Daniel Levitin: How to stay calm when you know you'll be stressed
Daniel Levitin: Kako ostati mirni kada znate da ćete se iživcirati
Daniel Levitin incorporates findings from neuroscience into everyday life. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
I broke into my own house.
provalio sam u vlastitu kuću.
in the dead of Montreal winter,
a u Montrealu je bila ciča zima.
Jeff, across town,
u drugom dijelu grada,
read minus 40 degrees --
pokazivao je -40 stupnjeva.
if that's Celsius or Fahrenheit,
ili Fahrenheitovim stupnjevima,
fumbling in my pockets,
i kopao po džepovima,
through the window,
kroz prozor
where I had left them.
gdje sam ih ranije ostavio.
and tried all the other doors and windows,
i pokušao otvoriti druga vrata i prozore,
at least I had my cellphone,
bravara, barem sam imao mobitel,
for a locksmith to show up,
trebalo neko vrijeme da dođe,
Jeff's house for the night
i ondje prespavati
to Europe the next morning,
my passport and my suitcase.
through the basement window,
kroz podrumski prozor,
and taped it up over the opening,
i zalijepio ga preko otvora za prozor.
on the way to the airport,
na putu za zračnu luku
and ask him to fix it.
i reći mu da to popravi.
than a middle-of-the-night locksmith,
kojeg bi zvao usred noći,
I was coming out even.
ionako dođe na isto.
about how the brain performs under stress.
kako mozak reagira pod stresom.
that raises your heart rate,
that I had to call my contractor,
the cortisol in my brain,
because my thinking was cloudy.
jer nisam mogao jasno razmišljati.
to the airport check-in counter,
and ice, 40 minutes,
trebalo mi je 40 minuta,
raced back to the airport,
natrag na aerodrom.
my seat to someone else,
next to the bathrooms,
pokraj zahoda,
on an eight-hour flight.
a čekalo me 8 sati putovanja.
during those eight hours and no sleep.
u tih osam sati bez sna.
are there things that I can do,
mogu li nešto učiniti,
from happening?
da se dogode loše stvari?
of it being a total catastrophe.
da to bude potpuna katastrofa.
until about a month later.
sve do mjesec dana kasnije.
Danny Kahneman, the Nobel Prize winner,
Dannyjem Kahnemanom,
about having broken my window,
kako sam razbio prozor,
something called prospective hindsight.
vjerojatna neopreznost.
from the psychologist Gary Klein,
psihologa Garyja Kleina,
a few years before,
prije par godina,
to figure out what went wrong, right?
odgonetnuti što je pošlo po zlu, zar ne?
all the things that could go wrong,
sve što bi moglo poći po krivu,
what you can do
što možete učiniti
or to minimize the damage.
ili da umanjite štetu.
in the form of a pre-mortem.
u obliku obdukcije.
some of them are not so obvious.
neki baš i nisu.
for things that are easily lost.
za stvari koje se lako gube.
like common sense, and it is,
i jest,
to back this up,
naša spacijalna memorija.
called the hippocampus,
koja se zove hipokampus,
of thousands of years,
desetaka tisuća godina,
of important things --
važnih stvari --
where fish can be found,
gdje se može naći riba,
i neprijateljska plemena.
becomes enlarged.
s vremenom povećava.
that allows squirrels to find their nuts.
vjeverice nađu lješnjake.
somebody actually did the experiment
netko je zapravo proveo eksperiment
the olfactory sense of the squirrels,
odstranili osjetilo mirisa,
mogle naći lješnjake.
they were using the hippocampus,
već hipokampus,
in the brain for finding things.
u mozgu za pronalaženje stvari.
that don't move around much,
koje se puno ne miču,
koje se miču.
and reading glasses and passports.
naočale za čitanje i putovnice.
designate a spot for your keys --
za svoje ključeve --
maybe a decorative bowl.
možda dekorativna zdjela.
odredite posebnu ladicu.
a particular table.
and you're scrupulous about it,
i budete savjesni po tom pitanju,
when you look for them.
kad ih tražite.
of your credit cards,
na online disku.
you can facilitate replacement.
možete si olakšati njihovu zamjenu.
the brain releases cortisol.
mozak luči kortizol.
and it causes cloudy thinking.
i uzrokuje pomućeno razmišljanje.
you're not going to be at your best,
nećete biti u najboljem izdanju,
no more stressful a situation
stresnija situacija
with a medical decision to make.
donošenjem medicinske odluke.
are going to be in that position,
u toj poziciji,
a very important decision
or that of a loved one,
o nama ili našim voljenima,
a very particular medical condition.
medicinskom stanju.
of medical decision-making,
donošenja medicinskih odluka
and social decision-making --
i socijalnih odluka --
koje morate donijeti
assessment of the facts.
racionalno prosuđivanje činjenica.
and the doctor says,
i on kaže,
your cholesterol's a little high."
kolesterol Vam je malo povišen."
of cardiovascular disease,
od kardiovaskularnih bolesti,
isn't the best thing,
nije baš najbolje,
"You know, I'd like to give you a drug
"Znate, dao bih Vam lijek
lower your cholesterol, a statin."
kolesterol, statin."
the most widely prescribed drugs
najčešće propisanim lijekovima
people who take them.
koji ih uzimaju.
