Regina Hartley: Why the best hire might not have the perfect resume
Regina Hartley: Prečo najlepší kandidát nemusí mať najlepší životopis
Regina Hartley thinks that those who don't always look good on paper may be just the person you need to hire. Full bio
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a search for an open position.
kandidáta na otvorenú pozíciu.
are identified.
kvalifikovaných kandidátov.
4.0, flawless resume,
výborné výsledky, bezchybný životopis,
fair amount of job hopping,
dosť vystriedaných pozícií
and singing waitress.
alebo spievajúca čašníčka.
very official terms
oficiálny termín
categories of candidates.
rozdielnych typov kandidátov.
and was destined for success.
všetky výhody a bol odsúdený na úspech.
against tremendous odds
veľkým neduhom,
director refer to people
zdrojov, ako sa vyjadruje o ľuďoch
and sounds a bit judgmental.
a znie to, akoby som ich súdila.
certification gets revoked --
na prácu v ľudských zdrojoch,
something about people
niečo o ľuďoch,
like a patchwork quilt,
ako prešívaná prikrývka
a naozaj zvážiť ich záujem o prácu
struggle against obstacles.
bojovať proti prekážkam.
deserves an interview.
aspoň osobný pohovor.
against the Silver Spoon;
from an elite university
a dostať sa až po promócie
engineered toward success,
smerom k úspechu,
because he attended an elite university,
ktorého som prijala,
that were beneath him,
pod jeho úroveň,
to better understand an operation.
s cieľom lepšie pochopiť celú operáciu.
is destined for failure
odsúdení na neúspech
to interview the Scrapper.
porozprávali s Bojovníkom.
because I am a Scrapper.
sama som Bojovník.
with paranoid schizophrenia,
paranoidnú schyzofréniu
in spite of his brilliance.
napriek svojej inteligencii.
„Prelet nad kukučím hniezdom“,
raised by a single mother
vychovaných slobodnou matkou
in Brooklyn, New York.
v New Yorku.
a car, a washing machine,
auto, práčku
we didn't even have a telephone.
sme nemali ani telefón.
between business success and Scrappers,
v biznise a Bojovníkom,
have turned out very differently.
takisto dopadnúť úplne inak.
úspešných ľudí
early hardships,
alcoholism and violence.
alkoholizmus alebo násilie.
that trauma leads to distress,
že trauma vedie k poruchám
on the resulting dysfunction.
následnej dysfunkcii.
data revealed an unexpected insight:
dáta odhalili nečakaný náhľad na vec,
can result in growth and transformation.
viesť k rastu a zmene.
phenomenon has been discovered,
neuveriteľný fenomén,
Post Traumatic Growth.
Post-traumatický rast.
the effects of adversity
na meranie účinkov nepriazne
and extreme conditions,
a najextrémnejšie podmienky,
successful and productive lives.
a produktívny život.
tremendous odds, they succeeded.
sú teraz úspešní.
give him up for adoption.
má ešte aj dyslexiu.
most highly successful entrepreneurs,
podnikateľoch sveta
number have dyslexia.
počet z nich má dyslexiu.
studied had dyslexia.
v prieskume má dyslexiu.
among those entrepreneurs
všetkých podnikateľov,
which provided them an advantage
ktorá im dala výhody,
and paid greater attention to detail.
a dávali si väčší pozor na detaily.
in spite of adversity,
napriek nepriazni,
because of adversity.
kým sa stali
the muscle and grit required
kvality potrebné na to,
had his life completely upended
úplne prevrátený naruby
Cultural Revolution in 1966.
v roku 1966.
to the countryside,
boli vyhnaní na vidiek,
to fend for himself until 16,
sa o seba sám až do 16 rokov,
continue his formal education.
vo svojom vzdelávaní.
the political landscape changed,
keď sa politická situácia zmenila,
university admissions test.
prijímacích testoch na univerzitu.
the entire curriculum
sa naučil celé učivo
from the factory,
domov z továrne
went back to work
išiel späť do práce
every day for three months.
deň po dobu troch mesiacov.
was unwavering, and he never lost hope.
neoblomný a nikdy nestratil nádej.
from Cornell and Harvard.
z Cornell-u a Harvard-u.
full control over is yourself.
máš kontrolu, si ty sám.
to create a better result?"
aby som dosiahol lepší výsledok?“
from giving up on themselves,
a crazy father and several muggings,
šialeného otca a niekoľko prepadov,
gets you through the tough times,
prenesie cez ťažké časy
change your perspective.
zmeniť pohľad na vec.
don't do it alone.
osudu, to nespravia sami.
bring out the best in them
dostanú to najlepšie
count on no matter what
spoľahnúť, aj keby čo bolo,
nepriazne osudu.
across two bridges
dva mosty vozila žena,
the president's assistant.
asistentku prezidentovi.
brutally honest feedback,
úprimnú spätnú väzbu,
to help pay for college.
čašníčka, aby som si zaplatila univerzitu.
valuable insight.
poslednou cennou radou.
to diversity and inclusive practices
a akceptácii nových zamestnancov
companies for diversity
v 50 top spoločnostiach
S&P500 o 25%.
podceňovaného uchádzača,
are passion and purpose.
vášeň a zmysel.
Regina Hartley - Human resources expertRegina Hartley thinks that those who don't always look good on paper may be just the person you need to hire.
Why you should listen
Throughout her 25-year UPS career -- working in talent acquisition, succession planning, learning and development, employee relations and communications -- Regina Hartley has seen how, given the opportunity, people with passion and purpose will astound you. Today, Hartley is VP of HR supporting IT and Engineering for UPS, and she makes human connections with employees immersed in technology.
Hartley holds a BA in political science from SUNY Binghamton and an MA in corporate and organizational communication from Fairleigh Dickinson University. She is a certified Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) from the HRCI.
Regina Hartley | Speaker |