perang demi kesetaraan,
bagian tubuh yang lain.
to say, "I don't know."
"Saya tidak tahu."
adalah awal dari penemuan.
of all that we do not know,
hal-hal yang tidak kita ketahui,
with a sense of wonder.
dengan rasa ingin tahu.
Jennifer Brea - FilmmakerJennifer Brea was a PhD student at Harvard when, one night, she found she couldn't write her own name.
Why you should listen
Over the following months, while doctors insisted her condition was psychosomatic, Brea became bedridden. She started filming herself and the community that she discovered online, collecting the first footage of what would become a feature documentary about myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), often referred to as chronic fatigue syndrome. The film, Unrest, which will premiere at the 2017 Sundance Film Festival, tells Jen's story as well as the stories of four other patients living with ME.
Brea is also the founder of #MEAction, an online organizing platform for ME patients around the world, many of whom cannot leave their homes.
Jennifer Brea | Speaker |