"Yeah! Give me the statin."
"Da! Dajte mi statin."
you should ask at this point,
nešto zapitati,
don't like talking about,
ne voli pričati,
like talking about even less.
that need to take a drug
treba uzeti lijek
or any medical procedure
ili nekom medicinskom postupku
se pomogne jednoj osobi.
what kind of crazy statistic is that?
kakva je to luda statistika?
something to me
ne bi prepisao nešto
doesn't work that way.
nije uvijek tako.
it's the fault of scientists like me.
znanstvenika poput mene.
the underlying mechanisms well enough.
osnovne mehanizme.
in only 30 to 50 percent of the people.
30% do 50% ljudi.
for the most widely prescribed statin,
broj ljudi koji treba liječiti
before one person is helped?
prije nego što se pomogne jednoj osobi?
na istraživanju
Jerome Groopman and Pamela Hartzband,
Jeromea Groopmana i Pamele Hartzband,
od strane Bloomberg.com.
kroz brojke.
take the drug for a year
godinu dana uzimati lijek
or other adverse event is prevented.
1 srčani udar, kap ili drugi štetni događaj.
of lowering my cholesterol.
da snizim kolesterol.
the prescription anyway."
mi dajte recept."
for another statistic,
drugu statistiku,
about the side effects." Right?
koje su nuspojave." Zar ne?
in five percent of the patients.
5% pacijenata.
gastrointestinal distress --
gastrointestinalni bolovi
it's going to happen to me,
da će se dogoditi meni,
you're not thinking clearly.
ne razmišljate jasno.
to work through this ahead of time,
prije vremena,
the chain of reasoning on the spot.
lanac rasuđivanja na licu mjesta.
One person's helped,
Jednoj osobi se pomogne,
have side effects,
imaju nuspojave,
to be harmed by the drug
vam se lijekom naudi
should take the statin or not.
uzimati lijek ili ne.
this conversation with your doctor.
ovakav razgovor sa svojim liječnikom.
of informed consent.
o informiranoj suglasnosti.
to this kind of information
ovakvoj vrsti informacija,
you want to take the risks or not.
želite li riskirati ili ne.
out of the air for shock value,
radi izazivanja šoka,
this number needed to treat.
broj koji se treba liječiti.
on men over the age of 50,
na muškarcima starijim od 50 godina,
for every one person who's helped.
za svaku osobu kojoj se pomaže.
occur in 50 percent of the patients.
kod 50% pacijenata.
erectile dysfunction,
erektilnu disfunkciju,
pucanje rektuma,
of the 50 percent who has these,
od 50% koji ovo imaju,
godinu dana ili dvije.
is to think ahead of time
je razmišljati unaprijed
that you might be able to ask
koja biste mogli postaviti
all of this on the spot.
proizvesti na licu mjesta.
about things like quality of life.
o nečemu kao što je kvaliteta života.
that's pain-free,
a great deal of pain towards the end?
možda iskusiti jaku bol?
and think about now,
razmisliti i pričati
in the heat of the moment,
with this kind of thinking.
ovakav način razmišljanja.
releases cortisol,
luči kortizol,
that happens at that moment
you don't need your digestive system,
ne treba vam probavni sustav,
metabolism on those things
metabolizam na takve stvari,
and then none of those things matter.
a tada ništa od ovoga nije bitno.
during those times of stress
više ne postoji
and his colleagues have shown.
i njegovi kolege.
to think ahead
razmišljamo unaprijed
is recognizing that all of us are flawed.
prepoznati da svi imamo mane.
to what those failures might be,
razmišljati o tim greškama,
that will help minimize the damage,
from happening in the first place.
uopće i dogode.
snowy night in Montreal,
onu snježnu noć u Montrealu
a combination lock next to the door,
kombinacijsku bravu kraj vrata
an easy to remember combination.
kombinacija je lako pamtljiva.
that haven't been sorted,
koja nije svrstana
that I haven't gone through.
koje još nisam niti pogledao.
as a gradual process,
postupni proces
Daniel Levitin - NeuroscientistDaniel Levitin incorporates findings from neuroscience into everyday life.
Why you should listen
Dr. Daniel Levitin is a neuroscientist at McGill University in Montreal, dean at Minerva Schools in San Francisco and a musician. His research focuses on pattern processing in the brain.
His three books This Is Your Brain on Music, The World in Six Songs, and the recent The Organized Mind are all bestsellers. A polymath at heart, he has performed with top musicians and holds a few gold and platinum records.
Levitin earned his B.A. in Cognitive Psychology and Cognitive Science at Stanford University, and went on to earn his Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Oregon, researching complex auditory patterns and pattern processing in expert and non-expert populations. He completed post-doctoral training at Stanford University Medical School (in Neuroimaging) and at UC Berkeley (in Cognitive Psychology). He has consulted on audio sound source separation for the U.S. Navy, and on audio quality for several rock bands and record labels (including the Grateful Dead and Steely Dan), and served as one of the “Golden Ears” expert listeners in the original Dolby AC3 compression tests. He worked for two years at the Silicon Valley think tank Interval Research Corporation.
He taught at Stanford University in the Department of Computer Science, the Program in Human-Computer Interaction, and the Departments of Psychology, Anthropology, Computer Music, and History of Science.
Daniel Levitin | Speaker | TED.com