Regina Hartley: Why the best hire might not have the perfect resume
Regina Hartley: Perquè la millor persona a qui contractar pot no tenir el currículum perfecte
Regina Hartley thinks that those who don't always look good on paper may be just the person you need to hire. Full bio
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a search for an open position.
per omplir una plaça disponible.
are identified.
4.0, flawless resume,
tot 10, currículum impecable,
fair amount of job hopping,
ha canviat força de feina
and singing waitress.
com caixera i cambrera cantant.
very official terms
hem creat termes oficials
categories of candidates.
ben diferenciades de candidats.
and was destined for success.
i estava destinada a l'èxit.
against tremendous odds
adversitats descomunals
director refer to people
de recursos humans referir-se a persones
and sounds a bit judgmental.
i sona un mica crítica.
certification gets revoked --
de recursos humans...
something about people
sobre les persones,
like a patchwork quilt,
semblen un cobertor de pedaços,
i persona imprevisible.
struggle against obstacles.
contra qualsevol obstacle.
deserves an interview.
mereix una entrevista.
against the Silver Spoon;
de la cullereta de plata:
from an elite university
en una universitat d'èlit
engineered toward success,
ha sigut organitzada cap a l'èxit,
because he attended an elite university,
com que va anar a una universitat d'èlit,
that were beneath him,
que eren inferiors a ell,
to better understand an operation.
per entendre millor una operació.
is destined for failure
està destinada al fracàs
to interview the Scrapper.
a que entrevisteu al lluitador.
because I am a Scrapper.
perquè jo sóc una lluitadora.
with paranoid schizophrenia,
esquizofrènia paranoide
in spite of his brilliance.
malgrat tenir una ment brillant.
raised by a single mother
criats per una mare soltera
in Brooklyn, New York.
de Brooklyn, Nova York.
a car, a washing machine,
ni un cotxe, ni una rentadora,
we didn't even have a telephone.
ni tan sols vam tenir telèfon.
between business success and Scrappers,
entre l'èxit empresarial i els lluitadors
have turned out very differently.
resultats molt diferents.
empresaris d'èxit
early hardships,
passat necessitats al principi,
alcoholism and violence.
alcoholisme i violència.
that trauma leads to distress,
que els traumes condueixen al patiment
on the resulting dysfunction.
en la disfunció resultant.
data revealed an unexpected insight:
les dades revelaren resultats inesperats.
can result in growth and transformation.
portar al creixement i la transformació.
phenomenon has been discovered,
i que contradiu al sentit comú
Post Traumatic Growth.
Creixement Post Traumàtic.
the effects of adversity
els efectes de l'adversitat
and extreme conditions,
més dures i extremes,
successful and productive lives.
vides productives i plenes d'èxit.
tremendous odds, they succeeded.
van tenir èxit.
give him up for adoption.
el donen en adopció.
most highly successful entrepreneurs,
amb més èxit del món,
number have dyslexia.
desproporcionat d'aquests té dislèxia.
studied had dyslexia.
tenia dislèxia.
among those entrepreneurs
aquells emprenedors
la seva discapacitat d'aprenentatge
which provided them an advantage
que els dóna un avantatge
and paid greater attention to detail.
i prendre més atenció als detalls.
in spite of adversity,
malgrat les adversitats,
because of adversity.
gràcies a les adversitats.
de la persona en qui s'han convertit
the muscle and grit required
el múscul i el valor necessaris
had his life completely upended
li va canviar la vida per complet
Cultural Revolution in 1966.
la revolució cultural xinesa de 1966.
to the countryside,
van ser reallotjats al camp,
to fend for himself until 16,
a compondre-se-les fins els 16,
a una fàbrica de roba.
continue his formal education.
amb la seva educació.
the political landscape changed,
quan va canviar el panorama polític,
university admissions test.
d'accés a la universitat.
the entire curriculum
per aprendre el pla d'estudis
from the factory,
des de la fàbrica,
went back to work
tornava a la feina
every day for three months.
durant tres mesos.
was unwavering, and he never lost hope.
era ferm i mai va perdre l'esperança.
from Cornell and Harvard.
a Cornell i Harvard.
full control over is yourself.
control absolut és un mateix.
to create a better result?"
per obtenir un millor resultat?".
from giving up on themselves,
a crazy father and several muggings,
a un pare boig i a diversos atracaments
Amb això, puc".
gets you through the tough times,
ajuda a superar temps difícils
change your perspective.
a canviar la perspectiva.
don't do it alone.
no ho fan tot sols.
bring out the best in them
que treuen el millor d'ells
count on no matter what
passi el que passi
across two bridges
dos ponts en el cotxe
the president's assistant.
que era l'assistent del president.
he conegut molta gent
brutally honest feedback,
valoracions brutalment honestes,
to help pay for college.
per poder pagar-me la universitat.
valuable insight.
amb una valoració final molt valuosa.
to diversity and inclusive practices
i les pràctiques inclusives
als seus companys.
companies for diversity
sobre la diversitat
en un 25%.
a la meva pregunta inicial.
are passion and purpose.
la passió i la determinació.
Regina Hartley - Human resources expertRegina Hartley thinks that those who don't always look good on paper may be just the person you need to hire.
Why you should listen
Throughout her 25-year UPS career -- working in talent acquisition, succession planning, learning and development, employee relations and communications -- Regina Hartley has seen how, given the opportunity, people with passion and purpose will astound you. Today, Hartley is VP of HR supporting IT and Engineering for UPS, and she makes human connections with employees immersed in technology.
Hartley holds a BA in political science from SUNY Binghamton and an MA in corporate and organizational communication from Fairleigh Dickinson University. She is a certified Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) from the HRCI.
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