Regina Hartley: Why the best hire might not have the perfect resume
Regina Hartley: Mengapa pekerja terbaik tidak selalu punya riwayat hidup yang sempurna
Regina Hartley thinks that those who don't always look good on paper may be just the person you need to hire. Full bio
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a search for an open position.
lowongan kerja.
are identified.
4.0, flawless resume,
resume yang sempurna,
fair amount of job hopping,
sering ganti pekerjaan,
and singing waitress.
penyanyi sekaligus pramusaji.
very official terms
istilah resmi yang kami pakai
categories of candidates.
"Pewaris" (Silver Spoon).
and was destined for success.
dan ditakdirkan untuk sukses.
"Pejuang" (Scrapper).
against tremendous odds
berbagai rintangan
director refer to people
Direktur SDM menggolongkan orang
terdengar sedikit menghakimi.
and sounds a bit judgmental.
certification gets revoked --
dicabut --
something about people
saya belajar tentang orang-orang
like a patchwork quilt,
karya seni tambal sulam,
mempertimbangkan mereka
begitu saja.
struggle against obstacles.
melawan rintangan.
deserves an interview.
against the Silver Spoon;
from an elite university
butuh banyak pengorbanan.
engineered toward success,
telah dirancang menuju kesuksesan,
because he attended an elite university,
lulusan universitas terkemuka,
that were beneath him,
tidak pantas untuknya.
to better understand an operation.
kerja manual
is destined for failure
ditakdirkan gagal,
to interview the Scrapper.
mewawancarai Pejuang.
because I am a Scrapper.
karena saya sendiri Pejuang.
with paranoid schizophrenia,
skizofrenia paranoid.
in spite of his brilliance.
meskipun dia pintar sekali.
film "Cuckoo's Nest,"
raised by a single mother
dibesarkan hanya oleh ibu kami
in Brooklyn, New York.
di Brooklyn, New York.
a car, a washing machine,
we didn't even have a telephone.
kami bahkan tidak punya telepon.
between business success and Scrappers,
kesuksesan bisnis dan Pejuang
have turned out very differently.
benar-benar berbeda.
yang berkuasa,
early hardships,
kesulitan sejak masih muda,
saat mereka masih kecil,
alcoholism and violence.
alkoholisme, dan kekerasan.
that trauma leads to distress,
trauma memicu penderitaan,
on the resulting dysfunction.
disfungsi yang diakibatkannya.
data revealed an unexpected insight:
data menunjukkan suatu hal di luar dugaan:
can result in growth and transformation.
di lingkungan terburuk sekalipun.
phenomenon has been discovered,
berlawanan dengan intuisi.
Post Traumatic Growth.
pasca trauma (Post Traumatic Growth).
the effects of adversity
pengaruh kemalangan
kondisi sangat parah dan ekstrem,
and extreme conditions,
successful and productive lives.
sehat, sukses, dan produktif.
tremendous odds, they succeeded.
dan melewati berbagai kesulitan,
give him up for adoption.
untuk diadopsi.
most highly successful entrepreneurs,
para pebisnis dunia yang sangat sukses.
number have dyslexia.
mengidap disleksia.
mengidap disleksia.
studied had dyslexia.
among those entrepreneurs
pasca trauma tersebut
ketidakmampuan belajar mereka
which provided them an advantage
dan menguntungkan
and paid greater attention to detail.
baik dan perhatian pada hal-hal kecil.
in spite of adversity,
di posisi mereka
yang mereka lalui,
because of adversity.
yang telah membentuk mereka.
dan kesulitan mereka
pembentukan diri mereka.
tanpa pengalaman tersebut,
the muscle and grit required
membangun kekuatan dan keberanian
had his life completely upended
kehidupannya berubah drastis
Cultural Revolution in 1966.
di tahun 1966.
to the countryside,
orang tuanya dipindahkan ke pedesaan,
to fend for himself until 16,
bantuan orang lain sampai umur 16 tahun
di pabrik pakaian.
continue his formal education.
the political landscape changed,
ketika keadaan politik berubah,
university admissions test.
tes masuk universitas yang sangat ketat.
the entire curriculum
untuk mempelajari seluruh kurikulum
from the factory,
dia pulang ke rumah,
went back to work
belajar sampai jam 4 pagi,
every day for three months.
selama tiga bulan.
was unwavering, and he never lost hope.
dan tidak pernah putus asa.
from Cornell and Harvard.
dan putri lainnya lulusan Harvard.
full control over is yourself.
kendali penuh atas dirinya sendiri.
to create a better result?"
lakukan untuk mendapatkan
from giving up on themselves,
a crazy father and several muggings,
ayah yang gila, dan beberapa penjambretan,
gets you through the tough times,
melewati masa sulit,
change your perspective.
perspektif Anda.
don't do it alone.
tidak melakukannya sendirian.
kemampuan terbaik mereka,
bring out the best in them
count on no matter what
diandalkan kapan saja
across two bridges
the president's assistant.
asisten presdir.
untuk fokus pada masa depan
masa lalu saya.
brutally honest feedback,
to help pay for college.
sekaligus pramusaji demi biaya kuliah.
valuable insight.
satu nasehat penting.
to diversity and inclusive practices
keragaman dan praktek inklusif
perusahaan lainnya.
companies for diversity
di 50 perusahaan teratas mereka
yang kelihatan remeh
are passion and purpose.
gairah dan tekad.
Regina Hartley - Human resources expertRegina Hartley thinks that those who don't always look good on paper may be just the person you need to hire.
Why you should listen
Throughout her 25-year UPS career -- working in talent acquisition, succession planning, learning and development, employee relations and communications -- Regina Hartley has seen how, given the opportunity, people with passion and purpose will astound you. Today, Hartley is VP of HR supporting IT and Engineering for UPS, and she makes human connections with employees immersed in technology.
Hartley holds a BA in political science from SUNY Binghamton and an MA in corporate and organizational communication from Fairleigh Dickinson University. She is a certified Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) from the HRCI.
Regina Hartley | Speaker |